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2012.7.11 杭州市商品房交易情况统计 2012.7.11 hangzhou commodity house trade statistics区 域全 市上城区下城区拱墅区江干区西湖区滨江区下沙区萧山区余杭区之江区成交套2790112028142631439016预定套32000101002100 The city XiaChengOu uptown area domain JiangGanOu binjiang the gongshu district area under xiaoshan district yuhang district zhijiang area of 2790112028142631439016 of 32000101002100 scheduled clinch a deal


365地产家居网 杭州讯 Real estate JuWang hangzhou-365 home截至7月11日晚21点30分,据杭城各大透明售房系统显示,今日杭州全市商品房共成交279套,比昨日增加7套;今日全市预定32套,比昨日减少465套。今日临安成交12套。

By July 11, 21 points late 30 points,According to each big transparent hangzhou system shows the sellers,This day in the city of hangzhou commercial clinch a deal of 279,Seven sets of increase than yesterday;Today the reservation of 32,More than 465 sets of reduced yesterday。Today the linan clinch a deal 12 sets。


In this day of 146 set clinch a deal,Reservation and set。From the area to see,Today in the area of main urban areas in the volume of sales and become clinch a deal the champions,JiangGanOu clinch a deal and set close behind;Reservation aspects,In today JiangGan only、The west lake have a reservation,Among them JiangGanOu to 10 sets of reservation of main urban areas become book title。


In a dish,JiangGanOu located in the lake of imperial bay project details owner community model family photo album video map to 14 sets of volume of sales, today the title,Clinch a deal the area of 1307.91 square meters。Zhijiang area jindu golf living art project details owner community model family photo album map 13 sets clinch a deal,Ranked second。

  今日余杭区成交90套,预定0 套,成交量继续保持全市最高位,成交面积为9760.44平米。
Today's yuhang district clinch a deal of 90,Reserve sets,To keep the city, the volume of the top bits,Clinch a deal the area of 9760.44 square meters。


This book of xiaoshan district, total 21,Total clinch a deal and set,Total clinch a deal amount of 68304211 yuan,Always the price of 14929.75 yuan/square metre,One house of 31,Residential clinch a deal amount of 62889449 yuan,Residential average 16183.93 yuan/square metre。

  另外,截至7月11日晚21点30分,根据杭州透明售房网、余杭房产信息网二手房成交数据显示,今日杭州主城区二手房共成交96套,其中住宅成交89套。今日余杭区二手房成交20套,成交面积2002.88平米。今日萧山区二手房成交19套,其中住宅成交15 套。【二手查询】

In addition,By July 11, 21 points late 30 points,According to hangzhou transparent while nets、Yuhang property information nets secondhand the room clinch a deal data show,This day in hangzhou 96 sets of second-hand housing clinch a deal,One house of 89 to clinch a deal。Today's yuhang district secondhand the room 20 of clinch a deal,Clinch a deal the area of 2002.88 square meters。This day of xiaoshan district, clinch a deal and set of housing,One house 15 set clinch a deal。【Second-hand inquires】


今日商品房预(销)售合同备案信息(不含经济适用房) Today's commodity house beforehand(pin)Record sale contract information(Do not contain economy is applicable the room)区域可售套数可售面积其中住宅其中住宅可售套数可售面积上城882套128257.79m2124套25159.99m2下城5920套683186.29m22620套344487.25m2江干8648套1180579.29m24766套562024.19m2拱墅6485套718016.69m25142套590158.55m2西湖3896套477106.21m23043套355181.42m2滨江4833套646474.75m21851套284559.23m2之江1945套316545.32m21861套294784.13m2下沙7010套792628.14m23657套530220.00m2萧山12081套1562741.83m28253套1040001.71m2余杭24973套3103380.45m219850套2573594.45m2建德1400套190883.94m21019套135754.34m2富阳2062套383228.97m21834套339628.49m2临安4731套784360.66m23948套713784.12m2桐庐3949套387327.46m21961套260197.11m2淳安3705套443123.41m23387套385482.81m2合计92520套11797841.20m263316套8435017.79m2杭州市区各物业类别预(销)售交易信息区域成交套数成交面积其中住宅其中住宅成交套数成交面积上城0套0.00m20套0.00m2下城11套808.98m22套298.39m2江干28套2777.68m227套2700.72m2拱墅20套2599.43m218套2519.05m2西湖14套1416.98m214套1416.98m2滨江26套6387.89m213套1851.42m2之江16套1814.30m216套1814.30m2下沙31套2910.33m231套2910.33m2萧山43套4575.04m231套3885.92m2余杭90套9760.04m289套9743.51m2建德3套428.15m23套428.15m2富阳7套1131.78m27套1131.78m2临安9套1236.54m28套1101.56m2桐庐2套259.82m22套259.82m2淳安25套2701.64m225套2701.64m2合计325套38808.60m2286套32763.57m2

