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  暴雨过后第三个周末,不少市民已经渐渐打消了对京郊旅游安全的顾虑,又开始举家出行。记者了解到,昨天,北京怀柔、昌平、密云等地不少景点游客盈门,但西部郊区景区因为正在恢复或刚刚恢复游客数量还不多。 After the rainstorm, the third weekend,Many citizens have gradually removed Beijing suburbs tourist safety concerns,And began to travel around。The reporter understands,yesterday,Beijing huairou、changping、Miyun so as to many attractions of tourists,But the western suburbs scenic spot because is restoring or just restored,The number of visitors is not much。

  怀柔密云平谷:游客已装满农家院 Huairou miyun pinggu:Visitors have filled with farmer's house


“We eat at weekends is the fish from huairou fishing。”Mr. Zhou citizens on Saturday came to huairou didn a trench,This is the first time his weekend trip。Not many people thought,Didn't expect almost can't find the car,Every farmer's house and restaurant around to rice at all is everywhere。And two weeks ago compared the cold and cheerless,Here again past busy。“Friday started to have guests,We can receive 200 people,And it was almost full at noon。”A ditch didn the luck of the villa、The former home, farmer's house told reporters,Despite cloudy day on Saturday in the downtown of,But the family travel tourist or filled with the farmer's house。


“This weekend to the more than 200 people,And the first two weekend is more than。”Miyun yunmeng mount scenic area officials told reporters,The first two weekend because of citizens of the visit to wade through the mountain more cautiously,To person is not much,Now visitors has come up。“After the rain scenery better,It's hard to find a parking place yesterday。”Yesterday in the JinHaiHu pinggu also many tourists,Here the water project、Oak ship of the experience of the many tourists。Because is the water sports,Scenic spot ready to plan,Once a heavy rain,Scenic area will immediately stop all project and evacuated tourists。

  门头沟:许多大旅游车还上不来 Men-tou vallely:Many big tour bus was in not to come


This weekend,Mentougou district tourism scenic spots all ChongZhang,Town hall ChongZhang) after the first weekend in visitor,But other tourist scenic spot is gradually in recovery。“The five dinner on Saturday by the visitors,Lodging a no。”MiaoFengShan feet wen and farmer's house master told reporters,Scenic spot just restore,Mountain roads go bad,Many big tour bus was in not to come。

  房山:景区全部开放尚需时间 Fang shan magmatic:Scenic spot is needed to open all the time


“7 · 21”storm,Fang shan magmatic became the worst-hit areas,Tourism loss of 631 million yuan,Among them ShiDu、ShangFangShan 22 scenic spots such as reported a loss of 311 million yuan。MaHe out most of the folk door along、Merchants have been destroyed,ships、Bamboo rafting and other tourist entertainment facilities almost exhausted the loss。Last weekend,The first ShiDu CaiDian resumed business,The CaiDian fresh food,Smooth vendors,To store a steady stream of customers。


“There are many urban citizens can travel to consultation,Now, for the time being, is not。”LvYouWei industry management division chief fang shan magmatic when accepting a reporter to interview,Are ShangFangShan scenic spot of restoration and reconstruction site。She told reporters,The storm,ShiDu refused to MaHe、ShangFangShan、YinHu hole, and other scenic areas affected is more serious,For the time being, is not for tourists。Other scenic spot after repair,Have reception capacity,But in order to ensure safety tourists,Now of the geological evaluation is doing,Look at whether still have the debris flow around after the rain、Landslides hidden trouble,Scenic spot to open to all for a time。
