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委员建议制定自然死亡法案 官方称推行时机不成熟--亲稳舆论引导监测室

委员建议制定自然死亡法案 官方称推行时机不成熟

  新京报讯 (记者魏铭言)今年全国两会上,很多医卫界政协委员都收到了一本书《我的死亡谁做主》,倡导人“尊严死”,即“自然死亡”。

Beijing - (Reporter wei MingYan)National two sessions this year,Many YiWeiJie CPPCC member received a book[My death who make decision],advocate"Dignity of death",That is"A natural death".


Send book person is a member of the CPPCC national committee/Xuanwu hospital, capital medical university, director of neurosurgery ling feng.She suggested that,Our country should formulate"Natural death act",Will be"Living wills"Incorporated in the health care reform agenda,To save a hopeless case in conscious,Voluntarily choose death way.Ling feng stressed,"A natural death"Different from the"euthanasia",Only in death have irreversible circumstances,Stop life health care measures,Let the natural life dies,In order to reduce the pain of unnecessary rescue,Maintain the dignity of death.


医生观点 The doctor view


1/3危重病人抢救是无谓的 A third rescue of critically ill patients is meaningless


The CPPCC national committee/Hospital of Peking University professor of cardiology blood:I am in favor of"A natural death".Hear that so often in the hospital,"Dead horse when alive"/"Hope there is a points,We will do a percentage",A variety of social causes,For instance, children"filial",The hospital/Doctors worry about doctor-patient dispute,Killing a lot of knowledge is irreversible end-stage patients,Still in the rescue.This rescue,To the patient's life might not help,Sometimes the cause more pain;In addition,The medical resources are wasted.I estimate that a third of the critically ill patients in hospitals,The rescue is meaningless.


方法论 The methodology


由医生团队判定执行时机 Performed by the team doctor determine the timing


blood:push"Natural death"There are many problems to be solved.Such as the,Even if the patients have"wills",Who is going to determine"Natural death"The timing of the?This is different from euthanasia,Actually patients family members have no right to decide when to make patients die,Otherwise there will be a lot of ethical issues.Therefore needs to be signed by a professional team,According to the disease and symptoms in patients with scientific decision when can perform"wills",Suggest that patients die naturally.


The doctor team,Should be made by the patient's doctor,Deadly disease corresponding subject specialists,And of medical ethics in the us,Also can use for reference the experience of foreign courts jury,Invite independent third party to participate in and supervise the team doctor"Natural death"The timing of judgement and advice.


官方态度 Official attitudes


推行“自然死”时机不成熟 push"Natural death"Timing was not mature


The CPPCC national committee/Deputy health minister huang jiefu:I am in favor of professor ling feng about"A natural death"Point of view.But this is a very complicated problem,At present in China,It is premature.If the improper operation,"Natural death"Turns out to be"euthanasia",Cause many ethical problems.


In addition,China is now in the implementation of organ donation,People began to accept organ donation of three standards in China,The brain death/Cardiac death and heart - brain death,If now start"A natural death",It is easy to cause confusion.so,"A natural death"Have to be very prudent in promoting this.


会场之外 Outside the venue


网友拟“生前预嘱”吁关注“死亡” Netizen proposed"Living wills"J: focus on"death"


recently,Founded by a group of volunteers"Select and dignity"Web site,For the Chinese to write the first samples of living wills,That is[My five desires],All as per person over the age of 18 can fill in,So that when people is health or conscious signed documents,Namely in the late incurable injury or death when what kind of medical care instructions file do you want to or not.


File is five basic points:"I want to health services or not"/"I want to use or not use support life health care system"/"How I want others to treat me"/"I want to let my family and friends know"and"I want to let who help me".This file does not have legal effect,Website founder of hope,Through such forms to help the patient's family know patients unable to express ideas,At the same time also to call for society"death"Pay close attention to and think about.