Regional commercially available commercially available of residential area of a cycle of commercially available commercially available housing cycle of 882 sets m2124 set between 128257.79 25159.99 m2 queens 5920 sets of m22620 683186.29 344487.25 m2 JiangGan 8648 sets of 1180579.29 m24766 562024.19 m2 GongShu 6485 sets of 718016.69 m25142 590158.55 m2 west lake 3896 sets of m23043 477106.21 355181.42 m2 binjiang 4833 sets of 646474.75 m21851 284559.23 m2 zhijiang 1945 sets of 316545.32 m21861 294784.13 m2 xiasha 7010 sets m23657 792628.14 530220.00 m2 xiaoshan 12081 sets of 1562741.83 m28253 1040001.71 m2 yuhang 24973 sets of 3103380.45 m219850 set of 2573594.45m2建德1400套190883.94m21019套135754.34m2富阳2062套383228.97m21834套339628.49m2临安4731套784360.66m23948套713784.12m2桐庐3949套387327.46m21961套260197.11m2淳安3705套443123.41m23387套385482.81m2合计92520套11797841.20m263316套8435017.79m2杭州市区各物业类别预(pin)Sale transaction information area cycle of residential area clinch a deal to clinch a deal of residential area to clinch a deal between 0 clinch a deal a cycle of 0.00 0.00 m2 m20 queens and 808.98 298.39 m2 m22 set JiangGan 28 2777.68 m227 2700.72 m2 GongShu 20 sets of 2599.43 m218 2519.05 m2 14 sets of 1416.98 m214 west lake 1416.98 m2 riverside of 26 6387.89 m213 1851.42 m2 zhijiang 16 sets of 1814.30 m216 1814.30 m2 xiasha and 2910.33 m231 2910.33 m2 xiaoshan 43 4575.04 m231 3885.92 m2 yuhang 90 sets of 9760.04 m289 9743.51 m2 building heart 3 sets of 428.15 428.15 m2 fuyang m23 seven sets of 1131.78 m27 1131.78 m2 linan 9 1236.54 m28 1101.56 m2 tonglu 2 sets of 259.82 259.82 m2 ChunAn m22 set of 25 sets of 2701.64 m225 2701.64 m2 total 325 sets of 38808.60 m2286 32763.57 m2


2012.7.11 余杭区各板块可售房源情况 2012.7.11 yuhang district each plate can source houses7.11预定成交交易面积均价住宅均价临平副城034356197938267余杭组团0353634967110504良渚组团0101162856710265塘栖组团011140388006504

7.11 scheduled transaction area residential average price clinch a deal price linping vice city 034356197938267 yuhang tangxi 0101162856710265 liangzhu group group 0353634967110504 group 011140388006504


