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2012.8.8杭州市商品房交易情况统计 2012.8.8 hangzhou commercial housing transactions statistics区 域全 市上城区下城区拱墅区江干区西湖区滨江区下沙区之江区萧山区余杭区成交套8502132311501129预定套10100000000 The whole city area domain uptown XiaChengOu gongshu district JiangGanOu binjiang west sandy area under zhijiang xiaoshan district, yuhang district clinch a deal the set of 8502132311501129 scheduled set of 10100000000365地产家居网 杭州讯 365 real estate home JuWang - hangzhou


According to the city each big transparent housing system display,This day in the city of hangzhou commercial housing a total of 85 sets of clinch a deal,Yesterday more than 281 sets of reduced 196 sets;Scheduled a set of,Than yesterday's nine sets of reduced 8 sets。In this commercial housing a total of 45 sets clinch a deal,Scheduled a set of。From regional to see,XiaChengOu volume with 21 set in full hangzhou clinch a deal the top today。


Just a disc in,Today most is to be located in the main urban areas to clinch a deal the blue of XiaChengOu international building project details owner community photo album model family video map,Clinch a deal the 12 sets of,Clinch a deal area is 622.19 square meters。The only a book from the XiaChengOu kerry birch maple in project details owner community photo album model family map。


This day yuhang district scheduled sets,Clinch a deal and set。Three in the north and south respectively clinch a deal is movement project details owner community photo album model family video map、In favor of wingceltis mansion project details owner community photo album model family video map and warp/weft beauty yao bay project details owner community photo album model family video map。


Today the xiaoshan district, total reserve sets,Total clinch a deal and set,Total clinch a deal amount is 57869861 yuan,Always the price 28759.50 yuan/square metre,The 10 sets of housing,Residential clinch a deal amount is 57486610 yuan,Residential average price of 29889.26 yuan/square metre。


The typhoon hit,Safety first。yesterday,Hangzhou municipal party committee general office、General office of municipal government issued《About 11 typhoon no.(Sea anemone)During the influence to reduce travel safety emergency notice》,Notice put forward,In addition to typhoon is directly related to the work of the department of the unit,Other authorities、Enterprises and institutions in ensure 24 hours on duty,And LiuZu typhoon work under the premise of power,Other personnel can be shut down off today。therefore,Today hangzhou volume greatly atrophy。


今日杭城各区域商品房可售信息 Today the city regional commodity house can sell information区域可售套数可售面积其中住宅其中住宅可售套数可售面积上城906套153898.27m2120套24162.31m2下城5900套688699.28m22764套357575.11m2江干7254套1010713.84m24178套503391.99m2拱墅7409套804768.77m25488套654309.22m2西湖4266套543873.27m23376套417362.07m2滨江4452套598606.04m21612套251260.20m2之江1915套325666.24m21831套303905.05m2下沙6370套731305.81m23097套470756.36m2萧山12491套1608484.98m28818套1098588.09m2余杭24480套3107300.47m219368套2581125.36m2建德1263套170567.79m2901套117649.48m2富阳2138套411535.91m21845套353319.30m2临安6388套951117.96m25465套871341.22m2桐庐4071套402562.61m22089套275559.10m2淳安3691套448216.91m23149套371238.88m2合计92994套11957318.15m264101套8651543.74m2

Area can sell number sets can sale area of the residential housing can sell number sets can sale area between 906 sets of 153898.27 24162.31 M2 M2120 set lower 5900 sets of 688699.28 M22764 357575.11 M2 JiangGan 7254 sets of 1010713.84 M24178 503391.99 M2 GongShu 7409 sets of 804768.77 M25488 654309.22 M2 west lake 4266 sets of 543873.27 M23376 417362.07 M2 binjiang 4452 sets of 598606.04 M21612 251260.20 M2 zhijiang 1915 sets of 325666.24 M21831 303905.05 M2 xiasha 6370 sets of 731305.81 M23097 470756.36 M2 xiaoshan 12491 sets of 1608484.98 M28818 1098588.09 M2 yuhang 24480 sets M219368 3107300.47 2581125.36M2建德1263套170567.79M2901套117649.48M2富阳2138套411535.91M21845套353319.30M2临安6388套951117.96M25465套871341.22M2桐庐4071套402562.61M22089套275559.10M2淳安3691套448216.91M23149套371238.88M2合计92994套11957318.15M264101套8651543.74M2


