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- ·“国五条”实施细则“满月” 调控能
- ·艳阳三月天 梧桐树下亲子运动会圆满
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- ·全民抢疯了!五洲国际小商品城2期1小
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- ·女业主挑战购房潜规则 与开发商对峙
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- ·昆明陆续推出3万套公租房 到住房保障
- ·京旧宫3宅地入市 限价政策或致房企“
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- ·北城中心在哪里 北城商业崛起发展高

Ze · yunshan and outside
Bulk order hot were forced to cancel them
商报记者 杨四海
Business newspaper reporter YangSiHai
重庆商报讯 缙云山下的花园洋房有多受宠?或许,你可以通过新天泽·云山外得出答案。8月5日,新天泽·云山外进行了团购活动,针对西南大学教师团购还提供了专门折扣,推出的2号楼、3号楼销售达90%,原计划的开盘活动也被迫取消。
Chongqing dispatch jinyun mountain garden villa have much loved?perhaps,You can through the new heavens and the ze · yunshan get the answer。August 5,,New heavens and outside the ze · yunshan team activities,In southwest university teachers team also provides special discount,Launch tower 2、3 floor sales by 90%,The original plan of open quotation activities were cancelled。
KangTian triumph international
Now start VIP card is dealt with
商报记者 任琪
Business newspaper reporter RenQi
重庆商报讯 记者获得最新消息,继重庆市地产集团之后,重庆市住房公积金管理中心将进驻康田凯旋国际。据悉,该项目即日启动VIP卡办理,开盘时将享1%优惠。
Chongqing business newspaper reporter get the latest news,The chongqing after real estate group,Chongqing housing accumulation fund management center will be stationed in the KangTian triumph international。It is reported,This project now start VIP card is dealt with,At a 1% discount to the opening。
Jia KaiCheng(000918,Shares it)· at the official residence
Invite your weekend taste“Much have to”
商报记者 李小丹
Business newspaper reporter LiXiaodan
重庆商报讯 8月10日~12日,嘉凯城·北麓官邸与重庆银行共同携手世界级奢侈品牌,邀你一起品味舍得境界,唯有“奢得”。本次国际奢侈品特卖贵宾专场活动在销售中心举行,届时,HERMES、GUCCI、PRADA、FENDI、DIOR、D&G、BURBEERY等奢侈品牌华丽聚汇,将为重庆高端人士开启一场难得的奢品盛宴!
Chongqing dispatch August 10 to 12 days,Jia KaiCheng · north chongqing and residence bank together hand in hand world class luxury brand,Invite you taste be willing to part with or use state together,only“Much have to”。The international luxury guest on sale in sales centre at the special activities,when,HERMES、gUCCI、prada、Fendi、dior、d&g、BURBEERY luxury brands such as luxuriant collect together,Will provide chongqing high-end personage open a rare excessive product feast!
