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文/商报记者 黄丽萍 余文 金萍 摄影/商报记者 杜国平
Wen/business newspaper reporter HuangLiPing YuWen JinPing photography/business newspaper reporter DuGuoPing
opened“sun”、To stand in line to buy a house、The team also don't necessarily buy row get room、And people started to sell choose room number,The scene in the present hangzhou in the property market is not news。When the housing market warms up already became established fact,House prices have started to callback,Many buildings in the price HuiZhang appear,Individual building only two months unit price up 2000 yuan/square metre;And the price is also common housing market rise,Even a school district room appeared“Day price”Clinch a deal,Buy a room to buy secondhand room buyers we encountered the landlord increase...In 2012, hangzhou market step to here,People looking back,amazing:Has missed the“bottom”!
A room market
Callback price、Fry number again、Open quotation into tidal......
All the signs are that part of the plate price bottom already
“just"onlookers"Choose room back,What is finally wise"Th CD"。”Xiao zhang in the west last weekend experience a building opening choose behind sighed。With the recent market clinch a deal the thaw、Just need to and improve the release of demand,Part of the position is good、High cost performance by building buyers“Battling for the”。In addition to“sun”Reproduce outside property market,LouYe line up、Even sold choose such as the market very hot room number that appear under extreme phenomenon also arise。
In early July,The four seasons to open a man already on the eve of yiwu came from their hometown LouYe queuing buy,The case is vivid。July 31,,A BBS and appeared on several pieces of the popular post resell choose room number,One of the post to transfer a hot plate binjiang choice of room number also advance the surge doesn't hesitate to spend $100000 deposit。Sales of the property market has always been the off-season July,This year is the hot market supply and demand two popular has been throughout。
According to not complete count,In July, there were more than 50 times open quotation,The number of times a week on the average opened for 10 times,And all previous opening presents the tide“Flowering more”trend,More of the old and new building dish plate qi market,Just need to dish and a person of extraordinary powers curtilage together push。Every weekend, expand the total amount of the opening of the tide out are not thousands sets,And to change is also quite quickly。By July 29 22 points,Transparent data show houses nets,The last week of July(7.22-7.29)Volume for 1480 sets of main urban areas,Average daily clinch a deal of 211,This is the main urban areas, the volume of commodity house weeks for the 11 weeks more than sets。
From the point of the price,Some hot spot building dish the price also started a callback。For example the group of sale on the four seasons · the price once low to 8500 yuan/square metre、The cost of matches the developers bottom line。Experienced in the hot after sold out,And aside by the sounds of the influence of kunlun · price,Last Friday the four seasons hotel in addition push all valence back up to 10800 yuan/square metre。Are before and after two months,Price has sent about 2000 yuan/square metre。Sales increase in cash、Capital chain after pressure relief,Development business confidence rebounded somewhat,The weekly push dish the quantity also continued increase。
August is expected to appear open quotation tide。So far,According to not complete count,August is expected to hangzhou city more than 40 new and old buildings market。Among them,Appeared for the first time building has 15,Xinhua garden respectively、Ocean · heart、Zhongtian · MCC、Cosmos · east bearing mansion、YongXiShan、Platinum built a、Constant thick · sunshine town、White horse home、After another to · city、Jiaxin laser · September impression、Back garden · south lake the world、Kirin home、Jia and · silver brought era、Huarui · fine, and cole supervised jre, etc,Other all belong to the old plate, expand the renewal push。Just need to dish is still the main,But also have improved type, expand the demand and row house、Villa project,Commercial real estate market is also actively go。
From the current situation,Developers pricing is very cautious。“Our project will open quotation,This issue of the opening of the two main is 88 square meters in the family,For the first time just need to improve and type home buyers,But the average price to be fixed。”Opening of the call,Often hear salesman such rhetoric。Reporter discovery,And the different slow sales,The current most buildings in before the opening and didn't provide a specific price,Especially suburbs project,Most of the buildings are just to reserve appeared。