2012.7.11 萧山区各板块可售房源情况 2012.7.11 xiaoshan district each plate can source houses区域可售套数可售面积(万)今日预定/交易情况预定套数预售套数预售面积预售金额(万)预售均价老城区179618.667151455.252510.743217253新区154226.12—3473.621005.770321235.81湘湖版块137021.45—5642.73722.233911236.97组团镇270925.68—8821.44652.84777947.6开发区及钱江世纪城287836.6511211821938.82616402.93其他168119.7413————全区11976148.321434575.046830.421114929.752012.7.11 杭州市主城区商品房交易情况统计排序区域楼盘名称预定套数成交套数成交面积1江干昆湖玺之湾项目详情业主社区相册样板户型视频地图10141307.912之江金都高尔夫艺墅项目详情业主社区相册样板户型地图0131504.013下沙保利江语海项目详情业主社区相册样板户型视频地图09563.994下沙宋都东郡国际项目详情业主社区相册样板户型视频地图09801.575西湖金地自在城项目详情业主社区相册样板户型地图(41号地)08671.996滨江绿城明月江南项目详情业主社区相册样板户型视频地图081541.347下城永富铂晶中心项目详情业主社区相册样板户型视频地图06326.28滨江凯瑞金座项目详情业主社区相册样板户型视频地图06425.699江干德信泊林印象项目详情业主社区相册样板户型视频地图04437.4710江干昆仑天籁项目详情业主社区相册样板户型视频地图04447.6711拱墅中顺上尚庭项目详情业主社区相册样板户型视频地图04501.9512滨江天阳半岛国际项目详情业主社区相册样板户型地图04417.5313下沙金隅观澜时代项目详情业主社区相册样板户型地图04481.3214下沙龙湖滟澜山项目详情业主社区相册样板户型视频地图04474.5815拱墅绿城西子田园牧歌项目详情业主社区相册样板户型视频地图03341.0816之江天阳云筑项目详情业主社区相册样板户型视频地图03310.2917下城野风现代中心项目详情业主社区相册样板户型视频地图02133.5318江干康恒悦麒美寓项目详情业主社区相册样板户型地图02176.9219拱墅嘉凯城名城公馆项目详情业主社区相册样板户型视频地图02256.2720拱墅欣盛东方福邸项目详情业主社区相册样板户型视频地图02462.1221拱墅中天西城纪项目详情业主社区相册样板户型视频地图0280.3822西湖万科西溪蝶园项目详情业主社区相册样板户型地图02210.7223滨江江南豪园02114.9324下沙精欧荣寓项目详情业主社区相册样板户型视频地图02174.0625下城海辰水岸晶座项目详情业主社区相册样板户型视频地图0150.8626下城大家武林府项目详情业主社区相册样板户型地图01208.9227下城裕丰青鸟香石公寓项目详情业主社区相册样板户型视频地图0189.4728江干广宇上东城项目详情业主社区相册样板户型地图01119.8729江干郡原相江公寓项目详情业主社区相册样板户型地图0189.630江干滨江金色黎明项目详情业主社区相册样板户型视频地图01121.2831江干原筑壹号项目详情业主社区相册样板户型视频地图0176.9632拱墅远洋大河宸章项目详情业主社区相册样板户型地图01170.0433拱墅德信北海公园项目详情业主社区相册样板户型视频地图01174.3934拱墅凯德龙湾项目详情业主社区相册样板户型视频地图01176.0335拱墅丽晶湾项目详情业主社区相册样板户型视频地图01120.1436拱墅华盛达阅城项目详情业主社区相册样板户型视频地图01139.2937拱墅建投阳光郡项目详情业主社区相册样板户型视频地图0188.5938拱墅莱德绅华府项目详情业主社区相册样板户型视频地图0189.1539西湖雅戈尔西溪晴雪项目详情业主社区相册样板户型地图0183.2240西湖坤和西溪里项目详情业主社区相册样板户型地图11127.4441西湖绿城西溪诚园项目详情业主社区相册样板户型地图01199.142西湖金地自在城项目详情业主社区相册样板户型地图(25号地)01124.5143滨江钱江彩虹豪庭项目详情业主社区相册样板户型地图0189.7344滨江荣安望江南项目详情业主社区相册样板户型视频地图0188.4145滨江东和时代项目详情业主社区相册样板户型视频地图013130.3946滨江浙大网新双城国际项目详情业主社区相册样板户型视频地图01146.5147滨江寰宇天下项目详情业主社区相册样板户型视频地图01182.0148滨江钱塘帝景项目详情业主社区相册样板户型视频地图01251.3549下沙保利东湾项目详情业主社区相册样板户型地图01192.6650下沙和达城项目详情业主社区相册样板户型视频地图0185.0651下沙名城湖左岸项目详情业主社区相册样板户型地图01137.09

