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20年不吃早饭 壮汉患胆囊炎--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室


"Eaten yet?"This is the Chinese say "hello",But the accelerating rhythm of life,Especially need to be on the way to work to spend more than an hour of young people,Basic it rarely"Take time to"I eat breakfast.The reporter understands from spleen and stomach disease nanjing Chinese families,Have cholecystitis/In patients with stomach problems,Is almost more than half of young people don't eat breakfast.


In the clinic,Mr. Liu, 32, told reporters,He is a pain in my stomach really can't stand it,Eat stomach medicine/Painkillers are useless to the hospital.About this thing for breakfast,Mr Liu said want to half a day,"May have haven't eaten breakfast in 20 years."To say,Mr Liu is not,He felt that the morning all don't feel hungry at all,Instead of eating the are uncomfortable,But didn't think out the problem more,cholecystitis/Inflammation of the stomach,The digestive system is messed up all over.

  据该院脾胃病科杨勤副主任中医师介绍,在门诊中出现消化道不适的年轻人,十有八九都是不好好吃饭的,有像刘先生一样工作忙碌顾不上早饭的;有为减肥不吃饭的;也有平时“虐待”自己,一到周末就暴饮暴食,这些饮食习惯都是不健康的。尤其是不吃早饭对胆囊伤害比较大。“胆汁主要含胆盐,如果不吃早饭,胆汁得不到排放,致使胆囊膨胀,充满浓缩的胆汁,其中高浓度的胆盐即有强烈的致炎作用,造成胆囊化脓性感染,可能会刺激胆囊壁发生明显炎症变化,可能诱发胆囊炎。”杨主任说,同时,胃长时间处于饥饿状态,会造成胃酸分泌过多,于是容易造成胃炎、胃溃疡。此外,不吃早饭危害很多,比如引起低血糖、 肠胃功能紊乱,肥胖等各种问题。

According to the hospital, deputy director of spleen and stomach disease division Yang Qin TCM doctor,Young people in clinic digestive discomfort,Nine times out of ten is not good to eat,Like Mr. Liu busy work without breakfast;The not eating for weight loss;There are usually"abuse"oneself,Overeat at weekends,These eating habits are not healthy.Especially the injury to gallbladder don't eat breakfast is larger."Bile is mainly contain bile salts,If you don't eat breakfast,Bile is no emissions,The gallbladder inflation,Full of concentrated bile,With high concentrations of bile salts that have a strong inflammatory effect,Caused by gallbladder suppurative infection,May stimulate the gallbladder wall change obvious inflammation,May induce cholecystitis."Yang, director of the said,At the same time,The stomach hungry for a long time,Can cause excessive gastric acid secretion,So likely to cause gastritis/Gastric ulcer.In addition,Don't eat breakfast harm a lot,Such as to cause low blood sugar/ Dysfunction of the stomach,All kinds of problems such as obesity.

  “早餐吃得像国王,中餐吃得像绅士,晚餐吃得像贫民”,该院膳食科吴欣耘营养师建议,早餐倒不是越丰盛越好,而是要讲究个“搭”字,合理搭配富含水分和营养的食物。牛奶、豆浆符合上述要求,可任选。同时还应加上其他“干点”,也就是我们常说的谷物类主食,纠正一夜后可能产生的低血糖,并可提高大脑的活力及人体对牛奶、豆浆中营养素的利用率。蛋白质和脂肪也是不可缺少的,比如鸡蛋、豆制品、瘦肉、花生等,食物在胃里停留较久,还能使人整个上午精力充沛。(通讯员 钱文娟 记者 于丹丹)

"Eat breakfast like a king,Chinese food to eat like a gentleman,Like poor people for dinner",The hospital ShanShiKe Wu Xinyun nutritionists suggest,Breakfast is not as good as possible,But want to pay attention to"take"word,Reasonable collocation food rich in water and nutrients.milk/Soya-bean milk meet above requirement,Can be optional.At the same time also should be combined with other"Do something",Or what we often say that the grain type of staple food,Of hypoglycemia may be produced after a night of correct,And to enhance the vitality of the brain and human milk/Soya-bean milk nutrients utilization.Protein and fat is also indispensable,Such as egg/Soy products/Lean meat/Peanuts, etc.,Food in the stomach stay longer,Can also make a person energetic the whole morning.(The correspondent Qian Wenjuan Yu Dandan journalist)
