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  珠海住建局:房地产调控措施无任何调整 Zhuhai living building innings:Real estate adjustment measures without any adjustments


In yesterday's program,We report the zhuhai property 限购 easing policy that night and be out of an emergency stop storm。yesterday,Zhuhai municipal housing and rural and urban planning bureau official response to this news finally,Emphasis on real estate adjustment measures without any change。


Zhuhai property market cancel the two-limited about the news,The first appeared in the day before yesterday evening,At that time ZhouShuYi in zhuhai hill advertising media sina blog micro announced,Zhuhai city will cancel the price fixing,Former west of sunvo company will cancel 限购。Then the micro bo be many media forwarding,Rumours spread。this。Zhuhai municipal housing and urban and rural planning construction bureau spokesman said,Zhuhai's real estate market regulation policies have not moved。


Zhuhai municipal housing and rural and urban planning, deputy director of the urban construction bureau spokesman XieYiWei:The first is the zhuhai since last year,The real estate adjustment measures taken by the most aggressive,Accord with the central、Province of the spirit,And have made remarkable effect,The second is that we will be in strict accordance with zhuhai central、Province of the spirit,Adhere to the real estate market(regulation)Not be moved,Should say this is the municipal party committee and we related department of a consensus。


XieYiWei said,Recently the city housing and rural and urban planning in the second half of the urban construction bureau work,The real estate market regulatory problems,And on the analysis of the actual conditions of the zhuhai basis,Study the specific measures need to be further intensification of whether,But that did not exist in the adjustment of the said。


Zhuhai municipal housing and rural and urban planning, deputy director of the urban construction bureau spokesman XieYiWei:According to the requirement of working procedures,Our real estate market of zhuhai study after study,Related measures if need further fine,Must be approved by the municipal party committee for approval,At present the real estate market in zhuhai regulation of the concrete measures,No adjustment。

  上海房企销售样本:低价策略拉动成交 Shanghai room enterprises sales samples:Low price strategy to pull a deal


Market control policies in the last,But from listed room enterprises just released center daily news,But we see the housing market volume has apparent thaw。By July 11,,In the already announced the center daily news 37 listed room in enterprises,Have 19 room enterprise performance year-on-year growth,Accounting for 70% than,There are many room enterprises have completed the annual sales half the job,Poly real estate(600048,Shares it)Even a half year sales history records,China vanke and ltd.gemdale corporation(600383,Shares it)Has completed more than forty percent of the annual index。Our reporter interviewed in Shanghai a public room enterprises,To see the sales。


In a working days of the morning,Reporters came to Shanghai the center of a real estate company,Here a lot of things together,The room of the enterprises DaiZhengFang executives told reporters,This property is running out。


The enterprise(600675,Shares it)Stock company marketing manager DaiZhengFang:(This property)Sales have been basically completed,About 20 to 30 sets of left end dish,Main is a wave season in April,April、In may、June,Basically than quarter rose 60%、70%,A month to sales of over。


Shanghai the checking armor:Now I have a house,But for a baby,Want to buy a bigger house,So come and see。Is about average about fourteen thousand five hundred。


Shanghai the checking b:Want to buy a set of 88 square little three rooms。Low price,130 can buy a set of tens,Now many people's time,If the back up words,The next and high cost,The rising interest rates twice,Buy a house cost is lower,Thinking about buying a suite as soon as possible。


DaiZhengFang told reporters,Their company, a subsidiary of many building dish to sell like hot cakes because of price change。


The enterprise Co. DaiZhengFang marketing manager:we(Royal court established project)Price is in thirty-eight thousand,Far less than the surrounding our familiar star river,It is in the sixty thousand to seventy thousand,Due to a more competitive price,Attract a lot of improvement of the sexual needs around the person that buy a house to buy。


Now the main entry to buy a house is just need to improve and sexual needs buyers,For pure high-end projects a great impact,They consider this company has begun to adjust the strategy。


The enterprise Co. DaiZhengFang marketing manager:The next stage may to some buildings from the opening,The field of market share slightly a little。Now the field of share to 30% to 40%

  上海房屋中介:不用出门找生意 坐等电话即可 Shanghai house agency:Don't go out looking for business wait for telephone

  对楼市的冷暖,房产中介的反应是最敏感的 。在楼市低迷的时候,我们多次报道过中介关门的消息,现在上海楼市回暖, 房产中介的日子又怎么样呢?接下来我们来认识一位房产中介的业务员,从他的故事中感受到楼市的起起伏伏。

For the housing market changes in temperature,House property intermediary reaction is the most sensitive 。In the housing downturn,We repeatedly reported the news of intermediary close the door,Now the Shanghai property market buoyancy, The day of house property intermediary again?Next we come to know a house property intermediary salesman,From his story feel the ups and downs of property market。


In the Shanghai pudong's a house property intermediary company,Temperatures have reached about 38 degrees outside,The salesman xiao liu to answer the phone kept under。


Shanghai some property intermediary salesman xiao liu:Hello hello,right,The house is still in。

  记者 最近的电话是不是比较多?

The reporter of the nearest telephone is more?


