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西湖一周:富越香溪首次占得成交冠军 蝶园8折促销欲清盘--亲稳舆论引导监测室

据透明售房网数据统计,西湖区(7月30日-8月5日)商品房共成交136套,比上周的107套增加了29套,环比上涨27.1%;预定9套,比上周的20套减少了11套,环比下跌了55%。>>>上周行情:行情归于平淡仅成交107套 连续三周持续走低
According to the statistical data transparent while nets,the(July 30,-August 5,)136 sets of commodity house clinch a deal,More than 107 sets of last week increased 29 sets,Annulus comparing rose 27.1%;Scheduled 9 set,More than 20 of reduced the last week of November,Annulus comparing fell 55%。>>>Last week market: prices attributable to the plain of 107 consecutive clinch a deal only three weeks keep falling
上周预售证:无 Last week to open to booking card:no
上周开盘:无 Opened last week:no
According to 365 statistics bridal chamber center:Last week the total 15 buildings have scheduled data clinch a deal。Last Saturday for the most,Clinch a deal with 27 set。
Residential respect,Total of 134 to clinch a deal last week,Scheduled 9 set,The total area of 15099.4 clinch a deal。The top three in the rich xixi plate including the xiangxi project details owner community model family photo album video map and China vanke xixi butterfly garden phase 2 project details owner community model family photo album video map、Located in the pond board turn zhijiang chang living golf art project details owner community model family photo album video map。
富越香溪项目详情业主社区相册样板户型视频地图自14日5、8号楼189套房源首开后,上周首次产生成交数据。上周共成交52套,成交面积达4569.28,毫无疑问地夺得了西湖区上周成交排行榜的首位。据开发商“开盘当日共去化85%,其中8号楼房源售罄”的数据来看,接下来还将不断刷新成交数据>>>连线|富越香溪以西溪板块最低价首开 吸引461组购房者到场
The rich xiangxi project details owner community model family photo album video map from 14 5、8 floor of 189 homes after the first,For the first time last week produce clinch a deal data。Last week, clinch a deal with 52 sets,Clinch a deal the area of 4569.28,No doubt the clinch a deal last week won the top priority。According to the developers“On the day of the opening of the to 85%,Eight of the source of the building, sold out”Data to see,There will continue to refresh clinch a deal data>>>attachment|Rich in the xiangxi xixi plate the lowest price first open to attract 461 group to the person that buy a house
Last week the two sets of commercial real estate deal,All comes from green city on the project details xixi sincere owner community model family photo album map of honesty。
西湖区2012.7.30-2012.8.5成交预定详情 The 2012.7.30-2012.8.5 clinch a deal the book details序号板块楼盘名称预定套数成交套数成交面积1西溪富越香溪0524569.282西溪万科西溪蝶园2期项目详情业主社区相册样板户型视频地图0132084.543之江转塘金都高尔夫艺墅项目详情业主社区相册样板户型视频地图0121319.184三墩金地自在城项目详情业主社区相册样板户型视频地图0101411.055西溪坤和和家园项目详情业主社区相册样板户型地图010831.536西溪坤和西溪里项目详情业主社区相册样板户型视频地图191242.657西溪绿城西溪诚园项目详情业主社区相册样板户型地图071457.38之江转塘天阳云筑项目详情业主社区相册样板户型视频地图06545.189城西文教雅戈尔御西湖项目详情业主社区相册样板户型视频地图56747.1910之江转塘篁外项目详情业主社区相册样板户型视频地图03268.2911城西文教文溪鼎园项目详情业主社区相册样板户型视频地图02154.7812西溪雅戈尔西溪晴雪项目详情业主社区相册样板户型地图32194.9613西溪广宇西城美墅项目详情业主社区相册样板户型地图01188.5514之江转塘钱塘梧桐燕庐项目详情业主社区相册样板户型视频地图0184.92合计913415099.4
序号板块楼盘名称预定套数成交套数成交面积1西溪富越香溪0524569.282西溪万科西溪蝶园2期项目详情业主社区相册样板户型视频地图0132084.543之江转塘金都高Cardiff's living art project details owner community model family photo album video map 0121319.184 three pier at gold city project details owner community model family photo album video map 0101411.055 xixi project details and homes and in the community model family photo album map 010831.536 xixi and xixi project details in kun owner community model family photo album video map 191242.657 xixi green city on the project details xixi sincere owner community model family photo album map 071457.38 zhijiang turn pond day YangYun build project details owner community model family photo album video map ? 06545.189 city文教雅戈尔御西湖项目详情业主社区相册样板户型视频地图56747.1910之江转塘篁外项目详情业主社区相册样板户型视频地图03268.2911城西文教文溪鼎园项目详情业主社区相册样板户型视频地图02154.7812西溪雅戈尔西溪晴雪项目详情业主社区相册样板户型地图32194.9613西溪广宇西城美墅项目详情业主社区相册样板户型地图01188.5514之江转塘钱塘梧桐燕庐项目详情业主社区相册样板户型视频地图0184.92合计913415099.4
小编点评:近段时间,西湖区楼盘频频推出优惠刺激销售,继金都高尔夫艺墅推出给力折扣后,上周万科西溪蝶园2期针对12号楼53小户型房源推出优惠促销,一口价仅为18500元/-19500元/,大大低于此前的23000元/。>>>8月杭城33个楼盘开盘 10个楼盘首次亮相
Small make up comment on:Nearly time,The building dish out frequently preferential to stimulate sales,Following the gold capital golf art to force after living out a discount,Vanke xixi butterfly garden last week 2) in building no. 12 53 small family homes out preferential promotion,Price is 18500 yuan only /-19500 yuan /,Greatly lower than the previous 23000 yuan /。>>>Hangzhou August 33 building opening 10 buildings appeared for the first time
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