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不得不相信presbyopia眼已经不再是老年人的专利了,The vast majority of people around the age of 40 ~ 45,Eyes will quietly appeared"presbyopia",Look at the fine print when a blur,Have to book/Newspapers took far to see the handwriting.In fact,Presbyopia is a kind of normal human physiological phenomena,Is the body began to signs of aging.
如何防止老花眼提前“报到”? How to prevent presbyopia in advance"To report for duty"?
presbyopia眼尽管是一种正常的人体衰老现象,But with eyes, adhere to the science,Can delay the presbyopia coming early.Depending on the optical center recommend Formosa,At ordinary times can do a radial shaft,Namely, relax your eyes,overlook,Cover one eye,Let the other eye as far as possible in the direction of ipsilateral ears,And then covering the eye,In the other one to see,Alternate training.
"Under normal circumstances,After 35 years of age,Should do a comprehensive inspection every year to the eyes,Found that vision to wear the right glasses.In our daily life,To ensure enough sleep,When using a computer is no more than an hour,You should let your eyes a rest,Can't use eye fatigue.This time can do a office/Eye health,Activity of cervical vertebra and so on,Ten minutes to go.On the diet,Should eat more rich in vitamin A/B group of vitamins,Such as soy products/eggs/Carrots, etc.,As far as possible not to smoke,Eat less spicy food."Formosa senior optometrists are suggested.At the moment,"Eye strain"The main reason is presbyopia younger gradually.As Formosa optometrist said,Prevent presbyopia in advance"To report for duty",Attention should be paid to rational use eye and daily health care,Don't let your eyes overload.
40岁以后,眼花了怎么办? After 40 years old,What to do at the?
现实中,Everyone see presbyopia as old logo,After reading a lot in my early 40 s,Because the old hard support when they refuse to wear reading glasses to correct vision,This burden aggravate the eyes.Because presbyopia if not wearing glasses,Even if barely see near the target,Also due to the force adjustment/Ciliary muscle contraction,To produce a variety of eye fatigue phenomenon,Such as a headache/Sore eyes/Blurred vision, etc.,So after presbyopic eye to wear reading glasses to correct.
但是传统presbyopia镜的光学原理决定了它只能看近处,Watch the distance to remove glasses,To people's work and life has brought a lot of inconvenience.Especially in myopia,Appears after reading will appear more inconvenience.Depending on the optical center of the expert introduction according to Formosa,As Formosa progressive focal lens can see far more close consideration,At the same time myopia/presbyopia/hyperopia/Astigmatism and other vision problems can be solved through a pair of glasses,Is very convenient.
“少花眼”警惕5大配镜误区 "Little presbyopia"Vigilance 5 glasses for mistake
眼科专家们发现,People to protect the eyes and love is not enough,Especially in presbyopia glasses for issues,Many people have wrong idea.In fact,Improper reading glasses to wear not only can not play the role of vision correction,It will backfire.Formosa optical center senior optometrists remind just appear aging phenomenon"Little presbyopia"Be aware the following five glasses,As soon as possible to correct these errors.
误区1:Is not it,Buy cheap glasses casually.Think reading is a small problem,也不舍得花money,Literally buy and wear a pair of reading glasses,Mistakes don't think for a long time to wear as long as you can see the word.Reading is a kind of special commodity,Can't buy,With reading glasses to professional institutions,The best tailor.
误区2:Wearing a pair of reading glasses in the end.Reading glasses is not once and for all thing,Glasses will not be changed for a long time,Will appear aging deformation of frame and lenses,Affect visual result,Accelerated aging degree rise.To regularly every year check sight presbyopia/Calibration frames/Replace the lens.
误区3:Many people share a pair of reading glasses.Regardless of the vision status differences from person to person,Share a pair of reading glasses with others,This can cause eye eyesight situation worse and worse,To see more and more demanding.Be sure to keep in mind,Must be one pair of reading glasses,Do not share.
误区4:Presbyopia can regulate recover by itself,Don't your mirror.Aging hard support don't wear reading glasses,Think of presbyopia can adjust good by itself,Is a kind of wrong view.Formosa optometrist said:Presbyopic can not through their own physical strength to make it reverse,Your not wearing glasses,Will interfere with the normal work/Study and life.
误区5:Presbyopia is a normal physiological phenomenon,There is no health problems.People once they reach a certain age,Besides presbyopia,Also can have dry eyes/cataract/Glaucoma, etc. A lot of eye disease,All can affect visual function,So to do eye check on a regular basis.Reading at ordinary times/See computer time shoulds not be too long,To do more outdoor sports/Reasonable diet.
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