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永济十件实事件件暖民心 涉及就业医疗文化住房等多个方面--亲稳舆论引导监测室

  本报讯 “以前每晚到这里锻炼,最麻烦的就是附近没有公厕。现在好了,公园东边的公厕已经建成,再也不用担心如厕难问题了。”7月3日,在永济市舜帝山森林公园,正在健身锻炼的市民武先生告诉笔者。

Report from our correspondent “Every night before here exercise,The trouble is that no nearby public toilets。Well now,The park has been built on the east of public toilets,No longer worried that difficult question of the toilet。”On July 3,,In YongJiShi ShunDi mountain forest park,Exercise is the citizens of Mr Wu told the author。


In the economic and,Like Mr. Wu as people feel the immediate warm examples and engineering many。Earlier this year,YongJiShi use written、network、Telephone calls and such different ways,Through the news media for extensive public opinion,The careful screening the most urgent、The most concerned about、And production life hotspot difficult problem,After the municipal party committee、The city government fully discuss research,Certain out ten things the livelihood of the people seeking truth,Commitment to the public。

  十件民生实事总投资近3亿元,涉及就业、医疗、文化、住房等多个方面,件件关乎民生、顺乎民意、温暖民心。目前,投资1.6亿元实施的关铝棚户区改造,新建住房1160套项目,正在办理立项手续,研究制定搬迁方案,煤场土地已经开始整理;投资3000万元,涉及13个小区6090户居民的天然气通气工程,已累计完成7个小区2700余户通气任务;投资800万元,解决15个村1.6万人饮水安全问题,张营镇东吕村、韩阳镇贺家村等6个村工程已完工,完成总工程量的40%;投资2300万元的 “天眼”工程全覆盖任务,已安装监控探头1980余个,其他各项工程正在稳步推进中。

Ten people seeking a total investment of nearly 300 million yuan,Involving employment、medical、culture、Housing, etc,Know about the people's livelihood、Accord with the public opinion、Warm people。At present,The implementation of the investment of RMB 160 million yuan GuanLv shanty towns reform,New housing 1160 sets of project,Is working on the project procedures,Study and establish move scheme,Coal yard land has already to get started;Investment of 30 million yuan RMB,In 13, 6090 households in the village of natural gas ventilation engineering,Accumulatively seven community more than 2700 households ventilation task;Investment of 8 million yuan RMB,15 a village of 16000 people solve drinking water safety problems,ZhangYingZhen east village lu、HanYang dahe village home town six village have been completed project,Of the total quantity of 40%;The investment of 23 million yuan “inner”Complete coverage of engineering tasks,Already installed more than 1980 monitoring probe,All the other engineering are steadily。

  “市委、市政府每年为党员干部分发的第一份试卷是十件民生实事,半月一次政务督查的主要内容之一是十件民生实事,年终考核评价的第一项重点还是十件民生实事,对于民生实事的实施进度、完成时限、保障措施等,我们是一点也不敢马虎。”永济市水利局局长孟建欢告诉笔者。为确保各项惠民实事的扎实有序推进、按时完成践诺,市委书记陈杰、市长朱晓东多次深入施工一线,现场办公,了解问题,并将工作任务细化量化,落实到人。同时,市政府每月召开一次调度会,协调解决问题;每季度召开一次专题汇报,督促建设速度。在此基础上,将完成情况列入年终考核评价,采取奖优评差的方式,与干部评先选优、干部提拔任用等结合起来,努力形成以群众满意度、社会和谐度衡量民生工作成效的鲜明导向。 (李 辉)

“Municipal party committee、Every year the city government for party members and cadres of the first test paper is distributed ten pieces the livelihood of the people seeking truth,Half a government affairs of the main content of supervision is one of ten things the livelihood of the people seeking truth,Year end of evaluation first key or ten pieces the livelihood of the people seeking truth,For the implementation of the livelihood of the people seeking progress、Finish time limit、Safeguard measures, etc,We dare not careless。”YongJiShi water conservancy chief MengJianHuan tells the author。To ensure that all of the solid huimin seeking pushed forward、Finish JianNuo,Party secretary ChenJie、The mayor into a line many times j construction,Field office,Understand the problem,And work the mission quantitative thinning,Fulfil person。At the same time,The city government will be held monthly electricity management,Coordinate and solve problem;Every quarter at a special report,Supervise construction speed。Based on this,Will complete condition into year-end evaluation,Take the way of poor optimal award,And PingXian choose excellent cadres、Cadres and promote employment combined,Try hard to form to the masses satisfaction、Social harmony degree measure the effectiveness of the distinctive oriented people's livelihood。 (Li hui)