Shanghai some property intermediary salesman xiao liu:yeah,Don't like before we go to main page,Find the client stationed,Now basically we only to sit shop,Wait for customers even than before the phone call,Because our workload is larger,Now many a room and second-hand customer quantity is more,We in a large number of recruit people


Xiao liu described his feeling said,Now in the housing market is not spring,Has come to summer。


Shanghai some property intermediary salesman xiao liu:Basically the house is in short supply。Volume words,June clinch a deal is the best one month,Basically the house sold around it,Basically from February to June,Each month increased by 20%。


Xiao liu said property market of buoyancy,With the landlord is psychological, there is change。


Shanghai some property intermediary salesman xiao liu:But for now,The landlord mentality also shift,For example to talk about before 100000(Bargaining space)of,Now may even 50000 all could not talk,Even some a points are not to talk

  上海购房者:很多人现在无法淡定了 ,看到有一点点松动就着急出手。

Shanghai the person that buy a house:Many people now can't calm ,See a little loose will try so hard moves。


According to Shanghai online real estate to provide the data,In the first half of 2012 Shanghai the new residence add up to 32000 sets clinch a deal、385.3 square meters,A drop of 4.13% and 0.25% respectively compared。In the first half of 2012 Shanghai property market the price for 22563 yuan/square metre,The second half of last year, up 3.1% month-on-month,Also has a 2.6% year-on-year rise。

  杭州:楼市升温卖多租少 租金上涨租房变难 hangzhou:Housing warming sell more less rent up rent rent more difficult


Despite the usual summer has been a traditional housing off-season,But this year the volume of June or may increase dramatically,But let the market of this summer with a little hot despite how much light feeling。With the arrival of the graduation season,Many graduates have to face the problem of rent,In hangzhou,Rising the rent and always tight availability,Let a lot of choice of having graduates exclamation,Now looking for a house is really than looking for a job more difficult。


If the from hunan is zhejiang institute of media fresh graduates。After graduation,Choose to stay at hangzhou of obtain employment he had to join“Rent gens”。Speaking of looking for a house,Smile says if“Looking for a job than difficult”


If college graduates:I was still price as the main basis,After all is fresh out of college,In the capital that it was hard,The second area is considered,But it did not appropriate,Or is not satisfied with location,Or is not satisfied or insufficient, expand the price。


In hangzhou,A two-bedroom rental frequently is three thousand yuan,Even higher,Said if,This is much higher than his psychological price。Facing the high rent,If I end up with two friends choose close hire。


If college graduates:Close hire words,Three people in the three people out flat is worthwhile,And three people are good friends,So in the life also need not worry too。


Reporters from a real estate agent to understand,Begins in June,The graduates to rent a significantly increased。But as recent warming property market,Compared with rent,Owner more inclined to choose to sell,The rental homes available immediately a lot of tension。


House property intermediary personnel:Now houses or less,We hand,Like our store,The customer is still more,Availability is really not much。


House property intermediary staff said,Begins in June,Rental prices rising common than before。SengDuoZhouShao situation,Let many landlord took the opportunity to price increases。


House property intermediary personnel:The two months,Before compared,(rent)Rising a little,Hangzhou has many old landlord,Anyway, his rent,Also understand better the market。

  江苏淮安:毕业生忙买房 部分楼盘占比达六成 Jiangsu huaian:Part of the building to buy a house of graduates busy than sixty percent


Of course,In addition to rent,There are many just walk into the workplace graduates,Out of the consideration ratio,In the support of parents choose to buy a house。In jiangsu huaian,Some recent building even nearly sixty percent of those things are like that“Social new”,The personage inside course of study warns about this,Buy a house according to their income will hold。


Grimmjow is this year just of college,After graduation he in jiangsu huaian found a more than $2000 a month。In order to be able to settle down as soon as possible,He this two days around the apartment now,Ready to loan as soon as possible in huaian formally settled here。

  大学毕业生小葛:准备在这边定居 然后租房的话可能有点不划算 还是买个房比较好一点

University graduates grimmjow:In this way to settle and rent words may be a bit out or buy a house is better


Reporters from some of the real estate development, huaian city enterprise to understand,Because the cause of national regulation,The most recent period of the property market always low huaian。But in June this year after,To perform one more gradually up,There are many are just graduated students and their parents。

  售楼处工作人员:我们这边买房的大学生还是比较多的 基本上都是父母带着小孩过来买房子的 那么在我们这个客户成交比例中 占到了60%左右。

Sales department staff:Our side to buy a house was still more college students are basically parents with a child over to buy the house so as we this customer clinch a deal in the proportion is about 60% or so。


People in the industry say,Fresh out of college if you want to buy a house,Must hold,Like Grimm this situation,If a person for mortgage or some hard。

  某楼盘销售负责人:在收入不是很高的情况下 在置业的同时应考虑到 这个整个购房的一个总体的成本 包括首付款的压力 以及日后的这个还贷的这个压力 那么在自己的经济情况允许的情况下话 购买相对适合自己的房源 会比较好一些

A building dish of sales:In a high income is not the case in real estate and should consider this the whole buying a overall costs include head pressure and the future of the pressure that the loan in their economic situation allow things to buy their own homes relatively suitable for it would be better
