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Guangzhou more than 6 people per in hundreds of teenagers have asthma!This is world asthma day, reporters on May 7th"World asthma day health lectures and big clinic"Having obtained the.
As the air quality becomes poor, and environmental degradation,Guangzhou youth rates continue to rise,In recent years, has a trend of getting younger over the asthma patients,Children patients increased.According to academician zhong nanshan with researchers in an epidemiological survey,Guangzhou 13, 14-year-old asthma incidence has risen from 3.9% in 1994 to 6.3% in 2009.
Zhong said,The survey before and after the last 16 years,The researchers chose in 1994/In 2001,/In 2009, three years,11 middle school in guangzhou more than 3000 of the first to the secondary students at the beginning of the investigation results are drawn.
那么,应该如何防治哮喘?钟南山表示,一是远离尘螨过敏源,例如空调过滤网,如果没有及时清洗,则易诱发病情,最好能一周清洗一次,减少病人发作;二是广东儿童哮喘病人48%合并有过敏性鼻炎,出现打喷嚏、流鼻水、鼻痒或是眼痒等症状,必须坚持过敏性鼻炎和哮喘双管齐下一起治;三是一定要抓住在青少年青春期到来之前的最佳治疗时机,这是治疗的黄金期,一般来说是男女生第二性征出现之前,比如女生乳房发育初潮至来前,男生变声喉结增大长胡子等,此前能积极治疗的话,有三成的哮喘儿可以临床治愈,生理发育期后可以停药,有六至八成的哮喘儿可以明显改善症状。 记者陈映平、通讯员韩文青
then,Should be how to prevention and treatment of asthma?Zhong said,It is far away from the dust mites allergic source,Such as air conditioning screen pack,If not timely cleaning,Is easy to induce disease,It is best to wash once a week,Reduce patient attack;2 it is guangdong 48% of asthma patients with allergic rhinitis in children,A sneeze/A runny nose/Itchy nose or eye itching and other symptoms,Must adhere to allergic rhinitis and asthma both put together;Three is in adolescent adolescence must be grasped before the arrival of the best treatment opportunity,This is the gold period of treatment,In general is the secondary sex characteristic appeared before both men and women,Such as girls breast development before menstruation to come,Boy's Adam's apple increase long beard, etc,Can after active treatment,Thirty percent of asthma can be clinical cure,Physiology can stop medicine after puberty,There are six to eighty percent son can obviously improve the symptoms of asthma. The reporter Chen Yingping/The correspondent Han Wenqing
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