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黑龙江“换心人”术后健康19年 再次刷新亚洲纪录--亲稳网络舆情监控室
中新网哈尔滨4月26日电(李华虹 方若冰记者 杨静)26日,记者从哈尔滨医科大学附属第二医院第九届“爱心日”大型义诊活动现场了解到,黑龙江省尚志市的数学教师于文峰心脏移植后健康19年,再次刷新亚洲心脏移植术后存活纪录。
Beijing, Harbin, April 26 (kcna)(Giudice lc Li Huahong Fang Rebing journalists)On the 26th,Reporter from Harbin medical university second affiliated hospital of the 9th"Love day"Large yizhen activities the scene to understand,Heilongjiang province Yu Wenfeng ShangZhiShi maths teacher health 19 years after heart transplantation,Again to refresh the Asian record survival after heart transplantation.
Yu Wenfeng told reporters,Cannot because surgery is to think of itself as a seriously ill patients who do nothing,It is not healthy,Rational knowledge is to heart disease’yangxin’The key to.I every day work,Planning a good life rhythm,Keep in a good mood,Timely communicate with the doctor,Regular tests to understand his heart condition,Is the heart‘maintenance’The secret of the most simple.
We have learned,Yu Wenfeng is now a high school class teacher in charge,Postoperative ninth graduating class is about to bring his sprint for the college entrance examination.He never put himself as a heart patient,Nineteen years of his heart"Like the palm of his hand".
According to the second hospital affiliated to Harbin medical university, director of the cardiac Jiang Shulin is introduced,In 1994,,Yu Wenfeng consists of cardiomyopathy cause serious arrhythmia in hospital,On admission has had repeated ventricular fibrillation,And have the edema of lower limbs,Save many times,There is a risk of sudden death at any time.On February 8, the,HaYiDa 2 hospital investment more than eighty medical staff for the second case the heart transplant surgery.Yu Wenfeng postoperative 3 days many indicators only began to return to normal,After half a month,Yu Wenfeng heart and body state had to bounce back,Even can was released from the hospital.
据了解,1992年4月26日由哈尔滨医科大学附属第二医院心胸外科专家夏求明教授主刀,哈医大二院的上百位专家,20多个科室通力合作,为多年扩张性心肌炎患者——哈尔滨市太平区东风镇农民杨玉民施行了东北地区首例同种异体心脏移植术,一年以后,杨玉民回归社会,自食其力,并于第二年喜得“千金”。 2010年11月20日,杨玉民在术后18年6个月26天后,因多脏器衰竭在哈尔滨病逝,其健康生活18年半成为全亚洲心脏移植后健康生存时间最长的人。
We have learned,On April 26, 1992 by the second affiliated hospital of Harbin medical university cardiothoracic surgery expert professor Xia Qiuming butcher,HaYiDa 2 hospital hundreds of experts,More than 20 departments to work together,For many years expansionary myocarditis patients - Harbin TaiPingOu dongfeng town farmers Yang of the northeast's first allogeneic heart transplantation,A year later,Yang return to society,own,And in the second year of joy"daughter". On November 20, 2010,Yang 18 years and 6 months after surgery in 26 days,Died of multiple organ failure in Harbin,18 and a half years to become the healthy life all over Asia longest healthy survival after heart transplantation.
Yu Wenfeng heart transplant surgery has a healthy life for 19 years,Breaking the record of Yang live 18 and a half years,As a new"In the heart"record.(After the)
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