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家长一味为孩子牺牲 不是爱而是害--亲稳网络舆情监控室

家长一味为孩子牺牲 不是爱而是害 资料图片 Material picture


recently,A school with master degree/Once was a company manager pay name is my mother,Applying for resignation came to her daughter's school dormitory administrator,Start the alternative"Or relatives can apply for"life.time,The mother's practice cause of hot debate,People in the sigh"Chinese mother love"More than of also can not help but ask:The parents for the child blindly sacrifice,What is love or harm?


事件 老总妈妈辞职陪读 Event manager mother or relatives can apply for to resign


According to the sound of China[News aspect]reports,A name is pay mother although have school master degree,Once was a company manager,but,In order to take care of in a boarding school there daughter,She quit her job she apply for to her daughter's school dormitory administrator,Start the alternative"Or relatives can apply for"life.


The master's level dormitory administrator said,If you know the daughter was in the side,Heart is steadfast.She also said,Children in high school in the future,She is going to or relatives can apply for,Go abroad at the university of reading,Conditional word she would follow together.


Some say,"Poor heart all the parents,Mother is really great,Love the child is better than love oneself,Hope there will be a return to pay!"Also someone says,"Parents give up his own business,Blindly for the child sacrifice,This should be‘Child slavery’the!You can accompany the children,Can accompany lifetime?"


Others think,this"Convoy type"Education cause the child's inertia,Greenhouse flowers can't afford to wind and rain is the greenhouse master fault,Under the big tree saplings long is not high is the tree in the wrong.Thought is to protect,It is in the way.


声音 其实这是一种双重迷失 Voice in fact this is a kind of double lost


Ms zhao(Retired teacher):The parents for the children blindly sacrifice,Even abandon their career and life,Do more harm than good,Not to follow.At the same time,This is a kind of double lost.Such as the master's mother,She lost in their own at the same time,May let the child lost.On the one hand,Give up her job,Her value has no way of reflecting too.On the other hand,May make children or relatives can apply to the development of a potential stifle,Finally and original intention and phase against.


Children to grow up, not only need parents' love and company,But with and love over may influence and extrusion child self growth space.Parents do it for someone else,Do all the children,The child became a long not big"baby",Also easy to cause the child's classmate/Children have friends to view.


parents/Children should not be"Concentric circles",They each should be an independent"round",Every person should have his own"bullseye".As an independent"round",They can intersect,But no overlap.so,The child again small,Should also let them through their eyes to see the world,Parents don't instead of children to experience and facing all,Only in this way,The child to grow faster,Also more competitive.


对孩子可能产生无形压力 To the child may produce the invisible pressure


Mr. Li(A company staff):Some may think that sacrifice for children all parents is very great,I don't think so.I to children and no doting habit.Say I a friend's"Or relatives can apply for"The story.This friend"Or relatives can apply for"Result is,Children crazy.love,Sometimes will be hurt.


Better friends by nature,When she wanted to good students are admitted to the university,And she fell the list had to ZhaoGan.Actually hire her unit is very good,Civil service jobs,She also did handy,It was also promoted.


After marriage ChengGuSheng female,A friend to her place great hope.Daughter is a smart child,Performance is also very good.Daughter is in the middle school,In order to better take care of children,Friends early dealt with early retirement,Keep at home every day,Everything is in turn around the child.


The teenager children some rebel.But mother give up work at home or relatives can apply for,Also brings to the child the invisible pressure.In a test after Waterloo,Friend's daughter in low spirits,Study no improvement.later,The child every day is not to say that this pain is pain there,After a period of time in the hospital,The doctor diagnosed said children appear the phenomenon of schizophrenia.Just like a bolt from the blue!now,Friend's daughter all one's life to take medicine,Speaking of children,Friends too deep for tears.


Parents give up self,All the hopes on children,In the child,,Sometimes is a kind of can't bear the heavy.


错失对孩子教育追悔莫及 Miss for children education regret


Ms wu(Forty years old,School children):If you could go back in time,I would like to get back to the past,As long as the child can return to campus,Healthy growth.


My husband and I came to xiamen from foreign played for many years,Finally had his own business.When we stop to breath,Just found out that the sunshine/Aspirant son never don't come back.Should be in senior one son now free in the outside the campus.Every day,He and the society made a bunch of friends drone,And parents almost zero communication.


I contrition before two years because of busy work missed to son of meticulous care and care.Always think the child not sorrow, and did eat and drink/Don't worry about dress and have read should not learn too bad,But such a careless let the son day by day slip from the us more and more far.


Due to the change of the son he loves the Internet.The teacher reflect him for not doing his homework,Frequent absence from class.The development of YeBuGuiSu later.After the third son don't want to go to school,There is nothing that we can do.


Perhaps the most need our son in time,He didn't find rely on.And miss with/Education son's best chance,Let us regret.Education child's frustration become our heart forever of pain.


so,I understand mother would resign or relatives can apply for the daughter of the mood.Education children,Parents should have sacrifice,Of course,If you can master the best degree.


讲堂 Lecture hall


别让关爱变成了伤害 Don't let love become hurt


郭顺敏(原厦门松柏中学校长) GuoShunMin(The original xiamen coniferyl high school principal)


As one writer said:"People have two kinds of rights,One is the care and management of their rights,One is to care about others/Help the rights of others."Children are more than ten years old,The mother is the child's learning/Eat and drink pull scatter sleep all pipe up,That is deprived of the child's first kind of right;Don't let children to care for their parents/Care for her people,That is deprived of her second kind of right.


The child's individual experience,Is their growth must experience.If children live in the elder was arranged condition,Don't have their own thoughts,The more didn't have the courage to practice,It is not to take the consequences.This lack of personal experience,Can cause them to self-awareness of confusion,Will become their growth obstacles.


Of course,Children sometimes ideas/Thought is not mature and even dangerous harmful,Need adult guidance and restriction.But a child what idea is there,What are not independent,So the child's innocent/The vitality of life/The value of childhood and where?


Someone saw the pupa in the cocoon painful struggle,He wanted to help pupa son to a new life to break free,Use a knife to cut the cocoon,Completely do not know this is the life of a kill.Early from the cocoon of pupa son,No chance to change into a beautiful butterfly,Not with the spring flowers the company.


No parents don't love children.Many parents think according to his way to love children,Pay a lot of heart and strength,Even as the mother to pay,Sacrificing all,What does not know this heavy care for children may be a kind of burden and pressure.If we want to let children feel the love of parents,But the love must be moderate.


In addition,Parents give children make what kind of model,Will produce what kind of results.Can imagine such a picture:Mother education daughter,I die for you,Do you want to study well;The daughter ask why want to learn.Mother said that the future can take an examination of famous university.Daughter asked why want to take an examination of famous university.Mother said can find good job when manager make a lot of money,The daughter ask again so what,When I have kids won't give up after all?
