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(For Gettyimages figure)
The doctor will choose according to the type of seizures in patients with corresponding drugs,As long as the standard medication,Ready to monitor on a regular basis,Is safer
本报讯 (记者莫冠婷 通讯员 林惠芳)4岁的迅迅有一次在幼儿园和其他小朋友玩耍时突然一声尖叫,倒在地上全身抽搐、口吐白沫,几分钟后呼呼大睡,送医院检查被诊断为癫痫发作。这个消息对家长来说如同晴天霹雳,妈妈关女士十分沮丧,非常担心孩子以后长期服用抗癫痫药物会对智力等造成不良影响。
Report from our correspondent (The reporter MoGuanTing correspondent Lin Huifang)4, rapidly once playing with other children in kindergarten a sudden scream,Fell to the ground the whole body twitch/Foaming at the mouth,Sleep in a few minutes,To a hospital inspection diagnosed with epilepsy.The news like a bolt from the blue for parents,Mother guan was frustrated,Very worry about children after long-term use of antiepileptic drugs can cause bad influence on intelligence, etc.
Experts say,Epilepsy medications generally need 2 ~ 4 years or so,But parents don't have to worry too much about.The doctor will choose according to the type of seizures in patients with antiepileptic drugs,As long as the standard medication,Regular inspection of monitoring,Is relatively safe.In addition,Once the children suffering from epilepsy,Parents should pay attention to adjust state of mind - epilepsy can be controlled.If parents attitude is not correct,May also caused a certain degree of negative impact on the growth of children.
Take patients to the hospital
Must keep the airway open
Guangdong Chang Yanqun chief physician, director of the health care of women and children medical rehabilitation division is introduced,Epilepsy is one of pediatric common diseases of the nervous system,It is due to the sudden abnormal discharge of brain neurons,In short a chronic disease of brain dysfunction.Cause the cause of epilepsy is complicated,Including genetic factors,/The development of congenital brain abnormalities/Cerebral tumor/Intracranial infection/Traumatic brain injury/Cerebrovascular abnormality, etc..
When I heard children suddenly with a scream,Fell to the ground foaming at the mouth/The whole body twitching/When two eyes on the turn,Don't panic,Should keep calm.
Before the child to hospital,Can simply do some processing:1. First of all, let the child lay down and turn your head to one side,Check whether the breathing is stable,Airway is obstructed,If inside nasal secretions to wash them away;2. Observe children onset duration and attack,General epilepsy of the children in the attack alleviate by oneself will last a few minutes,After easing to hospital again;If more than 5 minutes has yet to see relief,To hospital at once.In the hospital on the way,Pay attention to keep airway open.3. After the doctor,Parents or witnesses should calmly will children onset and the duration of the performance/If accompanied by fever, such as information feedback to the doctor in detail,If these information can help the doctor make the important basis of epileptic seizures.At the same time,Your doctor will give the child do electroencephalogram (eeg),Help diagnosis and judgment of seizure types.
Reducing drug withdrawal without authorization
Grand mal or induced
"Once diagnosed with epilepsy,Drug treatment time is relatively long,Probably need to 2 ~ 4 years."Chang Yanqun said,Many parents worry about most is antiepileptic drugs can affect brain intelligence or other aspects of the body,Actually don't need to worry too much about.The doctor will choose according to the type of seizures in patients with antiepileptic drugs,As long as the standard medication,Grasp the dosage and indications,Regular inspection of monitoring,Or is relatively safe.
He mentioned,Some antiepileptic drugs have an effect on the nervous system function,But if the drug dosage appropriate adjustment,Can reduce the adverse reaction.Such as phenobarbitone on cognitive will have certain effect,But the drug for infants and young children period epilepsy treatment effect is better,And cheaper.so,Some babies need medication for a long time,The doctor may choose to phenobarbital,At the same time do the monitoring,When waiting for a baby or you need to accept education after the age of 3,Consider to replace with other drugs.
Some antiepileptic drugs have certain damage on liver and kidney function, etc,If a child with liver damage(Such as hepatitis, etc.),Some genetic metabolic diseases or itself exists,To avoid the use of antiepileptic drugs on liver and kidney function is damaged.Parents believe that the doctor's treatment,Don't because of fear of the side effects of antiepileptic drugs and refused to drugs.
In addition,Some parents see children of symptoms after medication,He stopped without medicine or drugs,This is likely to induce grand mal or status epilepticus,Treatment of children is very adverse.Epilepsy drug treatment is a long-term process,The doctor/The patient and family all need to have sufficient patience.Parents should strictly follow the doctor's individualized treatment plan,Do not grasping,Looking for the so-called"Ancestral secret recipe".
Parents correct mindset
Avoid negative self-talk
Chang Yanqun also remind,Epilepsy has certain risk,So the parents and the child's psychological will cause a certain degree of adverse effects.Some parents hear their children suffering from epilepsy,Think it is a very fear and disgrace.If too much on their parents face problems,May be in a child's growth process invisibly send such a message to them:He brought embarrassment or disease to the parents let parents face,This will make the child in the growth is full of guilt and remorse,Or become withdrawn due to the disease.Unfortunately once children suffering from epilepsy,Parents should pay attention to adjust state of mind,Epilepsy is actually can be controlled.
On the prevention of epilepsy,Newlyweds to eugenics,Ready for genetic counseling.To avoid a virus or bacterial infection during pregnancy/To avoid radiation/Regular prenatal/Avoid maternal injuries,These have important significance on prevention of secondary epilepsy.
A link to the:
Three hospitals in guangzhou
Free to recruit people with epilepsy
本报讯 (记者冯冯)经国家食品药品监督管理局批准,一项针对癫痫患者的临床观察项目正在包括广州医学院第二附属医院、中山大学附属第三医院、广州医学院第一附属医院等全国20多家三甲医院的神经内科开展,对于符合条件的患者除可免费获得核磁共振等相关检查和治疗药物外,还可获得癫痫专家的悉心指导和精心治疗。
Report from our correspondent (The reporter feng feng)Approved by the state food and drug administration,A study of epilepsy in patients with clinical observation project is including the second affiliated hospital of guangzhou medical college/Third affiliated hospital of zhongshan university/Guangzhou first affiliated hospital, school of medicine, such as the national more than 20 of the 3 armour hospital neurology,For eligible patients in addition to the freely available outside the nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and other relevant examination and treatment,Can also be epileptic expert guidance and careful treatment.
If you or your friends and family can enter meet the following conditions:Aged 16 and above,Weight in kg and above 40,Application is one to three kinds of antiepileptic drugs are still unable to fully control of epilepsy patients.Above for the part into the set of conditions,Inclusion criteria held by doctors in the end.
Please sign up first telephone appointment:020-87275696 or 400-630-3390(From Monday to Sunday at 9 ~ 17:30pm).In order to guarantee the normal medical order of the hospital,Without an appointment will not be received.
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