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When residence、The hotel、church、community、All commercial street brand”Red brick building”when,People will hold the open brown stone life of the door of the key。Life-skill boundary climaxing gold in Shanghai brown side buildings facing each other”The first shot”,Gold and art is brown departs side buildings facing each other after the comprehensive ready to strike。
Brown stone products new upgrade
Hardcover villa“Bag check in”
Architectural form,Gold is not strange departs for art,Last year in baoshan life-skill boundary side buildings facing each other brown has achieved unprecedented success。With 3 billion yuan of the life-skill boundary sales figures and a year winding speed for brown sales side buildings facing each other name。Now art departs characteristics,Amorous feelings commercial street、The hotel、The element such as the church to join,and“hardcover”Was distinguished。Although the villa area hardcover、High difficulty,Cost is higher than normal buildings,Every detail is not allowed to go wrong,But art gold departs still forged ahead,The hardcover strengths to get incisively and vividly,Make the best quality products。
survey,In the purchase of the high-end property guest,Have part of the buyers because too decorate trouble,Just the next choice high-end apartment,But to make a room to see live“Live good”、“One day have to”Needs are not met,Have to second homes,Smooth add purchase spending。Gold will no longer be let buyers departs art villa hardcover and vexation,Is really able to the villa in bag,Buyers worry、effort、Also save money,Worry-free experience in one go。
Door model innovation spare no effort
4.6 meters on Shanghai is rare in the basement
In the property market,People often can hear“Pick 5 m high,Buy a layer at the second floor”slogan,The property market price become the most bo eyeball discourse。But the person that buy a house also need to pay attention to choose high space layout and the practicability of the family,If the door model the design is not reasonable,Give not with space,Only covet“ratio”It is without question the sesame to pick up the watermelons。
Gold in product family model innovation art departs on spare no effort,Fold up living characteristics,Different door model design makes the household can have its own private garden。Which belong to buyers of underground space of exclusive is particularly attractive,The basement of wrong layer design,Local stories can reach 4.6 meters,Air and do not break sweet feeling enough to impress most of the buyers。For like a more room for buyers,4.6 meters of the basement is a clever space,The basement of glass skylight design is to add a romantic life that occupy the home。In addition,On the attic of buyers have both beautiful and practical,Add life administrative levels feels。
Brown stone into authentic
All American community feel life experience
Art to bring jing shen hua year too much,Brown stone elements of flavor to move in the inside people really enjoy brown brought the American life experience side buildings facing each other。
Brown stone amorous feelings of the commercial street building make the whole project extremely characteristic,Commercial street will attract some of the middle and high-end of the entity in the shop,Provide practical、Convenient life service,Also very real reduction brown stone of the life condition。
But brown stone hotel is art provides the highest specifications of service departs,The owner can in the hotel in treating guests、meeting,Fitness and so on。At the same time the owner can also on the weekend afternoon of the coffee shop in the hotel,Aimless read a book,This is the real life of high-end population state。The brown of the community stone hotel is the first a brown stone city hotel,Has a very important symbolic significance。
moreover,Brown stone church is the spirit of life for the landlord to provide a fortress,When the bell ring of the week,People will involuntarily produce awe,The baptism of the inner world religion。
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