Area sales cycle can be commercially available area(all)Today's book/transactions to open to booking a cycle of a cycle of scheduled to open to booking area open to booking amount(all)Open to booking average 179618.667151455.252510.743217253 old district 154226.12-3473.621005.770321235.81 xianghu lake area 137021.45-270925.68-the 5642.73722.233911236.97 group 8821.44652.84777947.6 development zone and qianjiang century city 287836.6511211821938.82616402.93 other 168119.7413---the 11976148.321434575.046830.421114929.752012.7.11 hangzhou city commercial trade statistics building name reservation a cycle of regional order cycle of area 1 JiangGan clinch a deal to clinch a deal the lake of imperial project details bay community model family photo album the video map 10141307.912 zhijiang jindu golf living art project details owner community model family photo album map 0131504.013 poly jiang language xiasha sea project details owner community model family photo album video map 09563.994 SongDou xiasha east county international project details owner community model family photo album video map 09801.575 west lake city gold at the project details community model family photo album map(41 to)08671.996 binjiang green city on the moon jiangnan project details owner community model family photo album video map 081541.347 and rich platinum crystal queens center project details owner community model family photo album video map 06326.28 binjiang cary gold project details owner community model family photo album video map 06425.699 JiangGan dexin poisson Lin impression project details owner community model family photo album video map JiangGan 04437.4710 kunlun project details the sounds of the video map model family photo album community GongShu 04447.6711 in the ShangTing project details on the album model family depending on the community频地图04501.9512滨江天阳半岛国际项目详情业主社区相册样板户型地图04417.5313下沙金隅观? time project details owner community model family photo album map Yan lanshi xiasha 04481.3214 lake mountain project details owner community model family photo album video map 04474.5815 GongShu green city on the west child rural pastoral project details owner community model family photo album video map of 03341.0816 JiangTianYang build project details cloud model family photo album owner community video map 03310.2917 wild wind modern center queens project details owner community model family photo album video map 02133.5318 JiangGan KangHengYue jiaqi beauty or project details owner community model family photo album map ? 02176.9219 arch嘉凯城名城公馆项目详情业主社区相册样板户型视频地图02256.2720拱墅欣盛东方福邸项目详情Owner community model family photo album video map 02462.1221 GongShu zhongtian xicheng discipline project details owner community model family photo album video map 0280.3822 vanke xixi butterfly park west lake project details owner community model family photo album map 02210.7223 binjiang jiangnan house garden 02114.9324 pure the honor of sanded house project details owner community model family photo album video map 02174.0625 sea Calvin waterfront crystal a queens project details community model family photo album the video map queens everybody's 0150.8626 wu3 lin2 project details owner community model family photo album map 01208.9227 queens裕丰青鸟香石公寓项目详情业主社区相册样板户型视频地图0189.4728江干广宇上东城项目详情业主社区相册样板户型地图01119.8729江干郡原相江公寓项目详情业主社区相册样板户型地图0189.630江干滨江金色黎明项目详情业主社区相册样板户型视频地图01121.2831江干原筑壹号项目详情业主社区相册样板户型视频地图0176.9632拱墅远洋大河宸章项目详情业主社区相册样板户型地图01170.0433拱墅德信北海公园项目详情业主社区相册样板户型视频地图01174.3934拱墅凯德龙湾项目详情业主社区相册样板户型视频地图01176.0335拱墅丽晶湾项目详情业主社区相册样板户型视频地图01120.1436拱墅华盛达阅城项目详情业主社区相册样板户型视频地图01139.2937拱墅建投阳光郡项目详情业主社区相册样板户型视频地图0188.5938拱墅莱德绅华府项目详情业主社区相册样板户型视频地图0189.1539西湖雅戈尔西溪晴雪项目详情业主社区相册样板户型地图0183.2240西湖坤和西溪里项目详情业主社区相册样板户型地图11127.4441西湖绿城西溪诚园项目详情业主社区相册样板户型地图01199.142西湖金地自在城项目详情业主社区相册样板户型地图(25 to)01124.5143 binjiang qianjiang rainbow house court project details owner community model family photo album map RongAn at 0189.7344 binjiang jiangnan project details owner community model family photo album video map 0188.4145 binjiang east and age project details owner community model family photo album video map 013130.3946 binjiang zhejiang university new Minnesota international project details net model family photo album owner community video map 01146.5147 binjiang the whole project details owner community model family photo album video map 01182.0148 binjiang qiantang emperor landscape project details owner community model family photo album video map 01251.3549 xiasha poly project details owner community hillslopes above tung model family photo album xiasha and of city map 01192.6650 project details owner community model family photo album video map xiasha 0185.0651 project details on the lake city owner community model family photo album map 01137.09


