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[新城香悦半岛]免费轮滑培训 暑期儿童夏令营马上开营了--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室
Rare summer vacation,Also closed children,Every day is not over of the remedial class?Childhood need to laugh,Childhood need friendship,Don't let the child's childhood lose colour。Each week set aside five or six hours,To new town sweet yue peninsula project details owner community model family photo album video map take a free summer camp, children's roller skating,Let your children and children together happy roller skating,Do small Olympic champions!

New city sweet yue peninsula free summer children roller skating summer camp,The new town is real estate to changzhou top roller skating institutions held,To the majority of the old and new owner open for free。
Training time:The middle of July, early August--every Tuesday、four、Six afternoon 14:00-16:00,Professional roller skating faculty professor intended,Equipment bring,With all sorts of interesting little game course,Let children not only learn fast,Still can have fun,Still elegant small prize send oh!Summer camp limit top 50 free registration,First come first served,At present time signing up is opening soon,Can't wait for tomorrow!

New city sweet yue peninsula, the residential planning roads to the north and south are divided into two plots,The whole block to the west side of the main elevated roads in the longjiang city road,And city segregation green belt,Future planning in the east river riverside landscape and park。Base overall is flat,Landscape resources is superior,Peripheral complete facilities,High-end residential city is the development of the ideal land。
报名热线:8888 2888,报名地址:龙江路勤业路交汇处香悦半岛售楼处。
Registration hotline:8888 2888,Registration address:Longjiang road ground handling road sweet yue peninsula sales offices。
New city sweet yue peninsula(住宅)[钟楼区]开发商:常州新城创佳房地产开发有限公司地址:钟楼区勤业路与龙江高架交汇处咨询电话:400-8181-365 转 8379历史价格|销售动态|热卖户型|楼盘相册|业主社区
(residential)[the clock tower area] developers:Changzhou new town ChuangJia real estate development Co., LTD. Address:The clock tower area ground handling road and longjiang elevated interchange consulting phone:400-8181-365 turn 8379 historical prices|Sales dynamic|Sellers family|Estate photo album|Owner community新城香悦半岛
New city sweet yue peninsula(住宅)[钟楼区]开发商:常州新城创佳房地产开发有限公司地址:钟楼区勤业路与龙江高架交汇处咨询电话:400-8181-365 转 8379历史价格|销售动态|热卖户型|楼盘相册|业主社区
(residential)[the clock tower area] developers:Changzhou new town ChuangJia real estate development Co., LTD. Address:The clock tower area ground handling road and longjiang elevated interchange consulting phone:400-8181-365 turn 8379 historical prices|Sales dynamic|Sellers family|Estate photo album|Owner community
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