今日商品房预(销)售合同备案信息(不含经济适用房) This commodity house beforehand(pin)Sales contract for the record information(Does not contain the economy applicable room)区域成交套数成交面积其中住宅其中住宅成交套数成交面积上城0套0.00m20套0.00m2下城21套1611.62m29套989.43m2江干2套743.12m22套743.12m2拱墅3套164.36m21套89.38m2西湖3套374.58m22套177.16m2滨江11套1660.40m25套761.49m2之江0套0.00m20套0.00m2下沙5套580.08m25套580.08m2萧山11套2012.20m210套1923.32m2余杭29套2881.55m229套2881.55m2建德2套228.82m21套126.95m2富阳3套441.22m23套441.22m2临安14套1564.59m214套1564.59m2桐庐2套270.74m22套270.74m2淳安3套322.45m23套322.45m2合计109套12855.73m286套10871.48m2

Regional clinch a deal the number sets of clinch a deal area of residential housing deal area number sets clinch a deal between 0 set of 0.00 0.00 M2 M20 set lower and set M29 1611.62 989.43 M2 JiangGan 2 sets of 743.12 M22 743.12 M2 GongShu 3 sets of 164.36 89.38 M2 west lake M21 set 3 sets of 374.58 M22 177.16 M2 binjiang 11 sets of 1660.40 M25 761.49 M2 zhijiang sets 0.00 M20 0.00 M2 xiasha 5 sets of 580.08 M25 580.08 M2 xiaoshan 11 sets of M210 2012.20 1923.32 M2 yuhang 29 sets of 2881.55 M229 2881.55 M2 building heart 2 sets of 228.82 M21 126.95 M2 fuyang 3 sets of 441.22 M23 441.22 M2 linan 14 sets of 1564.59 M214 1564.59 M2 tonglu 2 sets of 270.74 M22 270.74 M2 ChunAn 3 sets of 322.45 M23 322.45 M2 aggregate 109 sets of 12855.73 M286 10871.48 M2


8.8余杭区各板块成交情况 8.8 yuhang district each plate deal区域可售套数可售面积预定套数预定面积已售套数已售面积临平副城87751163461.39m20套1181.57235009套3909989.448M2余杭组团79171156982.75m20套634.95239158套4611663.07M2良渚组团3500409959.26m20套975.27219192套2125920.58M2塘栖组团4208370502.21m20套89.76214228套1433799.79M2全 区244003100905.61m20套2881.552107587套12081372.888M2

Area can sell number sets can sale area reservation number sets scheduled area has sold number sets already sale area linping vice city 87751163461.39 M20 set of 1181.57235009 3909989.448 M2 yuhang group 79171156982.75 M20 set of 634.95239158 4611663.07 M2 liangzhu group 3500409959.26 M20 set of 975.27219192 2125920.58 M2 tangxi group 4208370502.21 M20 set of 89.76214228 1433799.79 M2 full area 244003100905.61 M20 set of 2881.552107587 12081372.888 M2


8.8萧山区各板块成交情况 Xiaoshan district 8.8 each plate deal区域可售套数可售面积(万)今日预定/交易情况预定套数预售套数预售面积预售金额(万)预售均价老城区201919.57—4437.18604.024813816.39新区148125.72—————湘湖版块131320.14—1894.854354.69848664组团镇265025.41—188.8838.32514312开发区及钱江世纪城302638.63—4476.82712.098614934.33其他188422.91—1114.4777.83966800全区12373152.38—112012.25786.986128759.5