2012.7.11 余杭区商品房交易情况统计 2012.7.11 yuhang district commodity house trade statistics

Sorting area building name reservation clinch a deal a cycle of a cycle of area 1 yuhang jindu clinch a deal the flower court project details owner community model family photo album video map 0151421.182 yuhang jindu Summer Palace project details owner community model family photo album video map 07635.693 yuhang gold emperor sea pearl project details owner community model family photo album video map 07934.744 yuhang urban construction jin chang time project details owner community model family photo album map 20 yuan、2206769.945 yuhang good osmanthus creek park project details owner community model family photo album video map 05493.656 yuhang red city garden Canon crystal porch 04346.347 yuhang qiantang wutong blueridge project details owner community model family photo album video map 04274.238 yuhang east mansion donggang longyuan project details owner community model family photo album video map 32、33、04311.879 yuhang longhu sweet Ti streamside longyuan 9、1003449.910 yuhang emerald city project details owner community model family photo album map LingFeng estates 03390.6911 DongTian qingtian peninsula yuhang project details community model family photo album the video map city living building 03316.7312 1 pleasant yuhang in favor of wingceltis house project details owner community model family photo album video map and building、15 a 02223.3413 yuhang star bridge purple guangxi 02261.2314 yuhang xixi villa apartment project details owner community model family photo album Oriental garden at 02176.0915 map yuhang city project details owner community model family photo album video map 2、7、10、13 a 02250.4516 yuhang county nine value the apartment project details owner community model family photo album video map 3、5、6、7 a 02239.1717 yuhang jincheng bamboo sea shui yun project details owner community model family photo album map garden in the spring breeze 602199.1318 yuhang China yuan have card shore project details owner community model family photo album video map GongCheng city yuhang 02219.6219 # 3 May、4 # building 02180.0920 yuhang east China sea water scene city project details owner community model family photo album map and yuan 6、7 a 02300.7221 yuhang in favor of incense to praise the project details community model family photo album YuanHeXiang music video map in three blocks、01122.4522 yuhang round a building project details in the community model family photo album map 20、21 # building 01131.0223 yuhang wild wind rev. City project details owner community model family photo album video map 1、8 a 0186.3324 "sunshine project of jinding yuhang community model family photo album details owner video map apartment building no. 5 0196.8925 yuhang liangzhu culture villages egrets county vanke south project details owner community model family photo album map 801178.4526 yuhang China yuan merrill lynch project details of the model family video map community album 22-20189.1627 yuhang China yuan love DingJun project details owner community model family photo album video map apartment. 18、Building no. 21 YuHangHang court building 01135.529 01134.9728 4 city yuhang the impression project details owner community model family photo album from 1301233.5730 FuLin yuhang map north from 7 to 11 a 01117.8931 yuhang spring garden house home micro bo 1 0139.01


2012.7.11 萧山区商品房交易情况统计 2012.7.11 xiaoshan district commodity house trade statistics排序区域楼盘名称预定套数成交套数成交面积1萧山江南风尚铭楼06274.862萧山高运学林尚苑项目详情业主社区相册样板户型视频地图06692.693萧山开元名城领峰府65522.464萧山德圣博奥城项目详情业主社区相册样板户型视频地图5幢、8幢057735萧山通和戈雅公寓项目详情业主社区相册样板户型地图夏风园6幢04554.916萧山天翔憬天国际项目详情业主社区相册样板户型视频地图名座四幢03147.917萧山金地天逸项目详情业主社区相册样板户型视频地图城6幢、7幢023218萧山嘉顺中心项目详情业主社区相册样板户型视频地图1幢、3幢、6幢02233.239萧山华克公寓3、4号楼0223210萧山紫爵公寓3幢0192.1911萧山中粮云涛名苑项目详情业主社区相册样板户型视频地图7幢、10幢0187.8212萧山义蓬购物中心商办楼0133.1213萧山万和国际中心1幢、2幢01134.1414萧山如意公寓14幢、150186.1715萧山名乐花苑1幢、2幢、3幢01132.0116萧山湖滨花园碧云天苑1601152.6217萧山恒逸金榈湾项目详情业主社区相册样板户型地图嘉园29幢、32幢01104.9118萧山众安景海湾项目详情业主社区相册样板户型地图闻潮阁9幢10019萧山卧城名邸17幢、2310020萧山科尔南城嘉园项目详情业主社区相册样板户型视频地图3幢1300

