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美白面膜被指含荧光增白剂存隐患 选购需谨慎--亲稳舆论引导监测室


According to the sound of China[Wide central news]reports,Whitening mask is almost every woman likes to hand the necessary sheet is tasted one,According to the statistics,Asian cities women on average every week at least once a mask.however,Consumer through the test to find out,Some whitening mask the most effective"Whitening ingredients"But for fluorescent whitening agent,Even with water can't wash off.


Beijing institute of clothing technology institute of materials research associate professor gong to think,Mask is actually a kind of carrier,It is to use non-woven fabrics and various kinds of material as a carrier,The skin need material put up.From professional terms,Face film is actually changed the traditional way of cosmetics to send,To have a good sustainable maintenance function,Of course, it is also the purpose of the invention mask.But because the mask itself of the membrane material and not source of nutrients,So it will depend on the effect of liquid film,And in the liquid film on the market is divided into several categories,A water composition/Oil composition,Plus some nutrition,Including amino acids/Protein and so on.


Have net friend say,They like the original glue masks,Like the mask on the face after finalize the design from the feeling of tear it out,Think in pore impurity and dust all this mask a tear came down.Kung research this mask is this is good,It can remove the dirt in the pores;But also have bad places,Tear mask,Human blood capillary is rich,Will be destroyed;Another often use this mask,The pores may be coarsening bigger,Or even affect the sweat.So kung inquiry into professor suggest that consumers in the choose and buy the products don't immediately take his face do the experiment,Must be in the hand or arm to give it a try,See if there are any allergic phenomenon.


Kung inquiry into professor also mentioned,Now fluorescent whitening agent be abused,Is not only face also is not only the whitening cosmetics,There are some flour product will also increase the fluorescent whitening agent.Fluorescent whitening agent have synthetic and natural,A lot of face film special white is very bright,Very likely is increased fluorescent whitening agent.


He said,According to the initial study says,Fluorescent whitening agent on medicine has certain security hidden danger.Last year in August,Fujian's a female customer for doubt taking a kind of beautiful white composition of the mask,After black face,Nose bleeding,Suddenly sudden death.This research this kung,Out after things,Enterprise with the lowest standard for them the standard,In fact is a kind of irresponsible attitude.From the point of medical Angle,Applied directly to face the possibility of death is not big,But because the skin allergy or the mask contains some essence/Spice to hypnosis,Even cause people suffocation,This possibility is not ruled out.So to avoid such a thing happening again,Will need to participate in the expert inside course of study,Causal relation to find.For consumers,Choose whitening mask must also be careful.(Reporter CheLi)
