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奥运期间中国游客狂扫奢侈品 排名全球第一--亲稳舆论引导监测室

  英国政府公布了奥运第一周的旅游收入,来自全球的游客伦敦共花费了4.45亿英镑。根据某信用卡公司的统计数字,中国游客是出手最为阔绰的——平均每笔消费高达203.04英镑(约合人民币2030元),比排名第二的阿联酋都要高出10%!难怪整个伦敦都张开热情的臂膀,对钱包鼓鼓的中国游客热情地说:伦敦欢迎你![我来说两句] The British government announced the first week of tourism revenue,Visitors from around the world in London cost 445 million pounds。According to a credit card company statistics,Chinese tourists is most responsible--average out, each as high as 203.04 pounds of consumption(2030 yuan),Than in the next to the united Arab emirates by more than 10%!No wonder the London open all their arms,Chinese tourists to the purse bulging enthusiastically said:London welcome you![me 2]


“Welcome to London”,The Olympic park in London the Westfield mall in the atrium,Huge Chinese banners coming down from heaven。The department store employees wear t-shirts,The chest is written in Chinese characters of the same regards……London businessmen are for Chinese tourists so has a special liking?Reporters from London news center obtains figures show,After the start of the first week,Chinese tourists, each with an average of 203.04 pounds(2030 yuan)spending“Top of”。No wonder the London open all their arms,Chinese tourists to the purse bulging enthusiastically said:London welcome you!


出手就是两千多,阔绰! Shot is more than two thousand,rich!


Whether the traditional business flourishing in London to Oxford street、Bond street,Or in the potential of the Olympic Games by of the newly emerged the Olympic park business district,# xiaong yong are integral to the figure of the Chinese people。Local time on August 2,Reporters from London press center learned,The British government announced the first week of tourism revenue,Visitors from around the world in London cost 445 million pounds。According to a credit card company statistics,Chinese tourists is the most high-shots on average every pen consumption as high as 203.04 pounds,United Arab emirates tourists than in the next was 10% higher!Although for distance、Reasons such as visa,The total number of Chinese tourists than American tourists,Lead in“Total consumption”Lists no ability to be a big pressure the United States,But Chinese tourists is obviously Britain merchants“The most welcome to god”。


Chinese tourists generous,In addition to their own pockets enough outside drum,But also because of the London businessman ready,Chinese tourists to unblock the shopping obstacles。Including Selfridges、Westfield, large department stores,All opened a union pay settlement。Chinese tourists don't even need to open international credit card,Just like in the home,Easily brush calorie of consumption。


奢侈品牌成最爱,豪华! Luxury brands into love,luxury!

   在伦敦最著名的哈罗德百货内,世界顶级奢饰品品牌一应俱全,而这里也成了中国游客最“扎堆”的地方。“我买了两个巴宝莉的包,一个给自己,一个送妈妈”。罗小姐来自中国浙江,出于“他乡遇故知”的亲切,她很快就向记者打开了话匣子,“同样的一款皮包,这里算下来要比国内便宜三四千元,很划算的”。名品汇集的打折店Bicester Village远离伦敦市区,但路途遥远依然挡不住中国游客“挖掘金矿”的脚步,奥运期间,这里每一天都被中国游客充斥着。

In London's most famous Harold within the department store,The world's top much jewelry brand all available rooms,And here also became the most Chinese tourists“stick”place。“I bought two BaBaoLi bag,A to,A for her mother”。LuoXiaoJie from zhejiang, China,from“Country home in”Kind of,She soon open to reporters reserve,“The same a purse,Here is down to cheaper than domestic 34000 yuan,It's a great deal”。Famous brand discount store collection Bicester Village far away from downtown London,But the journey faraway still hold Chinese tourists“Mine gold”steps,During the Olympic Games,Here each day was filled with Chinese tourists。


a,WALPOLE luxury association in the UK at a conference,Many of the luxury industry insiders agree that,Chinese tourists is the main force of luxury consumption。Here to mention“luxury”Not only refers to the famous brand leather bag、clothes、cosmetics,Also include the luxury hotel、Food consumption。A spokesman for exporter of luxury goods even said,At present the Chinese tourists to visit Britain,The proportion of the family travel, are on the rise,“Can often see parents with children buy luxury goods with the scene”。


British tourism bureau specially in charge of China policy LiuHuiXin told reporters,Chinese tourists to the luxury goods“Crazy love”Let England has shocked。“Last Christmas season of the discount,The purchasing power of the Chinese people to Britain-and were left feeling useless,The British media even created a process called‘Beijing pounds’,Also is the Chinese took pounds。”


中文导购成必须,方便! Chinese into must drive,convenient!


In Harold department store to buy the BaBaoLi leather LuoXiaoJie,English is not so well,Can only be used for the simplest daily communication。but,The language barrier has not stop her buy luxury goods-the somebody else counters are equipped with Chinese shopping guide!BaBaoLi counters Chinese miss xu, drive,Is China's Hong Kong people。Familiar mandarin、Cantonese and English of she,Very easily get the reward does not poor。She smiled and told reporters:“Chinese tourists is super purchasing power,My sales in a few in the drive far ahead,Are all Chinese visitors gave worship”。


In order to cope with the large during the Olympics Chinese tourists,Many of the London department temporary hired Chinese shopping guide。Westfield mall in the cosmetics department within a certain,The students are from Shanghai a few students from domestic SUSAN tourists sell products。Make a business,The little girl smiled said:“I this summer I didn't return home,Stay here working。I am ahead of the Olympic Games a month to get the job,Because the market to attract Chinese guests,I talked to my few classmates are now here as a part-time shopping guide”。