Sorting area building name reservation clinch a deal a cycle of cycle of xiaoshan jiangnan fashion clinch a deal 1) floor of xiaoshan high luck Harvard University is 06274.862 yuan project details owner community model family photo album video map 06692.693 xiaoshan kaiyuan city brought peak mansion 65522.464 xiaoshan DE SAN Po Mr City project details owner community model family photo album video map building 5、8 a 057735 xiaoshan links, and GeYa apartment project details owner community model family photo album map xiafeng garden 6 building 04554.916 xiaoshan tianxiang Jing day international project details owner community model family photo album video map of a four house TianYi project details 03147.917 xiaoshan ltd.gemdale community model family photo album owner video map city 6 building、7 a 023218 xiaoshan jia shun center project details owner community model family photo album video map 1 a、Three blocks、6 a 02233.239 xiaoshan huake apartment 3、Building no. 4 0223210 xiaoshan purple jenn-air apartment three blocks 0192.1911 xiaoshan cofco yuntao courtyard project details owner community model family photo album video map and building、10 YiPeng shopping center building 0187.8212 xiaoshan tradesmen managing floor and international center 1 0133.1213 xiaoshan building、2 a 01134.1414 xiaoshan flexibly apartment building 14、150186.1715 xiaoshan name from 1 house music、2 a、3 a 01132.0116 1601152.6217 yuan garden BiYunTian xiaoshan lakeshore xiaoshan constant escape Lv bay gold project details owner community model family photo album map jre 29 house、And a 01104.9118 xiaoshan all the anjin gulf project details owner community model family photo album WenChao map the house 10019 xiaoshan pavilion lie city mansion house of 17、2310020 south xiaoshan cole jre project details owner community model family photo album video map three blocks 1300


2012.7.11临安商品房交易情况统计 2012.7.11 linan commodity house trade statistics排序区域楼盘名预定交易均价1临安高虹镇学溪苑2030160402临安锦北街道北润家园10158733临安锦北街道湖塘公寓20151304临安锦北街道锦绣兰庭70165385临安锦北街道西墅锦园20158146临安锦北街道伊顿庄园1801119287临安锦城街道金溪园40154808临安锦城街道太阳城花园110159419临安锦城街道太阳城花园2101611010临安锦城街道太阳城花园801622311临安锦南街道御城涵园501685612临安青山湖街道青山鹤岭小区2016000

Sorting area of building book deal all valence 1 linan GaoHong town XiYuan 2030160402 linan jin north learn street north embellish home 10158733 linan jin north street apartment 20151304 lake pond linan jin north street splendid LanTing 70165385 linan jin north street west living jin garden 20158146 linan jin north street eton manor linan JinCheng JinXi garden street 1801119287 40154808 linan JinCheng street sun city linan JinCheng street garden 110159419 sun city linan JinCheng street garden 2101611010 sun city linan jin south street garden 801622311 royal city han garden 501685612 linan heqing crane ridge district 2016000 green street


2012. 7.11 杭州市二手房交易情况统计 2012. 7.11 hangzhou secondhand the room trade statistics区域住宅非住宅套数面积套数面积上城8套565.7m22套63.3m2下城14套930.43m20套0m2江干16套1615.74m21套134.56m2拱墅17套1125.43m21套44.14m2西湖16套1322.38m20套0m2滨江14套1567.59m23套302.61m2之江1套132.12m20套0m2下沙3套276.41m20套0m2萧山15套1280.44m24套503.59m2余杭20套2002.88m20套0m2建德6套500.39m21套35.48m2富阳33套3714.09m20套0m2临安15套1511.86m21套159.01m2桐庐13套1391.29m24套354.99m2淳安3套318.51m20套0m2合计194套18255.26m217套1597.68m2

