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From the subway changyang stand out,Eyesight and were almost all site,Crane with,Strewn at random discretion。This a heat wave yellow reminder,Here have become Beijing and land。“The heart of changyang county in 850000”Big red highlights great signs has allure price advantage。here,One million yuan can not only city home,Even the remaining 150000 let people add small car。
Just need to“Holy land”
房山楼盘主要集中在长阳、良乡和窦店三个区域。其中,离北京主城区最近的长阳,在房山CSD(Central Shopping District)中央购物休闲区规划和地铁房山线带动之下,成为区域楼市的一枝独秀。今年一季度房山区成交超过百套的项目均位于此地,多数产品的目标客群为刚需首置和首改人群。目前长阳楼市每平米均价稳定在13000~14000元左右,与同属西南五环与六环之间的大兴黄村相较,要低上2000~3000元。
Fang shan magmatic mainly concentrated in changyang county building、And DouDian liangxiang three regions。Among them,In the recent changyang county from Beijing,Fang shan magmatic CSD in(Central Shopping District)The central shopping recreational area planning and subway line under fang shan magmatic drive,To be a regional property market monolith。In the first quarter this year more than sets of fangshan district clinch a deal the projects are located there,Most products of target customers to buy for just the first and first to the crowd。At present average price per square metre changyang county property market stability in 13000 ~ 14000 yuan,And southwest belong to the five rings and six ring of HuangCun compared between daxing district,Lower 2000 ~ 3000 yuan。
this“Price depressions”The high attention by the person that buy a house。In the monthly search room net、Sina in music websites such as organization of netizens things in the group,Sign up to perform most is fang shan magmatic。May 26, search room net fang shan magmatic line for the two cars to checking group 35 a bus full,Staff shall no longer called a taxi to join systems group。
“Town house prices too high,The price of fang shan magmatic or right。Although a bit far,But is there a subway,When my boyfriend and I work all pretty convenient。”In the group the bus systems,Miss zhao inventory the advantages and disadvantages of fang shan magmatic of building,Next time and again to her boyfriend on the subway to see a room。With elderly mother a checking up the miss xu,For this is the dumb seems the river is around、Forest park is very satisfied,“Here environment is good,Suitable for old people living。Fang shan magmatic CSD planning and core changyang county in,After a good development prospect。Now to buy a house is also a kind of investment。”In shijingshan work Mr. Gao said,He already has two colleagues in fang shan magmatic bought marriage room,He now regret not having breakfast laid hands on him,Traffic is just need to the buyers of the important consideration factors new home buyers。“Price depressions”Fame outside,More convenient traffic will be the southwestern haidian、fengtai、Shijingshan even to the person that buy a house across town just introduced changyang county fang shan magmatic。No wonder changyang can be of concern to just“Holy land”。The reporter field investigation,From southwest of the third ring LiuLiQiao start,Driving from the north to the south high speed and G107 Beijing northern go deep way,Driving about half an hour,Soon can see changyang peninsula、City yue mountain etc building dish instructions trafflc signs。Go in Beijing on good,Up in the air of the visible frame fang shan magmatic line commuter trains,It and Beijing metro line no. 9 connectivity,Starting from the current changyang county,40 minutes up to Beijing west station。9 line to the north open completion,More will fang shan magmatic with zhongguancun、Xidan and rail link through,The regional transportation further upgrade。
Along hot plate
Rail traffic will upgrade again of changyang county fang shan magmatic,The subway along of several buildings also has a hot up。
To walk from the subway station changyang county southeast 35 minutes,Is first open。City of mount pleasant sales offices。“The heart of changyang county in 850000”Big red signs are comes from that first open。Mount pleasant city on June 16, 68-73 square meters of opening in two small family,Total price 850000 yuan up。When building started around 120 square meters of three-bedroom main,Only the first open onto a low price in small family,Obviously is playing a difference competitions brand。According to sales is introduced,By June 4,,Over 200 set of customers PaiHao registration,Among them is the first since the customer for living,There are many investment guest or give consideration to the investment needs of customers。
Mount pleasant neighbors in the city,Cofco vanke。Changyang peninsula building area is changyang county home。Big brother 2009 in changyang county has,After many open quotation,Sales result has always been good,Surrounding buildings more mature than obvious。In this piece of amongst the yellow crane tower“wave”in,Has completed the delivery of changyang county peninsula area is undoubtedly one of the most vitality and charm of the scenery:Upstairs airing on the balcony clothes,Vanke property security downstairs dressed neatly duty,More open to be completed“Peninsula dining room”Provide service。
Located in changyang county on the south side of the peninsula urban construction。Roaming set,British style to the comfortable community concept in the areas for improvement of the passengers:1.6 volume rate、3.1 metres high、4.2 meters wide bedding face,Even making the most of three regions。The improvement of the southwestern type of customer,In the haidian、The group primarily fengtai retired。The garden set round arches、ShuTiao window、Hang wall、Tiger window、One word such as slope roof British element,It is to target customers taste preferences and set。
Standing in the next stop changyang county,First in the construction of。AoTeLaiSi has based,The world famous brand discount stores,As the economic engines fang shan magmatic CSD。As part of the project AoTeLaiSi fang shan magmatic residence,First ballet rain。Yue are also become the regional hot plate。Seen ballet rain。Yue are between the example of the person that buy a house is hard to get a house for high rate and founder door model the mind:Although is in two,Three wave window's 6 ~ 8 square meters giving makes the room rate is as high as 86% of such high to room rate let building area of 87 square meters,Set inside the area of 76 square meters or so look like the two bedrooms of s and square meters are generally。A colleague of Mr. Gao in early may the rain in the ballet。Yue are bought a two-bedroom apartment,And when Mr. Gao in May to the things when the inquiry,Only to be told the family already sold out。
Thirteen thousand the building
Regional project extremely concentrated changyang county,Between the project in traffic、business、Education supporting the differences of the is not big,Competition is fierce。The price of the whole area from march this year loose:The first three months。Mount pleasant city in 13000 yuan/m2 sale room,April 12900 yuan, with a garden set/m2 refresh area record low,And then also became April sales champion。As of May 27,,Ballet rain。Yue are and cofco vanke。The peninsula with 156 sets of changyang county results may be tied for the new pin fang shan magmatic property market crown。Among them,The highest had sold to 18000 yuan/m2 decorate the room of all food vanke。Changyang peninsula,The price is less than 15000 yuan/m2。
The real estate planning manager WenSiQi said,The recent market changes changyang county showed just need the person that buy a house on the price of great sensitive。A price after the agent,To change the price of changyang county building repeatedly made a good sales,Regional price recent slightly rebounded,Gradually build the。12900 yuan/square meters garden set homes already is the lowest area。At present the project is still in the waves took out some low-cost houses promotions,Price is not。
To the sales department asked a circle,Found out that several of fang shan magmatic thermal plate,Special offer availability to the most already。Ballet rain。Yue all existing homes already sold out,The middle of June also only will again dozen sets out on the top of the loft products,The unit price is in twenty thousand yuan to twenty-one thousand yuan between。June 2, the fifth opened garden sets,Still play“12900 yuan/square meters up”Special offer, expand the signs,In fact the rest of the special offer a few houses。
At present,The prices are stable changyang county building at the same level,This will not be a greater adjustment:Top general, expand the semifinished product room in the price of 14000 yuan per square meter,House price per square products in 15000 yuan to 16000 yuan between。Fine decoration due to cost increase availability,On this basis the price per square 12000 yuan rise。

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