Area can sell number sets can sale area(all)This book/transactions reservation number sets open to booking a number sets pre-sale area pre-sale amount(all)Open to booking a average 201919.57 - old 4437.18604.024813816.39 district 148125.72 -- -- - xianghu lake section 131320.14-265025.41-1894.854354.69848664 group town 188.8838.32514312 development zone and qianjiang century city 4476.82712.098614934.33 302638.63-188422.91 - the other 1114.4777.83966800 12373152.38-112012.25786.986128759.5


8.8杭州主城区商品房交易情况统计 8.8 hangzhou commercial housing transactions in statistics楼盘名称坐落预定套数成交套数成交面积蔚蓝国际大厦项目详情业主社区相册样板户型视频地图下城区012622.19嘉里桦枫居项目详情业主社区相册样板户型地图下城区16607.22凯瑞金座项目详情业主社区相册样板户型视频地图滨江区04385.37中天西城纪项目详情业主社区相册样板户型视频地图拱墅区0274.98富越香溪项目详情业主社区相册样板户型视频地图西湖区02177.16中赢国际商务大厦滨江区02513.54绿城明月江南项目详情业主社区相册样板户型视频地图滨江区02222.71精欧荣寓项目详情业主社区相册样板户型视频地图下沙区02172.26中铁田逸之星项目详情业主社区相册样板户型地图下城区0187.4裕丰青鸟香石公寓项目详情业主社区相册样板户型视频地图下城区0189.47绿城蘭园项目详情业主社区相册样板户型视频地图下城区01205.34绿城蓝色钱江项目详情业主社区相册样板户型地图江干区01656华鸿罗兰春天项目详情业主社区相册样板户型地图江干区0187.12方正荷塘月色项目详情业主社区相册样板户型视频地图拱墅区0189.38都市水乡水秀苑西湖区01197.42江南铭庭项目详情业主社区相册样板户型视频地图滨江区01139.23寰宇天下项目详情业主社区相册样板户型视频地图滨江区01257.46彩虹城项目详情业主社区相册样板户型地图滨江区01142.09宝龙城市广场项目详情业主社区相册样板户型视频地图下沙区0188.83世茂江滨花园项目详情业主社区相册样板户型地图下沙区01259.38龙湖滟澜山项目详情业主社区相册样板户型视频地图下沙区0159.61

楼盘名称坐落预定套数成交套数成交面积蔚蓝国际大厦项目详情业主社区相册样板户型视频地图下城区012622.19嘉里桦枫居项目详情业主社区相册样? family map XiaChengOu 16607.22 set carrey project details owner community photo album model family video map in binjiang district 04385.37 transit wl discipline project details owner community photo album model family video map gongshu district 0274.98 rich the xiangxi project details owner community photo album model family video map the hangzhou xihu district 02177.16 win international business building in binjiang district 02513.54 green city on the bright moon jiangnan project details owner community photo album model family video map in binjiang district 02222.71 fine European glory house project details owner community photo album model family video map sandy under 02172.26 China railway田逸之星项目详情业主社区相册样板户型地图下城区0187.4裕丰青鸟香石公寓项目详情业主社区相册样板户型视频地图下城区0189.47绿城蘭园项目详情业主社区相册样板户型视频地图下城区01205.34绿城蓝色钱江项目详情业主社区相册样板户型地图江干区01656华鸿罗兰春天项目详情业主社区相册样板户型地图江干区0187.12方正荷塘月色项目详情业主社区相册样板户型视频地图拱墅区0189.38都市水乡水秀苑西湖区01197.42江南铭庭项目详情业主社区相册样板户型视频地图滨江区01139.23寰宇天下项目详情业主社区相册样板户型视频地图滨江区01257.46彩虹城项目详情业主社区相册样板户型地图滨江区01142.09宝龙城市广场项目详情业主社区相册样板户型视频地图下沙区0188.83世茂江滨花园项目详情业主社区相册样板户型地图下沙区01259.38龙湖滟澜山项目详情业主社区相册样板户型视频地图下沙区0159.61


