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19岁女生通宵K歌致肺气肿 飙歌过度患心脏病(图)--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室

制图/陶刚 Drawing/TaoGang
  8月21日,19岁女孩刘丽(化名)与朋友通宵K歌,尽情欢乐。谁知第2天,感觉胸口疼、脖子肿。 August 21,19 year old girl liu li(alias)And friends all night K song,Make merry。Who knows the second day,Feel chest pain、Neck swell。


At 22,,Liu li is mother to the hospital emergency,The doctor diagnosed:K song cause trachea or esophageal cramp cause pulmonary emphysema。


麦霸女突发“肺气肿” Wheat the female burst“emphysema”


Yesterday afternoon,Changhang general hospital thoracic surgery,The reporter sees is recreational liu li,Neck fullness eldest brother,Chest ache badly,Can only speak very quietly。


Liu li from in hankou,The two soon。21 night,She and a few good friends meet all night K song to relax,Still point a lot of BingPi and snacks,Singing to eat,Has been“hi”Early in the morning to 22, nearly six point to wost。


After coming home,Liu li lie down to sleep,Didn't wake until the evening。Wake up,Feel a dull pain in the chest,The neck is also swollen uncomfortable。Cook for several hours,But the pain more and more intense,At last she could not bear it,Tell mother。


Yesterday morning 1 point,Mother will liu li to the hospital。The emergency clinician preliminary judgment is lung problems,Turn to thoracic surgery ward。


Thoracic surgery doctor superb careful examination found,Patients chest pain、Shortness of breath,Symptoms much like chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and bronchial asthma,But this is“Senile diseases”symptoms,Liu li no related history,What's going on?


Learned that liu li all night K singer,Superb said,Long time listen to songs and BingPi drinks such as stimulation,Make liu li's windpipe damaged,Appeared holes。Gas from these“Minimally invasive hole”Into the lungs mediastinal,Cause pulmonary emphysema。


At present,Liu li has not yet been reduce symptoms,The trachea and esophagus is very fragile,Can't accept endoscopy。Is now a conservative anti-infection treatment,Of damaged holes recovery after closure,Check to see again the trachea or esophageal without scar,Final judgment emphysema happen accurate reason。


是体质差还是K歌有风险 Is the physical difference or K song has a risk


Listen to songs that he can sing the trachea,This let liu li and her mother did not expect。Appear this kind of circumstance,Is liu li itself caused by the constitution?Or K song itself inherent risks?


Changhang general hospital, director of the thoracic surgery ZhouDing said,tracheal“Minimally invasive hole”,Generally by copd and so on chronic disease or chest trauma cause,Like liu li such a singing“Minimally invasive hole”patients,The first example of a hospital is treated。


The doctors suspected,Liu li's windpipe or esophageal itself weaker,And excessive use of the voice,Plus BingPi stimulus,Many factors effect eventually lead to consequences。


ZhouDing emphasize,If you don't pay attention to protect yourself,“Minimally invasive hole”Dangerous possible anyone。Especially not accept professional voice training of ordinary people,Such as singing for a long time、Greatly too forcibly、Voice is too high,At the same time by a large number of ice water stimulation,Will make the trachea、esophageal、Vocal cord and other parts become“weak”,Lead to tiny holes appear。


Generally speaking,A physique weaker person more vulnerable to injury;Especially in the period of women,Is high-risk groups。


As long as the trachea to appear on the holes,Will cause lung product gas。Once symptoms serious,Patients will appear cough choke、Severe vomiting,Appear even tracheal tear and critical condition。


K歌过度还会诱发其他疾病 K song excessive also can cause other diseases


Reporters visited several hospital found,There are many patients due to sing K listen to songs induced disease,Such as heart disease、Sudden deafness。


In the first half of this year,City wuchang hospital emergency department had accepts after a 70 - year - old Chen dad,For sing K too happy,Had a heart attack。


The hospital emergency department doctor YuanGuoDong said,When Chen SunZiGang when dad's wedding ceremony,The whole family to sing to celebrate。A heart attack of the Chen dad walked on,Still have to side to sing、drinking。Half an hour later,The old man appeared chest stuffy short、Incontinence and serious symptoms,Was sent to the hospital first aid。


