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埃及旅游预订量增150% 有望实施落地签政策--亲稳网络舆情监测室
Silent for more than a year of Egypt tourism,Finally have milder.According to the statistics of tourism website,During the National Day this year to Egypt tourism order year-on-year growth of 150%.
At present,Hot line is mainly to luxor/Cairo/Alexander and other tourist cities,The team the price is in 10000 yuan or so,A usually rose 30%.In addition,Last month, Egypt's tourism minister's visit to the,Put forward the implementation of a series of preferential policies,Including the Chinese tourists implementation visa on arrival.
"Egypt swim"Milder YuDingLiang increased by 150% year-on-year
It is reported,Each big tourist site in National Day period are introduced"Egypt swim"products,Such as 9899 yuan on Egypt 8 swim/14099 yuan on Egypt + dubai + ABU dhabi cruise tour/14800 yuan on Turkey/Egypt 9, such as swimming.
In a travel network monitoring data to see,During the National Day golden week this year by the Shanghai, hangzhou start Egypt tourism line has set up a file in the 9 month all sold out,Reservation number than the same period last year growth of 150% or so.
In price,Due to the consulting reservation"Egypt swim"Tourists started to increase obviously,Egypt every tourist line price also is to rise before,The Shanghai set out to Egypt National Day golden week group period the price is in 12500 yuan or so,At ordinary times group stage price for 9500 yuan,Rose more than 30%.
"Egypt tourism milder one is because of its domestic political situation began to stability,The second is Egypt's tourism minister visited China in August,Bring a lot of good policy."The personage inside course of study points out that.
Egypt is expected to be born to Chinese tourists implementation sign policy
The end of August this year,Egypt's tourism minister's visit to the,Announced a series of stimulus travel plan,One of the most concern is for Chinese tourists will be born to sign policy implementation,Specific plans first to swim team/Outbound charter open to visitors,Then will also open to individuals.
In addition,In order to encourage parent-child swimming market,For a family of three counterparts family visitors,Egypt tourism administration intends to peer children pay,At the same time will increase exchanges between China's Egypt flight number.For all the good policy of the concrete implementation time,Egypt's tourism minister says it will launch as soon as possible.
It is reported,Last year because of political unrest Egypt tourism and social unrest and trauma,To Egypt of foreign tourists only more than 980 people,More than 2010 dropped by nearly a third,Tourism income fell to $8.8 billion,A 2010 fell 30%.
每日商报 见习记者 韦佳 通讯员 符俊波
The daily business newspaper trainee reporter WeiJia correspondent FuJunBo
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