8.8萧山区商品房交易情况统计 8.8 xiaoshan district, commercial housing transactions statistics楼盘名称坐落预定套数成交套数成交面积保利霞飞郡项目详情业主社区相册样板户型视频地图萧山区03338.28开元名城萧山区04437.18嘉顺中心项目详情业主社区相册样板户型视频地图萧山区0188.88众安景海湾项目详情业主社区相册样板户型地图萧山区01138.54湘湖壹号项目详情业主社区相册样板户型视频地图萧山区01894.85御东湾萧山区01114.47

Building name is located reservation number sets clinch a deal the number sets poly it clinch a deal area county project details owner community photo album model family video map xiaoshan area 03338.28 kaiyuan city xiaoshan area 04437.18 jia paramagnetic centre project details owner community photo album model family video map xiaoshan area 0188.88 all the AnJing gulf project details owner community photo album model family map xiaoshan xianghu lake area 01138.54 one number project details owner community photo album model family video map xiaoshan area 01894.85 DongWan the xiaoshan district 01114.47


8.8余杭区商品房交易情况统计 8.8 yuhang district commercial housing transactions statistics楼盘名称坐落预定套数成交套数成交面积南北乐章项目详情业主社区相册样板户型视频地图余杭区09872.93赞成檀府项目详情业主社区相册样板户型视频地图余杭区05443.12经纬美耀湾项目详情业主社区相册样板户型视频地图余杭区04438.29圆乡名筑项目详情业主社区相册样板户型地图余杭区02227.66绿城蓝庭项目详情业主社区相册样板户型地图余杭区0193.89广瑞瑞城项目详情业主社区相册样板户型地图余杭区0186.87金帝海珀项目详情业主社区相册样板户型视频地图余杭区01118.3金成竹海水韵项目详情业主社区相册样板户型地图余杭区0187.99龙湖香醍溪岸项目详情业主社区相册样板户型视频地图余杭区0189.76青枫墅园项目详情业主社区相册样板户型地图余杭区0190.27野风珑园项目详情业主社区相册样板户型视频地图余杭区0187.97协安蓝郡项目详情业主社区相册样板户型视频地图余杭区01102.34绿城翡翠湾项目详情业主社区相册样板户型视频地图余杭区01142.16

Building name is located reservation number sets clinch a deal the number sets deal area north and south movement project details owner community photo album model family video map yuhang district 09872.93 in favor of wingceltis mansion project details owner community photo album model family video map yuhang district 05443.12 jinwei beauty yao bay project details owner community photo album model family video map yuhang district 04438.29 round name township building project details owner community photo album model family map yuhang district 02227.66 green city on the LanTing project details owner community photo album model family map yuhang district 0193.89 wide red red city project details owner community photo album model family map yuhang district 0186.87 gold emperor sea pearl project details owner community photo album model family video map yuhang district 01118.3 gold shui yun bamboo project details owner community photo album model family map yuhang district 0187.99 longhu sweet Ti creek bank project details owner community photo album model family video map yuhang district 0189.76 green maple tree name garden item mesh details owner community photo album model family map yuhang district 0190.27 wild wind fairy garden project details owner community photo album model family video map yuhang district 0187.97 association Ann blue county project details owner community photo album model family video map yuhang district 01102.34 green city on the emerald bay project details owner community photo album model family video map yuhang district 01142.16


8.8杭州市二手交易情况列表 8.8 hangzhou second-hand transactions list时段住宅非住宅套数面积套数面积今日49套4562.76m26套1012.86m2上月4505套432864.51m2380套42258.28m2

Residence time as regards number sets area number sets area today 49 set of 4562.76 1012.86 M2 M26 set last month 4505 sets of 432864.51 M2380 42258.28 M2