YuanGuoDong the doctor remind,Suffering from heart disease patients do not stay in the airtight、Noisy environment,Avoid excessive excitement,In order to avoid a heart attack。


In the heart of the city hospital otolaryngology,Because K song、Bubble it cause hearing disease also many。Head of department YuanKun said,A few months ago were a patients,Last name is zhang,Like bar-hopping listen to songs,A play is several hours。In march this year,He caught a cold still bars to 1:00。The second day get up at noon,Found only hear a humming sound,Diagnosis of sudden deafness,The improved after treatment。


YuanKun doctor reminds a citizen,bar、Places such as KTV inside the noise,To people hearing damage。Citizens had better not in such high decibel entertainment places long stay,When feeling when ears uncomfortable,You should leave as soon as possible。Especially cold or too fatigue,immune,More should not be to such places。If long-term in volume larger environment,Should every year check a hearing。


怎样唱K最安全 How to sing K the most safe


How to sing K to be both safe and can enjoy joy?Changhang general hospital thoracic surgery director for the public ZhouDing raised some Suggestions:


A dull boy sing a few songs have a rest after throat,Every time had better not more than 2 hours;


Avoid by all means is sang sang edge eat human glottis open,Now eat、water,Easy to the food choke to windpipe,Cause infection and cough choke;


Eat enough rest after half an hour to sing again or you will cause diaphragma down,Celiac pressure increase,indigestion;


Don't hurricane Alt can cause vocal cord mucosa congestion、edema,Induced acute vocal cord inflammation;


Don't smoke、Drinking, singing to drink cold drink can stimulate the trachea、esophageal,Still can make vocal cord become dry,Appear congestion、edema。Smoking can aggravate the air pollution,Increase the risk of a cardiovascular disease patients;


Pregnant women go less K song pregnant women's resistance is weak,Not suitable for long stay。Great noise can also affect the fetus,Make fetal pins and needles。

  记者周晔 通讯员陈乐 金静

Reporter correspondent ZhouYe ChenLe JinJing


广东一大学生 Guangdong a college students


K song cause pneumothorax subtitle lead question question a question 2


Guangdong college of pharmacy big two boy xiao liu in K hall when singing suddenly difficulty breathing,collapses。The second people's hospital of guangdong province thoracic surgeons diagnosis,Small LiuYin singing cause lung bullae rupture,Cause spontaneous pneumothorax。


March 21, 2010,Xiao liu to K hall to participate in a friend's birthday party。“Sing to the climax,Voice suddenly broken,He wu wear the chest paralysis to sit down on the ground,Very uncomfortable appearance。”Classmate Chen said,At first we thought in xiao liu“Shock since”,But I later found out that xiao liu face reddened,Full head big sweat,This didn't realize well。So a helps the students hurriedly brought him to the second people's hospital of guangdong province。


findings,Xiao liu difficulty breathing,The left lung in X light shadow obviously reduced,Is the typical symptoms of spontaneous pneumothorax。According to the hospital of thoracic surgeons WangWenLin director said,Spontaneous pneumothorax is due to lung lesions caused by rupture caused by visceral pleura。“Xiao liu appear lung lesions,For the performance of the lung bullae,Singing loudly lead to lung bullae rupture。”


The doctor for xiao liu the miniature incision surgery,Will pulmonary bulla ligation,So that the lung leakage completely closed。surgery,The doctor discovered that in addition to the rupture parts,The lung surface and three place“Hidden trouble”:Three lung bullae,One place already appear crevasse。After a week of treatment,Xiao liu already discharge。


The doctor said,Spontaneous pneumothorax occurs mainly in such as xiao liu shape a lanky men,Female prevalence is relatively low。High strength movement、Singing loudly、Severe cough, lung activity more cases are likely to cause。


According to the American famous medical websites“Dr network”reports,The us state of Colorado health science center for professional singer of the results of the study show,For a long time after the singing,Need to have a rest at least 3 days to let his throat recovery。


The researchers chose four opera actors and three members of the chorus,In the two-week test。The results of the study show that,Testers throat feel discomfort,General because singing high frequency,Throat work overload。The researchers suggest,Whether professional singer or love singing ordinary people,Every time after finished singing,Have to pay attention to rest,Best can let the voice from three days。
