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杭州牌坊倒塌砸死两游客 木头腐烂一捏即碎--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室

【导语】:12 【Guide language】:12日上午,9时40分左右,杭州市吴山广场河坊街上一座5、6米高的砖木结构牌坊突然倒塌 Day morning,9 when the 40 minutes or so,Hangzhou wushan square river lane the street a 5、6 meters high arch bricky timberwork suddenly collapsed。由于河坊街为杭州商业和旅游重要地段,事发时又正值周末,牌坊附近有大批市民和游客路过,当场有多人被倒塌的牌坊砸到,目前事故原因已查明,系牌坊木头遭腐蚀所致… 【我来说两句】 。Due to qingbomen for hangzhou commercial and tourist important segment,The eent when again just when the weekend,The housing near a large number of citizens and tourists passing by,Many of the collapsed housing hit,At present the cause of the accident has identified,The housing of wood was caused by corrosion… 【Me two sentences】

    8月13日讯 据金陵晚报报道,昨天上午9时40分左右,秦师傅和妻子吃完早饭到杭州市吴山花鸟城河坊街散步,没想到,步行街上的一座牌坊突然发生倒塌,秦师傅和妻子都被埋在了废墟下。这次从湖北来杭州,老两口本来是为了看望怀孕的儿媳妇的。

  August 13,-according to jinling evening news reported,Yesterday morning 9 when the 40 points or so,Qin teacher and his wife after breakfast to hangzhou westlake city and river lane street for a walk,Didn't expect,Pedestrian street of a monument suddenly collapsed,Qin teacher and his wife were buried in the rubble。This time from hubei to hangzhou,The old couple had to visit the daughter-in-law of pregnancy。


  At press time,The accident has left two people dead,1 people were injured。


Panic moment:Women's fold return change a shoe from under the radar


At about 10 a.m.,Reporter arrived and wu city,Traffic police has set up a file in the implementation of the traffic control,Evacuated the crowd。And right now,Around the citizens and tourists,Thousands of people believe we will have。before,Wushan square from the east,Is a pedestrian street,Their way to pass a five or six meters high arch,Top write“qinghefang”Three fine gold big word。now,The arch has disappeared from sight。


In the housing collapse scene,Reporters noticed that,Originally stand high arch,has“Lie prone”In the pavement,Become a heap of ruins,DuanMu residual brick scattered。Only two of the arch stone base,Still standing alone in the intersection of hope。Yesterday was Sunday,Incident that would,River lane street already is people come and go a lively。


JiangXiaoJie is to hangzhou tourist,The eent when she just from the shop to buy a cup of ice cream to go out。Suddenly I heard“hua”1,Just passed his,More than 10 meters of the arch unexpectedly crashing down。Several people from less than alive under the pressure,Run faster,Body is stained with sawdust and dirt。JiangXiaoJie frightened,Even the ice cream fell to the ground is not found。Aunt wang that you would step in to sell shoes is pedestrian street,She said,Morning at 8:30 a.m. shops are basic to open。Before the,A middle-aged woman of more than 40 years old with just buy shoes folding back,Said too large,To change the double small of a yard。In the women's when I try on shoes,“hua”,The housing fall down。Middle age woman the pen-hold grip the chest,read“Amida Buddha”,If not fold back said,Just go to myself under the arch。The collapse of the housing,Come is so suddenly,Almost without warning。


Chen boss in the river lane street runs a shop front,When the,He only four or five meters away from the scene,Can say is the housing in his eyes suddenly fallen。“I go from west to east,Because wear slippers so walked slowly,And four or five meters away from the housing,It suddenly east falling down,”Chen is touched on chest boss reporters say that a few words。“If I am a few steps,Sure be hit。I see,Under the arch hit several people!”


