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图一:北京石景山万达广场用脸盆接漏雨“楼水水”敲响楼盘质量警钟“楼水水”敲响楼盘质量警钟图一:北京石景山万达广场用脸盆接漏雨 Graph one:Beijing shijingshan wanda plaza, use wash basin by leak


Figure 2:Beijing fang shan magmatic countless visitors of the flooded garage

  图三:北京沿海赛洛城掉落的墙皮砸得室内一片狼藉 孙 蔚/摄

Graph 3:Beijing coastal "la drop indoor walls it chaos sun wei/perturbation

  编者按 7月21日,61年来罕见的特大暴雨袭击京城,造成了重大财产损失和人员伤亡。这场暴雨不仅检验了北京的市政配套设施,同时也考验着京城各个房地产项目的质量。哪些楼盘的工程质量隐患在特大暴雨的考验中原形毕露?开发商、物业公司的应急反应能力如何?房子漏雨,谁应为业主的损失埋单?为何建筑渗水、漏水的顽疾难以根治?谁来监管房屋的质量问题?本报记者针对这些消费者关心的话题,追踪暴雨后的京城楼市,对楼盘质量进行了重新审视。

Editor's note on July 21,61 years of rare severe storms hit city,Cause serious damage and casualties。The rains inspection of the Beijing municipal not only supporting facilities,At the same time also test the quality of real estate projects each city。What building dish engineering quality hidden danger in severe storms in the test of true colours?developers、Property companies' emergency response ability?House leak rain,Who should be the loss of the owner bill?Why building ooze water、The leak is difficult to effect a radical cure ill?Who will monitor the quality problem of the building?Our reporter for these consumers about the topic of,Tracking the city of the storm in the sector,To the building dish quality are reviewing。

  本报记者 孙 蔚

Our reporter sun wei


7 · 21 severe storms will proclaim city a lot“Quality is the first”Building back to earth。the“Floor fall down”、“Floor crooked”after,Appeared again“Floor water water”The new word,And the former two,It is also a property market“Quality door”pronoun。


After the rainstorm,Many users through the micro bo、BBS from jie“Skeleton in the closet”,Put up a large homes is leaking、The rain soaked pictures。Besides them outside the bitterness,More express the developers of anger、To the building dish quality of disappointment。


Famous communities after the rain true colours“I almost become Beijing by heavy rain of sacrifice and people!!!”July 23,,A about“After the heavy rain the roof collapsed walls”Micro bo caused wide attention and forwarding。Beijing coastal "la phase 3 building no. 416 Tai owner Mr Excited to say to the reporter:“I slept well,Suddenly the roof will hit the top down,I thought it was the earthquake。This commodity house bought 4 years,It is shoddy school project。”


July 25,,Mr. Tai reporter in home to see,In addition to the house is falling off the wall skin it chaos outside,Falling around the walls can still be seen water permeability of trace。In the corridor,leaking、The water is very obvious,Property on the roof in more still put plastic,So it,The roof of the seepage water more than Tai sir a。


“Usually I don't dwelling in here,July 21, Beijing heavy rain,I'm thinking about himself lived on the top floor,Fear will leak just home to see,But didn't think would be so serious。This time,Never let a plastic to become the FIG leaf developers!”Mr. Tai to reporters。


According to Beijing on country fang shan magmatic the owner of introduction,The underground garage the whole were flooded,Lead to district water supply、Blackout 4 days。The owner told reporters:“The water level of underground garage and ground as tall,Property companies use a water pump to pump in symbolic,Estimates that at least a week to dry up,then,The automobile garage estimates are bubble is broken。Now many of the owners are not back home,Live in the outside asylum。”


High-grade villas quality is implausible,The pearl river is RMB one thousand building in Beijing's north region famous villas,Nearly ten million yuan price villas。Owner in the community BBS said:“In such a high-grade villas inside,The heavy rains have more than 90 villas submerged,Some home to knee deep water。”And the owner of the calls:“The balcony is like a waterfall cave,Village change to Venice,One such is building one thousand pearl river"high-grade"!”


As a leading enterprise of commercial real estate,Wanda not withstand the test of severe storms。July 21,,Beijing shijingshan wanda plaza, a massive leak,Some businesses have to buy in the store to pick up the rain put face。Wanda plaza, so rough、The inferior quality was nicknamed the net friend“Leak a lot”。


Building design and quality problem highlights according to reporter not complete count,After the rainstorm,City are more than 20 buildings appear leak、Ooze water、Wall skin、Village submerged wait for a phenomenon。“Despite severe storms to natural disasters,But numerous buildings of exposed after the rain,Can't simply boils down to a natural disaster,The design of the building and quality、Property service attitude is need to deeply review。”Beijing l&a garden law firm LiBaoZhang director said。“Is natural disaster??Why the village near no problem,Will you live alone the community problems?In the final analysis or building dish design and quality have defects,Property maintenance is not positive。Last year the home has flooded the rain 3 times,Problem is still not solved,So the heavy rains home directly became a swimming pool。”City of a residential area in micro bo complained of the owner。


The owner of the pearl river RMB one thousand house, said liu,His house at ordinary times sewer problems,Because the developers of the drainage system design that led to the defective around them are flooded with neighbors。For developers and property company“Not as”,She decided to go to law。


Experts for district planning a court“To improve the ability of community KangLao,Need to do both inside and outside,big-picture,From fine point to。”Huatong international vice President XiaoQing from the design of the residential district court KangLao planning。


first,Project in the planning design do,Can't“Each door snow and”,Just consider how the import and export of internal district and city roads、The handover pipeline,But to attention to project peripheral environment。


second,Each building to the elevation of reasonable arrangement,Many houses first ground elevation is appropriate,But the garage for function of the residence needs will be much lower than the elevation,And in the entry to the basement often connected with the garage。If not to take that into account,Meet heavy rains,The garage is very easy to feed water and spreading to the basement。


again,Project the ground of the direction of the drainage system design and the layout of the underground drainage pipelines are reasonable,Fully consider the internal to the community of runoff。Now many villas with lowering the courtyard,The project will directly and first floor design into lowering the sitting room,This storm comes in,Courtyard and sitting room are very easy to fill。


finally,The operation of the water supply and drainage facilities project maintenance is very important,Equipment operation is normal or not,Drainage channels are often overhaul to maintain them,Emergency measures are put in position,These are projects can deal with sudden rainstorms key。
