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Male and female physiological structure is very different,Even the heart is different.In recent days,The United States"Real age site"Those papers,Published by the American heart surgery expert mark kirilov and heart medicine expert Stephen nissen,Sums up the four differences of men and women of the heart.


The difference between 1:Men's heart is bigger than women,Women's cardiovascular fine than men.This is a difference between estrogen/Progesterone hormone and testosterone(testosterone)Caused by the.Androgen can cause vasodilation,While estrogen causes vasoconstriction.so,Women vascular thrombosis is more likely to occur,And in angioplasty or bypass surgery,Vascular repair difficulty is greater.Fine blood vessels also associated with other vascular diseases,Such as the,migraine/Inflammatory diseases such as lupus and rheumatoid arthritis.These diseases usually female more than male.


The difference between two:Men of blood clots qualitative hard and widely,Women are soft and less.Most of the direct cause of coronary heart disease is caused by the vascular embolism,But the male type and thrombus formation is often different from women.Men usually would affect heart disease three branch of coronary artery(Left anterior descending branch/With left handed and right coronary artery),In a wide range of calcified plaque(Coronary atherosclerosis).And heart disease in women,Less comprehensive calcified plaque,Only one or two arteries.but,Female patients with thrombosis usually soft texture,Occurred more free fall off,Which increases the risk of heart disease.


The difference between 3:Men are more likely to happen thrombotic heart disease,Women are prone to vasospasm.Kirilov and nesson study found,Women undergoing cardiac catheter interventional biopsy in patients with coronary heart disease,30% coronary artery didn't happen jam,Looks normal form,Far less than men.These women had a heart attack is caused due to cardiac ischemia,The specific mechanism is not yet fully clear.However, scientists believe,Women with coronary heart disease heart arteries carefully/Vasospasm associated.


The difference between 4:Women's heart is more than the male line of defense.Estrogen plays a protective role for women's heart,Is a natural defense.However, as the menopause,Estrogen levels decline,Women heart protected to reduce,Heart attack risk increases with the increase of age.Kirilov and nesson advice,When entering menopause,Women should be heart health plan with the doctor,Including active/Low salt, low fat diet/Every year, blood fat and blood pressure measurement, etc.Bring about