Touching moment:Many people were buried near the shopkeeper and visitors to the rescue


Arch collapsed,Have many people were buried。Nearby residents and visitors are unarmed came to the rescue,Use both hands push aside the brick and DuanMu,Rescued a woman。Pedestrian street in hangzhou pastry and drinks sold lu achievement took part in the relief。38 years old master lu,In doing business on the street for 10 years,His shop from the housing is only about ten metres。A minute before the,A middle-aged woman with four children,You have three or four adults,As if the two families come out to play together。Woman hold country accent,To master lu bought two bottles of mineral water,A bottle of ice three dollars,A bottle of not the ice nt $2。Lu followed a group of people left the master。But this group of people go to the housing near a,Arch collapsed。Crowd to scarper,Someone from less than was buried under the rubble。“Hurriedly save ah”,Don't know who cried,Lu teacher and the owner of several nearby shops have rushed out,Run to save。They will move the fracture of brick,Will a trapped woman out。At that time,Women who are is dust,Have no breath。The 120 emergency doctor check,Woman has died。


  9 when the 42 points,Firefighters to。The chaos,A man was tumble down of memorial arch pressure to live,Another woman lay behind in the housing。In order to determine whether the arch and personnel were trapped,Officers and soldiers and use toothless saw、Without electricity cut and other relief tool will fall on the ground of board one isolated opened the check。then,Rescued two people were taken to a nearby hospital to rescue。The 62-year-old female injured is 9:00 am 50 out to the hospital emergency room province,When life has not obvious signs,Pupil dilation,ribs、Skull head、Pelvic fractures are different degree,Visceral also damaged。To rescue the invalidation death。


  After the incident,Name of seven families hurried to the hospital,Mood is very excited,Don't want to accept an interview。It is reported,The old man and his family from xinjiang come over to play。Next door to the city of hangzhou in a hospital,The injured qin teacher be in bed。He more than 60 years old,hubei,Son work in hangzhou,Married a hangzhou girl when the daughter-in-law,This time,Daughter-in-law pregnant。Qin teacher and his wife comes up with ms filling the hangzhou care daughter-in-law。Yesterday in the morning,Has not played well said,The couple right after the meal to qingbomen for a walk,I never expected I'd had an accident。The reporter understands,Qin teacher wife Lydia first lady is the rescued woman,Have been killed。The doctor check,Qin teacher right leg is open fractures,The wound can see bones。At press time,The teacher is in operation,The doctor said the right leg was hard to keep。


As a historical and cultural blocks, hangzhou,Qingbomen 'not only line,New gadgets and too little,Visitors to hangzhou is a busy place will be street,Many old hangzhou when idle like to come here going around。Qingbomen characteristics that big arch,Here is the landmark。The established in October 2001 of memorial arch,Is spectacular,Don't know how many tourists have been here for a photo。


Tragically moment:His wife killed her husband from amputation


After the accident,Zhejiang provincial party committee of、Hangzhou municipal communist party secretary HuangKunMing make instructions,Request to rescue the wounded,Find out the cause of the accident。According to relevant departments that a preliminary investigation,It's a safety accidents,Exclude human factors,The main reason is the housing and pillars upon contact decomposed parts to collapse。


Reporters the day of memorial arch can see close to collapse,The housing upon broke away from the roots,That is, from wood and concrete in the base of the contact fracture。Watch carefully,The fracture of cross section color upon dark,After wind and rain sun,corrupt,Stretched out his hand and a pinch,Wood broken。In the interview,The reporter understands,Qingbomen wood house more area,So termites more rampant。Insiders think,The erosion of termites and typhoon weather,The two day warm weather,The sun,Upon becoming very vulnerable to structure。Pedestrian street of the owner also reflect,The arch has more than 10 years,The department has several times during maintenance。At present,The investigation of the accident the specific reason and post-processing work are still in progress。


Hangzhou uptown side this up similar construction safety hidden trouble


Last night,Hangzhou uptown to the streets and an emergency session,With the housing collapse,extrapolate,Require departments from today to all have hidden danger of accident of architecture(Including arch,)Aiming to carpet safety。

    钱王祠牌坊:     QianWangCi arch:

    木石连接用销子固定,不太会有受潮隐患     Wood with pins connected fixed,Don't have a damp hidden trouble