The planned COSMO
Custom is the city of sale
商报记者 陈建舟
Business newspaper reporter ChenJianZhou
重庆商报讯 近期,凭借观音桥商圈核心地段,以及“服务式办公”等增值服务,为投资者提供了良好物业升值空间,使得众多区县投资客对观音桥COSMO项目趋之若鹜。观音桥COSMO项目A座41~89平方米定制公馆,精装清水两种灵活选择,投资自住均十分适宜。观音桥COSMO的A座定制公馆正全城发售中,同时,观音桥COSMO尚余少量B座稀缺写字楼和商铺在售中。
Chongqing dispatch recently,The planned commercial with the core area,and“Service type office”Value-added services such as,For investors with good property appreciation potential,So many of the planned investment area county guest COSMO project an apple。The planned COSMO project building A 41-89 square meters custom residence,Hardcover water two flexible choice,Since living are very appropriate investment。The planned decision-makers in their company.11.53% building A mansion is on sale in the city custom,At the same time,The planned COSMO more than a few B is a scarce office building and shops in the sale。
Poly in half an
Challenge ZhangZhenYue K song contest bright life
商报记者 廖洁
Business newspaper reporter LiaoJie
重庆商报讯 近日记者获悉,保利花半里挑战张震岳K歌大赛将于本周六(11日)火热开唱,参与即有机会赢取张震岳演唱会门票。保利花半里的负责人同时也提醒购房者,该项目55~77的可变户型即将在近期加推,本周办理VIP卡可以额外惠1.6万元。
Chongqing dispatch recently the reporter learns,Poly spent half an ZhangZhenYue K song contest in challenges in this Saturday(11)Th hot,Participate in that for a chance to win ZhangZhenYue concert tickets。The head of the poly spent half an also warned that the person that buy a house,The project 55 to 77 variable family is in recent addition push,This week for VIP card can you an extra 16000 yuan。
Southeast hon mansion
Weekend invite you to play snow world
商报记者 张梅
Business newspaper reporter ZhangMei
重庆商报讯 本周末,隆鑫鸿府现场将举办冰雕展,邀你玩转冰雪世界,雪的冰凉、亲自动手的乐趣,雕琢自己梦幻的冰雪世界!进入8月,天气暴热,楼市趋冷,但隆鑫鸿府每天的到访量仍然维持在50组以上。
Chongqing dispatch this weekend,The government will hold the southeast ice sculpture exhibition,Invite you to play snow world,The icy snow、A hands-on fun,Carve their dream of ice and snow world!Into August,The weather suddenly and violently hot,Property market is cold,But the visit of the southeast house every day is still maintain in more than 50 group。
Poly river back pearl garden
Set inside 64 ~ 78 m2 top will launch
商报记者 廖洁
Business newspaper reporter LiaoJie
重庆商报讯 作为保利江上明珠今年的龙头产品高层馨园,也将于近期推出1号楼全新套内64~78户型。在户型设计上紧凑多变,套内64~78可以满足多种家庭需求,每户都有空中院馆赠送,极大提高了户型性价比。目前保利江上明珠馨园1号楼VIP卡正火热办理中,交5000元即可享受3万元房款优惠,VIP另享9.9折,更有机会获得张震岳演唱会门票。
Chongqing dispatch as poly river this year leading products of high pearl back garden,In the near future, will also launch building no. 1 new set inside 64 ~ 78 family。In the door model the design compact changeable,Set inside 64 ~ 78 can meet a variety of family needs,Every available then library for free,greatly improves a door model performance to price ratio。At present in the pearl river poly wind-blown building no. 1 VIP CARdS are hot process,Make 5000 yuan 30000 yuan can enjoy preferential house money,VIP another at 9.9 fold,Have a better chance to get ZhangZhenYue concert tickets。
Hong Kong holdings · Yorkshire
Weekend addition push new group to hear lake 10 building
商报记者 李小丹
Business newspaper reporter LiXiaodan
重庆商报讯 一向以“高调做产品,低调买房子”的香港置地·约克郡,在聆湖10栋加推的当周,依旧没能逃过市场的追捧,以1亿元的认购金额,“惹火”当下的别墅市场。主力户型套内面积在289左右,可使用面积最高达600。
Chongqing always with dispatch“High-profile do product,Low-key to buy a house”Hong Kong holdings · Yorkshire,In the lake house listening to 10 of the addition push week,Still hasn't escaped the market demand,With 100 million yuan subscription amount,“that”The current villa market。Main door model set inside the area in 289 or so,Can use area of up to 600。
With 100000 yuan to buy a down jiangshan line jiang jing room
商报记者 任琪
Business newspaper reporter RenQi
重庆商报讯 主城核心、一线江景、汇集公园、名校……集万千宠爱于一身的融汇江山,本周六将应市加推21号楼。据悉,此次推出房源套内面积为70~121平方米,买两房仅需首付10万元,买3房仅需首付13万元。
Chongqing dispatch urban core、A line jiang jing、Collection park、School......Collect myriad dotes on the stand together,Saturday will YingShi addition push building no. 21。It is reported,The launch houses set inside floor area is 70-121 square meters,Buy two houses down only 100000 yuan,Buy 3 room down only 130000 yuan。
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