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May 13,a《China family financial report》Come once caused wide public concern。recently,《China family financial report · 2012》Formally published,Southwestern university of finance and Chinese family financial survey and research center director GanLi detailed analysis of the data once again。
中位数与市民感受贴近 Median and citizens feel close to
In the beginning of data were released,China registered city average family assets 2.47 million yuan of statistics,Caused social widely questioned,And family assets 405000 yuan in the median number of but didn't get the attention it deserves。Data shows,Only 14.3% of household assets of more than 2.47 million yuan mean。That is,A few people hold most of the assets。GanLi professor said,It was like a yao plus nine common height,Calculating the average height also will reach more than 180 cm,But this and the personal experience of the general public is totally different,“It also reflected the median important”。
The median,It is to point to will statistics of different variables of the overall value in order of size up,Form a sequence,In a variable values among the sequence position。Median also can be expressed as 50 percentile。Popular explanation is,Than half“I”small,Than half“I”big。And the Chinese city of the assets of the average family median for 405000 yuan,This and ordinary citizens feel close to。“Can say,The mean reflects society total assets and median is reflects the ordinary people in the assets。”GanLi said。
6月11日,美联储也发布了2010年美国的最新家庭资产状况。2010年中国家庭净资产总值高达69.1万亿美元,高出同年美国家庭净资产总值(57.1万亿美元)21%之多。对此,哈佛大学教授David Wise认为这一数据具有合理性:一是中国人口是美国的四倍,家庭总数量高于美国;二是美国房价与2007年相比至今已下降了近30%,中国家庭住房资产总价已赶超美国。
June 11,,The federal reserve also released the 2010 America's latest family assets status。In 2010 China family net worth as much as $69.1 trillion,In the same year higher than the American family net worth($57.1 trillion)More than 21% of。this,Harvard University professor David Wise think this data has rationality:China's population is a four times as fast as in America,Family total number higher than in the us;2 it is American house prices compared with 2007 so far has fallen by almost 30%,China family housing assets total prices already surpass the us。
住房刚需旺盛已成过去 Housing has become the past to just exuberant
Housing problem is the focus of attention of the report by one of the most,The national 90%、85% of the city has its own housing ownership widespread controversy。but,85% of their own housing ownership does not mean that only 15% of people with housing to the rigid demand。Through the Chinese family financial investigation and get the micro data,All kinds of people can be calculated the rigid demand,No room including the housing needs of family,The housing needs of the floating population,And the elders of the live with“Boomerang child”Housing demand,The housing needs of new adult family,The housing needs of new rural migrant workers and the housing needs of the family。Based on the above caliber calculated the urban area housing demand for 99.77 million sets。
If consider personal name of housing,Also is the potential supply idle secondhand the room,Coupled with government authorities announce“2011 years of unsold commodity house about 1.66 million sets”,Urban area of housing supply for 40.48 million sets of the total。so,Urban areas of the shortfall of 59.29 million sets of supply and demand。
GanLi points out that,If you don't consider families improve housing demand and the future of other changes in supply and demand,The government put forward in“1025”Provide 36 million sets of security during the room can meet in urban areas plan housing gap of 60.7%。According to 2011 commodity house construction speed,“1025”Commercial housing developers work during only two and a half years can satisfy all of urban areas housing rigid demand。China's housing just need strong time has in the past。
《China family financial report》shows,Our country city first suite average yield of 300% or more。GanLi said:“If China house prices by 30%,Only 27.8% of the family house prices market value will be below cost,2.91% of family housing value below the bank debt。That is,House prices by 30% on the impact of the banking industry is very small。”
他同时表示,西南财经大学中国家庭金融调查与研究中心计划未来每两年进行一轮调查,样本规模将持续增加。今年4月份的电话回访已经完成,正在进行下一轮的电话回访。未来还将持续下去。本次调查的原数据将在年底向社会免费公开。本组撰文 新报记者 耿雅新
He also said,Southwestern university of finance and Chinese family financial survey and research center plan future every two years, a survey,Sample size will continue to rise。In April this year the phone pays a return visit has already been done,Is the next round of phone return visits。The future will also continue。This investigation of the original data will be available free to the society by the end of the year。The new Chinese press reporter, new articles summer-autumn cultivation
摄影 尹杰
Photography YinJie
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