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徽商银行85折申请较苛刻 合肥房贷优惠成“奢侈品”--亲稳舆论引导监测室

  虽然合肥已有徽商银行推出了首套房贷85折利率优惠,但是申请需满足一定条件,额度有限,85折依旧是合肥购房者眼中的“奢侈品”。”[合肥徽商银行首套房85折落地 40万房贷月供省200多元>>>]

Although hefei has launched the first set of huizhou merchants bank mortgage interest rate is 85 off discount,But the application will meet certain conditions,Limited amount,85 fold is still hefei in the eyes of the person that buy a house“luxury”。”[hefei hui merchants bank first suite 85 fold the be born 400000 mortgage the month for the province of 200 RMB>>>]


合作楼盘:仅限部分满足条件的购房者 Cooperation building dish:Only to be part of the person that buy a house to meet conditions


July 20,,Hui merchants bank hefei branch issued by the head office of receiving“The first suite 85 fold favorable interest rate”notice,But only and hui merchants bank cooperate in the estate,Just can apply for to favorable interest rate。


According to the statistics,In hefei in the sale of the more than 430 buildings,Only 25 home building and hui merchants bank have cooperation。That is,Only the person that buy a house this home buyers to 25 buildings can be applied for the first suite 85 discount rates,And not only that,Application is also to meet certain conditions。


“No bad loan records,Customers can't apply for the parents have common reimbursement is the basic premise,At present, only hefei account or have hefei above one year social security to apply for customers,Under the age of 22 customers have to provide water account,Only these conditions are satisfied,Customers to submit application material。”China residence project details to the model family video map community album sales charge to the site has revealed。

徽商银行85折申请较苛刻 合肥房贷优惠成“奢侈品”

(合肥徽商银行 HOUSE365张月 摄?) (Hefei hui merchants bank HOUSE365 a monthly perturbation?)


And according to the project details in the haiyuan fault model family photo album community video map project details owner community map sales people learned,Although they building dish and hui merchants bank have cooperation,But customers now choose hui merchants bank loans is not much。“Relatively light big Banks(601818,Shares it)、Construction bank(601939,Shares it)for,Hui merchants bank eligible to apply more,And limited amount,85 fold quota is limited,We tend to encourage customers to choose another bank,Batch of down quicker。”


At the same time,Other home and hui merchants bank have cooperation building have said,Have the conditions of application is also extremely individual buyers,Of the 85 fold favorable interest rate of the temporary not down the situation appears。


徽商银行:额度有限 满足条件仍需排队 Hui merchants bank:Limited amount still need to meet conditions to wait in line


According to some people familiar with:Hui merchants bank the launch 85 fold favorable interest rate of 50 million credits,Probably more than 100 "the loan application to real but。So counted down,Average to 25 home building cooperation,Every building is only a four places。In addition,May also according to the building dish overall strength,Huizhou merchants bank and the degree of cooperation。


“Now that file down,Meet the condition is can apply for。But can you batch of down,Still not say,We haven't been a sub-branch“85 discount loans”Batch of down。”Hui merchants bank branch GeDai department chief to seven south said。


“Limit not much,Need to line up!”Hui merchants bank huangshan mountain road branch GeDai department chief said to the site,At present,And their cooperation in the buildings have many report 85 fold,In the meet "under the premise of credit conditions,They will be in accordance with the order of the application for examination and approval。


多数购房者对85折不报希望 Most of the person that buy a house to 85 fold the hope


Recently bought ShuShan area Tahiti project details owner community model family photo album video map of 82 young wu after signing a contract has been dragging do not go doing loan,Only to wait for“85 fold favorable interest rate”,But when hui merchants bank“85 fold favorable interest rate”Documents issued after,Xiao wu but no resistance to the agriculture bank of choice(601288,Shares it)。


“Although Tahiti project details owner community model family photo album video map and hui merchants bank have cooperation,But do not give their bank loan portfolio,So I finally chose agricultural bank。”Xiao wu no resistance to the said。


then,This site visited hefei much home hui merchants bank,Hui merchants bank branches with various branch are consistent said:Hui merchants bank are not accepted“Combination loans”business,That is,Only the pure“Commercial loans”Before they can be in huizhou merchants bank for a loan。

  “与房贷优惠相比,还是楼盘优惠来的实在些,对于首套房利率85折,排队还不知道要等到什么时候,我压根没报希望。”在中海原山项目详情业主社区相册样板户型视频地图项目详情业主社区地图7月29日开盘现场,购房者刘女士果断的放弃了徽商银行,决定向其它家银行申贷。(三六五地产家居网 张月)

“Compared with the mortgage discount,Or building dish preferential is really something,Interest rates for the first suite 85 fold,Line up also does not know to want to wait until what time,I never hope for。”In the project details owner community haiyuan fault model family photo album video map project details owner community map on July 29, the opening,The person that buy a house liu decisive gave up the hui merchants bank,Decision to other Banks "lend。(The 365 real estate home JuWang a monthly)