And qingbomen arch similar,The west lake QianWangCi have 5 a monument,The same is"ShiMu mix build":The lower part is of stone,Half part is timberwork roof,QiaoJiao eaves。Yesterday, the reporter on the scene,For close to the west lake,Here they flocked to the same,Very busy。Look carefully QianWangCi of memorial arch,Can obviously see and qingbomen the difference between the housing。This 5 a monument although is also ShiMu mixed structure,But stone and wooden connection,Take the is iron pin fixed form,not"Wood is inserted into the stone"。


The reporter interviews in zhejiang province of ancient architecture research institutes HuangZi。HuangZi said,A few of QianWangCi arch bridge,The structure of the traditional wood and structure,Their use is stone,DouGong、The roof of the use is wood。"Due to the above post DouGong picked a roof,Want to consider its stability,With the iron piece of traction on both sides of the stake,This is the traditional process technology of ancient buildings。"HuangZi said。Iron components,The two root and coarse and long iron hook composition。Since the cover is very large,Wind too scary,The housing easy now,The use of such iron a fixed,A steady。if"Wood into stone directly",The rain came down the pillars,Very easy to water、wet,Can cause fracture;And pins fixed"together"form,There would be no damp hidden trouble。

    清宰府明吴宅:     Qing Ming WuZhai slaughter house:

    每隔两三年定期油漆保养,防虫防雨水     Every two or three years painting maintenance regularly,Insect-resistant prevent the rain


   We go to second place is WuZhai。Speaking of WuZhai,Many people will some strange,But if mention hangzhou antique market,Ferial like to clean out treasure there must be familiar with the old hangzhou。The hangzhou largest existing、Best-preserved old of the Ming dynasty,Built in wanli period,Hangzhou is WenBao unit。More than 400 years to come down,The private garden house still deeply,corridors、GaLong、Side doors、clause,Are preserved。


Hangzhou WenBao heritage patrolled coco DuanHong long told reporters,they"Sea anemone"Leave after,In the case of the WuZhai to spot checks,And found no slack phenomenon,"Performance is very good"。And the qing dynasty the prime minister WangWenShao former residence is located in qing sing street,The before and after the typhoon,Workers on the attic、Watts roof are carefully check,And not the slightest mistake damaged。


"Wooden building itself is"Vulnerable groups",Wood limited life,In water is easy to erosion、weathering、mildew,So daily protection is very important。"Staff said,Most WenBao timberwork building every two or three years,All want to periodically do a painting maintenance,Can resist insects、Prevent the rain。In wooden building industry internal there is a phrase:Dry wood in one thousand,Wet one thousand,Not stem not wet two or three years。Popular point said,Wood quality to keep dry or simply dip in the water,Can save a long time,Most afraid of be in damp environment,Easy corrosion。"Wood it,If bad maintenance,Small hole not fill,A stitch,Of wind and rain,Two or three years is easy to bad。"


Interesting is,As long as the first few years don't lousy not decayed,Some use the hundred years of wood pillars,More than XiaoNianQing instead"strong"。"sometimes,Old wood a section of some rot,We do not want to discard,Give it a amputation,Connected to a new wood,Continue to use the。"Staff said,Many new wood belong to"Fast-growing wood",Old wood than firm。


虎跑李叔同纪念馆: China LiShuTong memorial:

    5月曾查出隐患,赶紧给木横梁安装了铁条     May have found hidden trouble,Hurriedly give wood beams installed the bar


"Timberwork building,The most afraid of LaoSanYang:wet、termites、Wood bees,"Responsible for building WenBao staff told reporters,China is located in the mountains,Spring water flowing,Especially wet。LiShuTong memorial in front of the gate under the eaves,Reporter discovery,Support the wood beam and houses in the eaves of scarlet connection to the post,Three pillars"L"The shape of the rods of left right side and wooden respectively from the bottom of the beam of two red wood pillars firmly fixed together。