At the same time,There are many buildings have clear hot new push, expand the prices would also be assembling。Such as previously opened less than 20000 yuan/square metre average price、Supply and demand more than 1:20 percentage was crazy to rob building at RongAn · binjiang jiangnan make it clear,The next opening price will be in 25000 yuan/square metre,Empty prices jump 6000 yuan/square metre。The same,The government will push the dish was also wu3 lin2 much a few minutes of confidence,Before opening price that is in 40000 yuan/square metre of building no. 5,Yesterday reporters call sales offices,Sales of diameter is given“Every square metre 40000 more”。
Have to say,Take land price、Plate factors such as house prices to see,Many of the buildings are belong to HuiZhang reasonable price。“Of the best-selling after forcing developers smoothly the cage part of funds,Pressure eased,They no longer such as price cuts in the first half that urgent。”Some industry insiders said,Some of the money is no longer so nervous developers may choose to slow delivery and no longer“Walk quantity price”。According to the volume of thousands of week really hot market and see,Expected the next house prices continue to fall is unlikely,But in policy regulation continue under the background of implementation,The range of the future prices is limited。
Building the right price 2500 yuan/square metre
Just need the person that buy a house to hesitate to buy opportunity missed again
“Bitter force”Purchase experience
Building the right price 2500 yuan/square metre
Just need the person that buy a house to hesitate to buy opportunity missed again
“Now I'm in the southwest of the Kowloon concern plate storehouse · tourmaline &diamond earrings,But I hear they've opened the first push elevator garden is semi-detached house,That this price won't my within budget,This is I didn't house can buy?”As a just step out of the school gate after 80 graduates,Perhaps because life atmosphere gulouxiaoxi itself,Perhaps because of the university for four years to this area more familiar relationship,WangTing(aliases)Southwest has always been very attention plates,And early in the morning threatened to gulouxiaoxi in real estate。
Last December,In the auspicious peninsula and open city mansion“Price war”when,WangTing will want to let parents to give oneself buy a house,But as is the relationship between the students,WangTing can't loan,Buy a house plan to put this year after graduation。
“Although she was not able to loan,But I have been following the property market,The weekend with students at ordinary times will go to see the estate。Since I first saw the two building dish to gulouxiaoxi only 10089 appearance,But now their early twenty thousand s,I really is looking at the house in a little to rise。”WangTing said。
Southwest is no more cost-effective homes?In may this year,Urban landscapes open quotation,In WangTing narrative,He has said that at the time the urban landscapes open quotation is really more mysterious,Later he is watching the news said“Open quotation sold out”To know the news。“With the first experience,I first time to sales offices registered,Also let parents drive from home come and see the house,When parents also feel good,In the sales department to do the registration with sales said again and again to save yourself a。”
Maybe god helps GuXinRen it,The sales staff to WangTing finally made a phone call,“At that time I was the work is also just to carry out,Want to think is"Rimmon double(603008,Shares it)"the。”so,WangTing immediately go to sales department,Sales staff said:“You see only the ground floor of the homes that jump a layer and attic,You want to good which sets,Other didn't have to choose。”
Ground floor or attic?A connecting to a next day,This let WangTing how to choose?At that time he had a talk with their parents,Want to see the price again decision。“Opening the day I went to the scene,At that time I hesitate to see the price,And the first time than opening,Is the whole 2500 yuan/square metre。”
Is such,No loan qualification to the suite from price is beyond expectations,WangTing time and southwest pass by,And recently the Kowloon warehouse gulouxiaoxi project also has some action,WangTing of course attention。Just when he heard that could push the multilayer house garden tourmaline &diamond earrings,He knows this and he will miss the southwest。
Reporters comment on:Like WangTing such buyers,Can say up to regional have certain specificity,This has the advantage of course also have its downside。Good target is very clear,For the area also know more about;And the harm is choice is not big,A region in the sale building is limited after all。In fact and southwest distance similar and new world plate plates,The plate no matter or sold in the upcoming release of homes are more,In the current market,May still have room to bargain。
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