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Looking for“Reasonable and effective demand”?Faced with persistent the ailing bank credit demand,Banking regulator for“Perfectly placed”The real estate sector in,Broke into the enthusiasm。
In the China banking regulatory commission (CBRC) held recently in 2012 the second economic and financial situation analysis and reporting meeting in the middle of 2012 supervision work conference,He points out that the chairman of China's banking,The second half,Banking regulator to support low price、Small-scale common commodity house construction,The first priority for households set of real self living buys a room to mortgage loan。
This comment in developers quickly by hot debate。July 31,,Shenzhen baoan district a local developers finance director in accepting our newspaper reporter to interview said,Hardly see regulators on real estate in published“support”Key words of public comment。And credit relaxing“undercurrent”Combined with,The company will be in financing and financial management more positive adjustment and arrangement。
the,The China banking regulatory commission was placed a requested anonymity officials when accepting a reporter to interview that analysis,Regulators on real estate loans of attitude is occurring clear change,Will begin to support“Reasonable and effective demand”。He also said,This also is banking have no choice。Because of the overall credit demand has lower than bank bear ability,May affect some of the bank and sustainable development。but,In the real estate sector can get effective demand,, there are a lot of questions。
“支持说”落地将极为审慎 “Support said”Will be born is prudent
In the news of the banking regulatory commission,He pointed out that,Since this year,Banking regulator to strictly control the overheating areas and high debt real estate loans of the enterprises in scale,Real estate loan risk prevention and control achievements;Commercial bank credit structure got adjustment。
“Should say,This adjustment is still not achieve regulatory requirements,(so)While stressing the risks,The risk list some of the key。”The CBRC people research, told the reporter,In addition to the local government financing platform、Real estate、The liquidity of traditional risk revealed,The meeting also stressed the need for special attention“Credit risk and risk case”。
In this kind of customary dialectical type strategies,In the first half of this year the growth of real estate loans,Focused on the construction of affordable housing credit。By the end of June,Support the comfortable housing project loans outstanding 581.3 billion yuan,Year-on-year growth of 54.3%,The average growth rate than the loan is 38.4% higher。
According to the above comment he,The second half of this year,Common commodity house construction and the mortgage loan will be available“support”。on,Attend the meeting of the banking regulatory commission (CBRC) research groups said,Support will be reflected in the individual regions,Take the total scale control way,Standard is“Reasonable and effective”。but,“This comment whether can acquire each place the CBRC's popular support,Is not good to conclusions,Because of their index is system evaluation,Not a single,They will be very careful。”
金融脱媒趋势愈发明显 Take off the financial media trend is increasingly clear
The transgressions of regulatory authorities statement can promote credit support real estate scale growth,Some of the bank branch also have many questions。Agricultural bank of China(601288,Shares it)Shenzhen branch manager and senior customer LiangYan accept our newspaper reporter to interview said,They study found,Shenzhen of real estate finance disk has shown in the table decline、The characteristics of the rising outside the watch,Can confirm is financial to take off the media trend,The real estate loans directly affect the reasonable growth。
The reason of this trend is undoubtedly off-balance-sheet financing increasingly active。The shenzhen baoan real estate company finance director said,Real estate loans at the end of the overall tightening,Real estate enterprise have to seek financing path。Half year down,Paid financing、bills、bonds、Trust and equity financing was mature。“now,Interest rate marketization tentative efforts also give developers off-balance-sheet financing more innovation space。”
In addition,LiangYan frontal revealed,“Some real estate enterprise will trust financing on‘Paid-in capital’Under a。The trust financing has its problems,Belong to enterprise or liabilities,But such a treatment,Statements reflect not to come out is a liability。”The real estate company, said chief financial officer,And some developers to bill on other payment middle below,There are also such problem。
this,The banking regulatory commission officials said,Banking regulators are highly attention as the problem of the potential impact。The above years on the meeting,The risk management of the real estate trusts again is set to key direction。This is because,“From 2011 years since the fourth quarter,Banking bad loans for three quarter balance has been rising annulus,Real estate trust is a accompanied by operation risk。”Based on this,Banking regulator in the second half of this year will explore the caliber of the management of the enterprise liabilities way,And ask Banks should pay attention to the safety of the enterprise translated、liquidity。
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