As regards a cycle of regional residential area of a cycle of area of 8 sets m22 set between 565.7 63.3 m2 queens 14 sets of 930.43 m20 set of 0 m2 JiangGan 16 sets of 1615.74 m21 134.56 m2 GongShu 17 1125.43 m21 44.14 m2 west lake 16 sets of 1322.38 m20 set of 0 m2 binjiang 14 sets of 1567.59 302.61 m2 zhijiang m23 set 1 set of 132.12 m20 set of 0 m2 xiasha 3 sets of 276.41 m20 set of 0 m2 xiaoshan 15 sets of 1280.44 m24 503.59 m2 yuhang 20 sets of 2002.88 m20 set of 0 m2 building heart six sets of 500.39 m21 35.48 m2 fuyang 33 3714.09 m20 set of 0 m2 linan 15 sets of 1511.86 m21 159.01 m2 tonglu 13 1391.29 m24 354.99 m2 ChunAn 3 sets of 318.51 m20 set of 0 m2 total 194 sets of 18255.26 m217 1597.68 m2


2012. 7.11 余杭区二手房交易情况统计 2012. 7.11 yuhang district secondhand the room trade statistics

中介名区域地址面积均价杭州久铭房地产余杭余杭区余杭镇禹航路1012室178.016010杭州久铭房地产余杭余杭镇南安新区Three blocks67.966297杭州翼腾房地产余杭余杭区仁和镇仁和金鼎公寓2 a86.336486杭州盛世管家房余杭余杭区闲林镇爵士风情花园雅兰苑2 a85.687002杭州美迪嘉房地余杭星桥街道广厦天都城天月苑35幢115.416498杭州中都置业咨余杭余? ? area near the flat earth square new street # 3 floor, room 502, hangzhou hangzhou yuhang 155.927375 wide real estate yuhang district near the PingBei street building hangzhou porch ting, 55.367369 2 real estate yuhang yuhang district star Minneapolis bridge street garden house and the 88.927872 hangzhou porch ting yuhang yuhang district Joe company real estate is priceless international garden and building the 74.410483 hangzhou yuhang jinxiu real estate yuhang district xianlin xixi amorous feelings GongYuan hannstar garden building hangzhou the sincere 2 278.1239551 buy yuhang linping town houses dry river house Abraham 4 88.267534 hangzhou yuhang buy houses the sincere yuhang district linping yoh asakura get 2 building houses for the sincere 71.257438 hangzhou ?杭余杭区南苑街道东海水景城项目详情业主社区相册样板户型地图Three blocks124.359248杭州君好亿家房余杭余杭区东湖街道都市港湾公寓1幢50.927855杭州君好亿家房余杭余杭区南苑街道临平桂花城丹桂苑4幢127.5410098杭州科威房地产余杭余杭区良渚镇管家塘村海派风景花苑14幢84.7311424杭州都市之光房余杭余杭区仁和镇和平雅苑4幢90.146157杭州赛德房地产余杭余杭区中泰乡新明半岛水岸轩12 a159.737637