In addition to the Chinese language must be managed outside,The British in a lot of detail is considerate。Reporters in a store to buy a few things for the cosmetics products,The clerk offered to the airport tax rebates explain matters,Finally she took out a tax refund note pamphlets to reporters。Reporter open a look,It was all is Chinese!Everything is sorted,London businessman and smiling only waiting for Chinese tourists paid。

英国商家浑身解数吸引中国游客 借奥运频频出招

British businessman over backwards to attract Chinese tourists frequently by the measures

  中新网8月5日电 据英国《英中时报》报道,随着奥运到来,中国游客大量涌入伦敦。英国各大商场使出浑身解数,争夺中国顾客。

Beijing August 5, according to the British《The Times》report,With the arrival,Chinese tourists pouring into London。British each big market bend over backwards,For China customer。


Can be seen everywhere in Chinese labeled"We duty-free!"label。The salesman in mandarin and Chinese warmly greet customers,The cashier hands delivery customers credit card。British retailers are also ready to look at the Olympic Games in a boom to make a fortune,And Chinese tourists is what they lock objectives。

  John Lewis在牛津街和斯特拉福德城的分店已从6月开始接受中国银联卡。商店指南也开始加入中文。百货商店近期也开始对员工进行礼仪培训,用来服务中国顾客:避免眼神接触,双手送还信用卡。当有疑问的时候,要鞠躬。

John Lewis in Oxford street and trafford city of enterprise already from June beginning to accept China unionpay card。The shop also began to join Chinese guide。Department store recent also began to staff etiquette training,Used to service the Chinese customers:Avoid eye contact,Hands back credit card。When when in doubt,You need to bow。

  中国顾客似乎比英国本土顾客更加感兴趣商品的出产地。John Lewis一位发言人称,将心比心,中国制造在全球市场上如此普遍,谁都不想因为疏忽而把自己国家生产的商品买回家。中国游客在旗舰店的交易额同比去年上涨了28%。

China customer seems to British home more than customers interested in the commodity producers。John Lewis a spokesman said,care,Made in China is so common in the global market,Who don't want to put their own country because of negligence and the production of goods to buy back home。Chinese tourists in the flagship store's trading up 28% year-on-year last year。


Regent street Boots shop in London,A few days ago put a tax on the silver of the sign。Oxford street recently hired a Gap store name mandarin salesman。Three of the London Next shop began to accept China unionpay card,In order to meet the needs of Chinese tourists during the Olympics。


Buckingham Palace on the way of a four-star hotel Grosvenor,Now to start to provide Chinese breakfast,For example kimchi、Fried eggs and Fried dough sticks,And a wide variety of bread and dumplings。

  以上这些争夺有利可图的中国游客市场的招数不算新鲜。高端商店,例如Selfridges 和Harrods,早在几年前就开始接受中国银联卡了,现在他们还雇佣了普通话员工。

Above these for profitable Chinese tourists market of the move is not fresh。High-end stores,For example Selfridges and Harrods,As early as in a few years ago began to accept China unionpay card,Now they still employ mandarin employees。


But the Olympic Games or let UK retailers feel the strength of the Chinese tourists and enthusiasm。2011 years,China customer cost $2.15 trillion(Over 1.37 trillion pounds)Buy the duty free commodity,Year-on-year growth of 56%。


According to the Chinese media travel web sites to the online monitoring,From China in June to London, booking situation,Year-on-year growth of 158% last month。

伦敦赛场内外物价差距大 场内消费者直呼"坑爹"

London court inside and outside the price gap big field the consumer call"Pit dad"


DongFangWang 6 August news:More than half the Olympic Games schedule,The merchants of London is several glad several sorrow。The shop in the center of tourists and competing to discount for a lack of sales promotion,The Olympics internal stores but full of customers buying up prices for flight,Many in the Olympics shopping in the consumer can big call yesterday。


According to the British media reported,Because a lot of London and tourists chose to avoid the Olympic Games,London principal place of business in sales during the Olympic Games than the same period last year down 3。The thought that in the Olympic Games can make a fortune merchants,Now only to promotion to attract guests,But with little success。


Affected by this are the restaurant industry and hotel services in London。Before the games,,London hotel prices have surged,But before and after the games,The number of foreign tourists far didn't expect high。According to the British media reported,London restaurant and hotel industry in the income during the games would not only rise,Compared with the same period last year is also likely declined。


With the city of London,The Olympic park and the Olympics in business but in crazy summer experience。Held in fencing、weightlifting、boxing、Table tennis game such as the EXCEL centre in London,Many restaurants always row long long before the team,A sandwich,In London the common market price only 1 ~ 2 pounds,But the price of the Olympics in four pounds but。


Interview with journalist of the Olympic Games,Even realize both within and outside the field price gap。In the main press center restaurant,Hun vegetable collocation、Barely eat satisfied a meal need 8 ~ 10 pounds。In downtown London,The same level of meals only need half of the price。


A in the Olympic park to buy the Olympic souvenirs of foreign tourists in downtown London market found,The same goods are offered discounts,In the Olympic park is the original price sales,This let he regretted unceasingly。


Athens Olympic Games and the Beijing Olympic Games,The Olympic venues provide service and sales of the commodity market price and the price can not have too big differences,Reporters for the Beijing Olympic Games provide food products,The price even for cheaper than the market price。Let a person helpless is,London games,The Olympic Games participants and spectators、Visitors can not only in the region in a fair price enjoy service,AiZai has become the object。Source China youth daily)

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