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  东南网7月27日讯(本网记者 颜财斌 陈薪宇 实习生 王锦)房产证在丢失该如何补办?许多福州市民一直关注房产补办问题,但并不清楚具体做法。近日,福州仓山区市民林工针对房产证补办一事拨打本网爆料热线:0591—87095403咨询,并提出了其夫妻名下各有一套按揭房是否可以再购买住房的疑问。

Southeast nets on July 27,-(Our reporter YanCai bin Chen WangJin paid yu interns)House property card lost how to fill do?Many people have been focusing on fuzhou house property card fill do problems,But do not know the specific practices。recently,Fuzhou CangShan area for house property card fill do in Bethlehem residents call this a hotline:0591-87095403 for consultation,And put forward the name of husband and wife have a mortgage room each whether can buy housing questions。


Will Mr. Lin's house property card fill do problems,Reporter CangShan consulting fuzhou district real estate administration room, right,Staff Mr Lin said house property card must have lost homes fill do state-owned land to use card to accept it。According to Mr. Lin introduced,Fill do private housing estate certificate,Both rural and urban residents need to JiTiHu fuzhou real estate trade registration center houses inquires files,Made between the property right card,carry“Two card”(State-owned land to use card、Certificate of property title)To the original deal with house property card place fill in the declaration statement,Now it should be specific requirements houses with former property right certificate indicate information consistent(No illegal expansion, etc)。then,Announcement was three months,As contrary,Can fill do。

  就“登报公告”这一项,林先生解释道:“房主在原办理房产证处填写申报声明后,房管部门会根据民房的信息出具公告,房主带上这份公告到《福建日报》或《福州日报》登报作废原房产证,三个月后如无疑义,方能补办新证。”该工作人员还提到, 若房产为经济适用房,属于市房产交易登记中心管辖范围,补办新证需到该中心咨询。”

it“Announcement was”This a,Mr. Lin explains:“Homeowners in the original deal with house property card place fill in after declaration statement,Janitorial services will be private housing according to the information issue a public announcement,Homeowners with the announcement《Fujian daily》or《Fuzhou daily》The original house property card was invalid,Three months after such as contrary,Can fill do new card。”The officer said, If real estate for economy is applicable the room,Belong to city estate trade registration center jurisdiction,Fill do a new license to need the center consulting。”


then,The reporter also contacted the city estate trade registration center workers,He said that,Economy is applicable the room with houses of house property card fill do fill do program counterparts,Requirements must have the property right person id card to registration center registration report the loss of STH,The ZhaDang staff,Confirm this person have a real estate,Open the next property right card,up《Fujian daily》or《Fuzhou daily》The original house property card invalid announcement,Three months after such as contrary,Can handle official。From the registration to the formal handling, complete a about 100 days。Special remind those housing for mortgage room property right person,Fill do approval from the bank agree to the loan of house property card shall be filed with the。


Will Mr. Lin proposed purchase of the restrictions are the problem,Reporter consultation with the fuzhou estate trade registration center。Officials said,Fuzhou 限购 make provisions that buy a house,Fuzhou five city and eight county residents,As a family unit name no real estate,Most are allowed to buy two sets of house,Name two sets of above have not allowed to buy。“Have house property,But want to buy a house to sell the new original house property rear can buy again。Five city and eight other than county residents a family for the unit,No room in fuzhou,Must have nearly one year above tax documents or social security to pay the proof just can buy a home,Have to buy a set and only。”
