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The first half of 2012 degrees dexin constantly surrender excellent transcript:At the beginning of the dragon just over one month,DE 700 million a sales letter usher;immediately,Quarter hangzhou room top 10 enterprises transcript released,RongLie dexin hangzhou room enterprises sales ranking“BangYan”,Once before green city on the jump,Let the industry admire;a,And hangzhou property market for half-yearly center daily news released,Dexin for hangzhou room takes a high performance before five strong!
According to understand,From 2006's in hangzhou city beginning,With prominent record a few "ten best brand topped real estate enterprises in hangzhou room。19 with great concentration in,Dexin deducing brand enterprise growth of imprinting trilogy room,From the industry's mainstream developers to hangzhou black horse,Then in place column hangzhou five strong seed,Continue into a virtuous circle of the room to rise。
At the moment of dexin clearly know,In the face of the unprecedented severe test,“Dexin speed”、“Locate precisely”、“Pragmatic strategy”Will is market competitive edge tool。
The rumours about DE letter,Appeared in the media has enjoyed the highest frequency words is fear“Dexin speed”the:Dexin poisson Lin impression project details owner community model family photo album video map hot occupation at nine plate,Hot selling a few degrees,First half of total sales more than 900 million yuan RMB,Stability in the first eight pick sales;DE believe sino-foreign apartment project details owner community model family photo album map to cater to the regulation reaches out,Hangzhou sales that month often won the market leader;When dexin RongLie hangzhou room enterprises sales ranking“BangYan”Also be talked about,Much-anticipated just need to heat holds dish dexin beihai park project details owner community model family photo album video the map to the potential of the three fight madly in love the three,To be a doubt to gulouxiaoxi plate pin champions;Dexin reaches the project details owner community model family photo album map 1 weeks continuous subscribe nearly 100 million yuan;At the same time,The wall wall blossomming also sweet,Dexin city more linkage,Proud repeatedly,Sea salt dexin poisson Lin residence,RongLie city quarter sales crown、Changxing dexin as tabor Lin residence changxing housing first half of pin champions;deqing、Xuzhou quality building etc,In RuiBuKeDang with the trend of the weak Sally,The local property market expedites the Indian summer。
Dexin always adhere to“Speed and quality”way,Through unremitting efforts across the results,Welcomed the midsummer season of their own。This not only show a of the operation of the enterprise itself fluency,Also provide a rich return。It may contain accidental composition,Should also have the inevitable conditions。
Crown by more than,The root can deep enough。Dexin know,An enterprise without foundation,Even if you can get lucky temporary success,Also difficult to long。The products that the customer is terminal,Customer is the huge market foundation,So the positioning must with strategic vision from the customer requirement,Mining value,Injection product value point。After 19 years of carefully build,Dexin in accurate market positioning、Ahead of the planning and design、The product's cultural innovation、Service of good quality and marketing approach of extremely rich individual character,In the market and consumer heart formed the good reputation。
For example,Letter to the product's just masterpiece:Dexin beihai park project details owner community model family photo album video map。In the market before,Germany has found that regular consumption market letter to rigid demand for the main support,Its characteristic is buys a house used in the live,So for products and product price living function is particularly concerned。For such consumption characteristics,Special developed matching customer demand。Make full use of the 89 party each size,Door area highest can give 11 party,In the compact door model can live in comfort and even beyond,With low price shock,High price already popularity。
Be like again,Letter to improve product's masterpiece by holding a hot market。first,Improve class customers usually with a mature to the supporting business,Convenient traffic system and good education、Medical resources seriously,Is the only way of high-end real estate to have value、value-added;second,This part of the letter's full mining customers pay attention to residential environment、High level property、For the demand of high quality life、Recognized cost-effective projects;From the scales after、functional、The public space and depth of the build with exalted sense of identity。As for the mooring impression 125-180 party door model,In 3 room basis for four room can be expanded、5 room,Functional significantly better,Most can also enjoy a ladder and a private elevator hall special honour,Public space substantial fine decoration, etc,All let customers improve type glad unceasingly。Another dexin apartment project details and the community model family photo album map multilayer elevator's residence、Dexin reaches the project details owner community model family photo album map 160 party、200 the positioning of the party to improve customers also is favored。
Germany's other sales letter crown project are also locate precisely and follow the customer demand developed leading market quality products and benefited a lot。Almost each product line's letter a consumer acceptance。
Dexin soberly realize,To stimulate just release,Pragmatic marketing has become main melody。Clinch a deal with market trend,Dexin depth excavation enormous amounts of information,Many research and analysis,And ask for each project“Recognizing the price change to clinch a deal amount to bounce back”Present situation of。Facts prove the,Dexin continuity and push and fast rhythm to into a market hangzhou burning flame,Add confidence to the market,Also for 2012 sales performance added bright beautiful a pen。
Recruit winning,With changeless should。In addition to using the most sincere letter, a recruit,That is the rational pricing,The great appreciation of the space for the person that buy a house;In addition,It still makes the's plain a recruit“Good products,Speak for itself”。No matter cold heat city,Dexin always adhere to the practicing skills,Stick to excellence brand awareness,Hopes to win market。
Dexin 19 years,That is the exploration of intensive cultivation,Is the starting point of the concerted effort。DE letter will continue to expand influence,Will quality development covered the nation each big potential in the region,In hangzhou for strategic base areas,Focus on product quality、Build brand;Further development in Yangtze river delta,Gradually the complete product systematized comb,Enlarge brand influence、Deepen brand connotation。
项目简介 Project profile
Dexin poisson Lin impression project details owner community model family photo album video map should be potential and up,ZeZhi hangzhou nine core fort,With a total construction area of about 260000 square,Planning house more than 1500 households。Surrounding living resources、Education resources and traffic resource rich loom over the。160000 party commercial complex、The subway cover property of the existing market than 11、Large supermarket、Farmers markets and supporting business more prosperous;Zhejiang kindergarten nine hin points garden、East east elementary school and middle school, accompanied by school,Make children now more make child future;Inter-city traffic extend in all directions,Subway line one with the pace of 2012 wind gallop,In nine fort core 18 minutes seamless docking wulin square,And the subway station of the passenger only 700 m distance between the mooring Lin impression,It is a busy into tranquility。
By project neo-classical architecture style,Elegant and easy。50000 method type garden hired a Hong Kong view works.there landscape design,Grand romantic。Door model the design with unique vision value,Main door model for 90 party economic three rooms、127 FangShuShi three rooms、137 party changed living dream、160 party three rooms and 180 party high quality four rooms。
销售展示中心地址 Sales exhibition center address
Hangzhou nine RenAiLu xiasha and fort intersection(Poisson Lin east gate apartment)
VIP专线 VIP special line
400-8181-365 转 9851
400-8181-365 to 9851
周边楼盘 Surrounding buildings
宋都阳光国际项目详情业主社区相册样板户型地图 郡原相江公寓项目详情业主社区相册样板户型地图 绿城丽江公寓项目详情业主社区相册样板户型地图 圣奥领寓项目详情业主社区相册样板户型地图 天阳九筑项目详情业主社区相册样板户型地图等
SongDou sunshine international project details owner community model family photo album map of the county jiang apartment project details owner community model family photo album map green city on the lijiang apartment project details owner community model family photo album map saint augustine brought house project details owner community model family photo album map nine days shenyang build project details owner community model family photo album map
Dexin poisson Lin 127 party family figure impression
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