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意外伤后首先要考虑止血 切勿用香灰等污物撒伤口--亲稳舆论引导监测室
记者 杨蔚然 通讯员 黄配
记者 杨蔚然 通讯员 黄配
指导专家 长沙市第一医院
指导专家 长沙市The first医院
蒋 林 脊柱外科主任、主任医师
蒋林 脊柱外科主任/Chief physician
郦 俊 急诊科主任、主任医师
郦俊 急诊科主任/Chief physician
[Emergency rescue]The earthquake casualties,Main is crush injury and impact injuries,Limbs and head facial vulnerable to trauma,Once you have trauma,Is hard to avoid bloodshed,If there is excessive loss of blood,Life happens,Hemostasis is critical at this time.How to rescue yourself stop bleeding?
止血方法有多种,Should be based on specific situation to choose bleeding.If injury to anybody,First of all, on the hemostatic measures,And then go to the medical institutions to the nearest emergency as soon as possible,Or to 120 immediately for help.
外伤出血的现场急救,Is mainly refers to pressure hemostasis,Is suitable for the bleeding artery injury.Methods based on finger pressing the wound near the side of the heart artery,Make the blood flow to blocked arteries and hemostatic effect.Bleeding should action quickly/The bleeding altogether,When they can't stop bleeding,Can call please to help others.
举例说明,More such as subcutaneous hemorrhage happened in the fall/squeeze/Under the condition of contusion,Skin is not damaged,Is simply the subcutaneous soft tissue bleeding,To form the hematoma/blotchy.The bleeding,For external use commonly huoxue huayu/Slightly swelling pain processing,Can then be recovered.
皮肤表面的毛细血管出血,Performance is slowly seeping/The bleeding little,Will automatically stop,No risk.If there is around"band-aid",A stick is good.
切勿用香灰、煤油、石灰、泥土等污物撒到伤口里止血。 切勿用香灰/kerosene/lime/泥土, etc.污物撒到伤口里止血.
[Psychological guidance]The loss caused by earthquake than fire/The flood is much bigger,Once the earthquake happened,It is difficult to get aid immediately.In the face of major emergencies,First of all should keep calm,This is man's triumph over all kinds of natural disasters/Perfect the necessary condition to survive.The second,His own(Or to seek help or help others)Out of danger.Once again,,For help,Must remember this three telephone number:110(nature)/119(The fire alarm)/120(hospital).
昏迷及胸脑外伤的救护法 昏迷及胸脑外伤的救护法
[Emergency rescue]The first,Coma rescue method:If find emergency coma,To let the patient side immediately,Remove the nasopharyngeal secretions or foreign bodies,Keep the airway open,To prevent the sputum suction.Should strengthen the protection of agitation,Prevent fell to the ground,And rushed to the clinic treatment.
第二,Brain trauma care method:The men who were killed in emergencies,Head trauma accounted for more than half,Most died within 24 hours after injury.Found the injured brain,Don't literally move patients,Pay attention to fixed its head/The neck,Micro back up,In order to ensure smooth respiratory tract.If the victim stops breathing,Can be carried out artificial respiration.If the pulse disappear,Can be heart pressure.If scalp bleeding,可用干净纱布, etc.直接压迫止血.If you have blood and cerebrospinal fluid from the nose/Ear out,Make the victim to suffer from side to side,Namely, the left ear/Nose outflow of cerebrospinal fluid left side as you,The opposite of right side.
第三,Chest trauma care method:Mild chest trauma,Just be wipe of chest wall/受挫, etc.,Mainly for pain in chest wall,After the pain/Hot compress/服用舒筋活血药物, etc.治疗后,A few days to recover.Severe chest trauma is fractured ribs.
胸部发生骨折会出现各种各样的情形,If connected to several ribs fracture at the same time(Floating fractures,Also called flail chest),At this time also need to seal the wound as soon as possible,And let the injured taken down decubitus affected part.
[Psychological guidance]
以上患者在康复过程中,The mental health status will be throughout the entire course of the disease and care always.Remind staff and their families,To grasp the different periods of patients with mental state,Training intensity to patients can accept for the principle,Make patients by passive movement gradually transition to the active movement,By alternative care gradually transition to self care,Maximize patient survival function of the body.
此外,Also should pay attention to observe the patient's cognitive function and emotional changes,Found abnormalities should be handled in a timely manner,This access to comprehensive rehabilitation is an important premise for the patient.
扭伤及对截肢者的救护法 扭伤及对截肢者的救护法
[Emergency rescue]In emergencies,If a body or joint sprain,First is the cold for 30 minutes.It is better to ice,Also can use cold water instead.After the cold,The members, or joint fixed in a comfortable position with gauze,Raise the limb.After lumbar sprain,Best to feel more comfortable position,The lower extremity pad high.
如果是重伤患者,Such as limb stump available in elastic bandage,To often/Uniform pressure and massage,In order to reduce residual pain,Promote tissue recovery,And to prevent muscle atrophy.
常用手轻轻拍打残端,Can reduce the sensitivity.Should try to maintain limb stumps in straight position,In order to prevent the residual limb flexion deformity.
指导其早日开始功能锻炼,Play an important role to prevent limb pain.Below leg amputees,After remove the temporary prosthesis assembly exercise load.
功能锻炼应循序渐进,Upper limb pectoral girdle is broken,Activities on fields easily lose the center of gravity balance,Should have people around to help.Engaged in activities for the first time is not used,Easy to affect mood,Family members and medical personnel have to drum force and help patients,Adaptability of exercise actively,Guide them to use them correctly,In case of fall down and hurt.
[Psychological guidance]The tangshan earthquake left 160000 people disabled,With high paraplegia is 3817 people.The wenchuan earthquake,Amputation patients caused by as many as thousands of people.
在截肢成为他们保存性命的唯一希望下,Every one survivor almost amputation was finally chosen.Have a leg,No legs,Are two kinds of life.Amputation pain will be in after half month past,But to adapt to life in hand no legs or no,Will is a lifetime of psychological pressure.so,To strengthen the psychological care of patients targeted,It is important.
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