2012. 7.11 萧山区二手房交易情况统计 2012. 7.11 xiaoshan district secondhand the room trade statistics中介公司城区座落建筑面积(m2)价格(万元)杭州宜家房屋置换有限公司其他萧山区闻堰镇江南摩卡115.1465杭州宜家房屋置换有限公司其他萧山区进化镇三水公寓129.0946杭州宜家房屋置换有限公司其他萧山区城厢街道南门江55.435杭州宜家房屋置换有限公司其他萧山区瓜沥镇红友桥北61.5312杭州金逸房屋租赁置换有限公司其他萧山区北干街道金色钱112.02105杭州惠居房地产代理有限公司其他萧山区闻堰镇湘湖人家121.390杭州我爱我家房屋租赁置换有限公司闻堰分公司其他萧山区北干街道新白马97.81165杭州萧乐房地产置换有限公司其他萧山区城厢北干一苑24幢66.1748杭州海泰房地产代理有限公司其他萧山区宁围镇林之语嘉128.76119杭州宜家房屋置换有限公司其他萧山区北干一苑联华新95.667杭州萧山金五福房产置换有限公司其他萧山区瓜沥镇东灵航坞72.838杭州我爱我家房屋租赁置换有限公司闻堰分公司其他萧山区国泰花园29幢247.4290杭州金逸房屋租赁置换有限公司其他萧山区城厢街道水城28幢96.59142杭州业峰房产代理有限公司其他萧山区北干街道中誉现61.564杭州方寸房屋置换有限公司其他萧山区北干街道旺角城5幢284.22285杭州宜家房屋置换有限公司其他萧山区宁围镇和美家9幢88.68117杭州海泰房地产代理有限公司其他萧山区临浦镇东藩商住78.01113杭州萧山家友房屋置换有限公司其他城厢街道北干南山路157.537杭州宜家房屋置换有限公司其他萧山区北干街道城北新56.8435杭州住邦房产代理有限公司萧山开发区分公司其他萧山区北干街道金色钱105.96100杭州财富置业代理有限公司万达路分公司其他萧山区闻堰镇南岸花城187.11200杭州宜家房屋置换有限公司其他萧山区中誉现代城11幢143.36100杭州萧山方正房屋置业有限公司其他萧山区城厢街道潘水南116.0380杭州业峰房产代理有限公司其他萧山区新塘街道新惠名90.0672 Intermediary company city is located floor area(m2)price($ten thousand)杭州宜家房屋置换有限公司其他萧山区闻堰镇江南摩卡115.1465杭州宜家房屋置换有限公司其他萧山区进化镇三水公寓129.0946杭州宜家房屋置换有限公司? ? he xiaoshan district, hangzhou south gate jiang residences street 55.435 ikea housing replacement Co., LTD. Other guali town of xiaoshan district, a red bridge north 61.5312 hangzhou JinYi lease replacement Co., LTD. Other xiaoshan district north dry street money in hangzhou golden 112.02105 you real estate agency Co., LTD, other wenyan town of xiaoshan district, hangzhou xianghu lake the somebody else 121.390 I love my house lease replacement Co., LTD of wenyan branch other xiaoshan district north street new white horse 97.81165 hangzhou dry XiaoLe real estate exchange Co., LTD. Other xiaoshan district, north to do a garden residences 24 house hangzhou hydratight ? 66.1748 real estate代理有限公司其他萧山区宁围镇林之语嘉128.76119杭州宜家房屋置换有? ? company other xiaoshan district north to do a yuan lianhua new 95.667 hangzhou xiaoshan JinWuFu housing replacement Co., LTD. Other guali town dongling xiaoshan district, hangzhou dock navigation 72.838 I love my house lease replacement Co., LTD of wenyan branch of xiaoshan district, cathay garden and other building 247.4290 hangzhou JinYi lease replacement Co., LTD. Other residences of xiaoshan district, hangzhou city streets and a 96.59142 peak real estate agency Co., LTD. Is a industry other xiaoshan district north dry street zhongyu now 61.564 inch housing replacement Co., LTD, hangzhou xiaoshan district, other north street, mong kok, dry city building 284.22285 5 hangzhou advisable家房屋置换有限公司其他萧山区宁围镇和美家9幢88.68117杭州海泰房地产代理有限公司其他萧山区临浦镇东藩商住78.01113杭州萧山家友房屋置换有限公司其他城厢街道北干南山路157.537杭州宜家房屋置换有限公司其他萧山区北干街道城北新56.8435杭州住邦房产代理有限公司萧山开发区分公司其他萧山区北干街道金色钱105.96100杭州财富置业代理有限公司all达路分公司其他萧山区闻堰镇南岸花城187.11200杭州宜家房屋置换有限公司其他萧山区中誉现代城11幢143.36100杭州萧山方正房屋置业有限公司其他萧山区城厢街道潘水南116.0380杭州业峰房产代理有限公司其他萧山区新塘街道新惠名90.0672


(Data sources:Hangzhou transparent while nets、Yuhang property information nets、Xiaoshan transparent while nets、Linan transparent while nets)