    Staff said,In may this year, cleaning the eaves health,Suddenly find wood door beam and the joint of pillars have loose phenomenon。A closer look at,Wood beams at the edge of many sawdust drop。"Wood bees(A love to eat wood drones)Eaten wood,The slightest touch,Wood is;And termites under the mouth column,Drop down of wood chips is a chain of moments of。"Staff judging this is wood bees make trouble,Immediately report to the qianjiang management office,Carpenter master to wood beams installed the bar。"Timberwork building,The leadership of the above the monthly check,We ourselves is a watch every day、record。"


    Memorial staff said,Ancient architecture and archaize architecture protection principles are"Who use、Who is responsible for",According to different damage,Points three levels:Ailment repair at any time、The raises a gender to maintenance record、Overhaul is submitted to higher after examination and approval。Construction of antique buildings before also have the strict procedures。For example,Underground part of the"Wood dragon",Must use first tar anti-corrosive materials such as brush again、Every wood must be sprayed with termites potions、The dry wood insect-resistant anti-corrosion is a must work, and so on。"Brought before the construction permit,Must go to the termites research institute for the record,otherwise,Many building even house property card can't reach it。"Staff said。


木质建筑,最脆弱的部分是榫卯 Wooden buildings,The most vulnerable part of it is SunMao


The wooden building have well-known weaknesses:Fear of fire is afraid of water afraid of termites(Wood bees)。But it looks frail,Actually velvet glove。If the search memory,In China,Save for hundreds and even thousands of years of wooden buildings,everywhere。1934 years,Liang sicheng first stood in the Buddha's light temple(Located in shanxi wutai mountain)before,He said this is"China's first national treasure",Because it broke the Japanese scholar who assert"The tang dynasty in China and not before timberwork building"。The built in large and medium-sized tang dynasty eleven years(A.D. 857 years)Of wooden building,So far remained intact。And in hangzhou,Also have many"old",still"Hale and hearty"Of wooden building。Such as hu xueyan's former residence、WangWenShao university mansion、Huzhou association、The taiping heavenly kingdom to listen to WenBao units such as wang,They just the resistance"Sea anemone"raid,safe。


"To say wooden architecture firm sand,First to see its material to use the right thing,Like the jiangsu and zhejiang area,the,Don't use pine,Because pine in water is easy to decay,In the long run it easy to break。"Ancient architecture of zhejiang province research and design HuangZi said,The jiangsu and zhejiang area wooden buildings,General use of Chinese fir more,Corrosion resistance,Such as the WuZhai xinhua rd。And like hu xueyan's former residence,Some more high-grade wood,Also use the nanmu with。In addition,SunMao structure,Is only in building the weakest link,If long-term moisture,perishable,And even rupture。so,Wooden building the structure design is reasonable,Is it to save the time length inspection important factors。




女游客被落石砸死 在台遇险旅游团返沪 Female tourists have been falling batter to death in distress in Taiwan tour return Shanghai


January 29,,28 years old female tourists in mainland WangJie Taiwan Hualien taroko park when you play,Unfortunately the mountains rockfalls hit medium,Hospital first aid is still not put to death after。January 31,,WangJie place to Taiwan tour in mainland China airlines flight from Taipei has flew to pudong international airport。In addition to a dead outside the members,The tour of the other members are safe return。According to the previous media reported,WangJie is shenyang bayer employees,The former is in a company staff more than 700 people on a flight from Beijing to tour for 8, Taiwan island tour。On 29 January afternoon at about 1,WangJie end taroko jiuqu hole sightseeing trip,In return to go on the way to the bikes helmet,Be a football size、About 10 kg rockfalls hit in the head。


重庆金刀峡滚石砸死女游客 景区已关闭整改 Chongqing JinDaoXia Rolling Stones batter to death female tourists scenic area has closed down the improvement


Women in JinDaoXia beibei model XiaoJun on travel,Unfortunately it on top of the Rolling Stones died。yesterday,JinDaoXia scenic spot calls and bus evacuated tourists,The current safety supervision bureau has asked the scenic area off the improvement,Comprehensive testing safe hidden trouble。It is reported,At present rehabilitation compensation work has been in full swing。