8.8杭州市余杭区二手交易情况列表 8.8 hangzhou city yuhang district second-hand transactions list坐落城区建筑面积(m2)成交价(万元)中介公司余杭区星桥街道星雅嘉园逸品苑4幢星桥街道134.2190杭州轩廷房地产余杭区东湖街道都市港湾公寓2幢临平街道38.2931.6杭州中都置业咨五常荆长路1号天利人和家园3幢闲林镇93.43100杭州丰瑞房地产余杭区良渚镇金家渡路318号亲亲家园观成坊良渚镇173.39176杭州盛世管家房

Urban construction area is located(M2)Clinch a deal valence(Ten thousand yuan)Intermediary company yuhang district star bridge street star YaJia garden YiPin garden house 4 star bridge street 134.2190 hangzhou xuan's real estate yuhang district east lake street urban bay apartment house 2 linping 38.2931.6 street in hangzhou real estate client schizonepeta extraordinary long 1 day people and homes three blocks xianlin 93.43100 FengRui hangzhou yuhang district real estate liangzhu town house gold cross road 318 kiss home view into fang town of hangzhou liangzhu 173.39176 time housekeeping room


8.8杭州市萧山区二手交易情况列表 8.8 xiaoshan district of hangzhou second-hand transactions list中介公司城区座落建筑面积(m2)价格(万元)[杭州萧山置家房产置换有限公司]其他萧山区北干街道旺角城9幢171.57172[杭州萧山方正房屋置业有限公司育才路分公司]其他萧山区嘉利公寓6幢71.2593.7[杭州平安房屋置换有限公司]其他萧山嘉利公寓7幢45.330[杭州萧乐房地产置换有限公司]其他萧山区靖江街道鸿港华...89.3948[杭州平安房屋置换有限公司]其他萧山区家景园5幢142.7685[杭州都市之光房地产交易网络有限公司萧山分公司]其他萧山区闻堰镇湘湖人家...134.48155[杭州宜家房屋置换有限公司]其他萧山区城厢街道水城15幢133.41120[杭州萧山大众房屋置换有限公司]其他萧山区新塘街道商城东...137.780[杭州金焱房屋置换有限公司]其他萧山区临浦镇清和园61幢111.2890[杭州世佳房地产代理有限公司]其他萧山区宁围镇林之语嘉...92.6365[杭州龙恒房地产代理有限公司]其他萧山区临浦镇清和园58幢89.7655[杭州萧山方正房屋置业有限公司育才路分公司]其他萧山区北干街道天汇园7幢278.57210

Intermediary company is located around the building area(M2)price(Ten thousand yuan)[hangzhou xiaoshan buy home housing replacement co., LTD.] other xiaoshan district, mong kok street north dry city and a 171.57172 [hangzhou xiaoshan founder housing real estate co., LTD yucai road branch] other Carrie xiaoshan district apartment building 6 71.2593.7 [hangzhou peace housing replacement co., LTD.] other xiaoshan Carrie apartment building 45.330 7 [hangzhou real estate XiaoLe replacement co., LTD.] other xiaoshan district jingjiang street Hong Kong &china...89.3948 [hangzhou peace housing replacement co., LTD.] other xiaoshan area home garden 5 building 142.7685 [hangzhou city of light real estate transaction network co., LTD., xiaoshan branch] other wenyan town of xiaoshan area at xianghu lake the somebody else...134.48155 [hangzhou ikea housing replacement co., LTD.] other residences xiaoshan district street watertown 15 building 133.41120 [hangzhou xiaoshan public housing replacement co., LTD.] other xintang xiaoshan district street mall east...137.780 [hangzhou JinYan housing replacement co., LTD.] other xiaoshan district near pu town house and garden 61 111.2890 [hangzhou world better real estate agency co., LTD.] other xiaoshan district of the language NingWeiZhen Lin jia...92.6365 [hangzhou LongHeng real estate agency co., LTD.] other xiaoshan district near pu town house and garden 58 89.7655 [hangzhou xiaoshan founder housing real estate co., LTD yucai road branch] other xiaoshan district north dry streets day HuiYuan 7 a 278.57210
