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热销楼盘为何出现大量积压房源 真滞销还是假滞销--亲稳网络舆情监控室
Zhejiang online 07 December since July),Hangzhou's commodity house turnover is still strong,Many buildings still show“Sell like hot cakes”scene。But at the same time,We found a strange phenomenon:Some so-called“Sell like hot cakes”Building houses in transparent the actual volume online is not big;And some“Sell like hot cakes”Building in March this year before the launch of the houses,So far has sold is very little,Even show for zero,But recent new brought to open to booking card homes is indeed sales hot。
The real fact is that so?
同一楼盘,新房源销售大好,老房源成交为零 The same building dish,New homes sales good,Old houses clinch a deal is zero
Reporter discovery,Recently the sell like hot cakes in the building,Call the past,The developers have said the new open houses in addition to see bottom top floor,Basic no houses。Transparent data also show the bca nets,ChengJiaoLv is really high。but,Go through the history,Six months before the opening of the homes,But so far with a lot of surplus suite。
Located in xiasha higher education zone of building a park,June open quotation homes to the rate of 82%,But in January of that batch card bring opens to booking homes but with a lot of surplus,To change rate is only 44%。Developers marketing chief explained,Because of that one in January to open to booking card contains two building houses,But at that time the situation is not good,Opened only one of the building houses,The other building so far away,So the whole ChengJiaoLv is not high。And June to a new house that homes sales nearly nine into。Reporters through the transparent to the houses nets inquires,Do have a house have been sold out,And the other building a didn't also sold。
Some buildings along the most,Recently also sells。But its February of open quotation of two homes,Now one batch of houses to the rate was 46%,In addition a number of homes sold quantity is zero。Reporters from developers mouth hear the same explanation:At that time two tickets to open to booking card 2, expand the house,Considering the market opened only one,In addition a house brought and did not open。And the open the building mainly because considering the total cost price have no choice,So the volume is not good。
The backlog of houses to the original,Will do with?Will again sale?Developers say don't try so hard。
有些“热销”楼盘,网上成交率真的很低 some“Sell like hot cakes”Building dish,Online ChengJiaoLv really low
In a transparent while online,And some buildings,Although claim sell like hot cakes,But have no good trade volume,Only in the opening a slight volume,Then they didn't action。
The center of the city a certain a person of extraordinary powers curtilage the estate,Opened in May,More than 300 homes set,According to the developers said sell well,But transparent while nets shows sold only 3 sets。this,The sales staff is explained,Because of the open quotation for the large family,A minimum size also has 180 square meters,Price is in 7 million yuan of/set above,In the present just need is the king of the market situation,Such a person of extraordinary powers curtilage will certainly go slowly。
In rural parts of the one building,Only open during the first half of a disk,At present XiaoShouLv is only 4%。Sales staff said,At present there are plenty of homes can be chosen,But the actual transaction than transparent sellers of more data web displays some,Because some people paid the deposit have been signed after the contract that buy a house,Owners waiting for confirm whether a loan qualification。The building from January opening today,No open house prices fell,At present blank price 22000 yuan/square metre,Hardcover for 25000 yuan/square metre,Surrounding buildings at present than the actual price obviously is on the high side。
Reporters also hit a situation,Clearly transparent online sellers can still have a lot of houses that source,But sales personnel is clear to tell you,They sell very well,Just waiting for the contract,There is a lag between the just。But time for a month,Transparent online display bca bca source or a lot。
网下签约也可能造成假滞销 The off-line signing can also cause is false
The personage inside course said in private,Some buildings sell like hot cakes,Especially large family more,If the ChengJiaoLv really low so far,Is most likely the house was sold,Just no online record,But the off-line signed。
The so-called off-line sign,That is, the person that buy a house and developers signed the contract that buy a house paper only,And no online record。A hangzhou insiders told reporters,The basic requirements off-line sign is all some a person of extraordinary powers curtilage the owner,But some developers to r,Also grudgingly agreed。
The person that buy a house choice nets is mainly a few layers sign reasons:a,More for self living,But itself is not the purchase qualifications;two,Adequate fund,Don't consider bank loans,But lump-sum payment or payment by installment;three,The developers have great trust。
The person that buy a house choose off-line signed,Basic is expected 限购 policy within a few years there will be loose,And if the delivery at eligible to sign the contract into nets。But if really delivery was 限购,Developers may be faced with passive situation,Need to private branch of the negotiations,Request the person that buy a house with company name nets sign buying,But it also means,A year after delivery to pay higher property taxes。
Although developers have such and such concerns,But in the era of cash is king,Or developers who“desperate”,Choose off-line sign way。so,this“slow-moving”houses,In fact also created a false sense of poor。
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