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   节前多景区迎来新一轮涨价 Preganglionic many scenic spots have a new round of price tide

  羊城晚报讯 据《工人日报》报道,黄金周还没到, 近日已传出国内部分旅游景点涨价的消息。四川省发改委将峨眉山景区门票调整为旺季185 元, 淡季110 元,涨幅在18%至23%。而今年调价的瘦西湖景区, 门票价格最高涨幅达到了100%。

The yangcheng evening news - the[Workers' daily,]reports,The golden week is yet to come, Recently has spread the domestic part of the tourist attractions of the news rise in price.Sichuan province development and reform commission will mount emei scenic spot ticket adjustment as the season is 185 yuan, Off-season 110 yuan,Or in the 18% to 23%.This year the price adjustment lake scenic area, The highest ticket price rise reached 100%.

  据了解,以三年为一周期的“限涨令”, 原本是为了控制景区门票价格过快上涨,但在实际执行中,却异化成了“涨价令”。今年又逢“解禁年”,不少景区早已摩拳擦掌、迫不及待地推出调价方案, 当然毫无例外均是上涨价格,而且幅度还不小,从20%至100%不等。

It is understood,With three years for a cycle"Limit up to", Was used to control the ticket prices rising too fast,But in the actual execution,But alienation became"Rise in price to".And this year every"Lift the ban years",Many scenic spots had anyway/Can't wait to launch price adjustment scheme, Of course without exception are rising prices,And amplitude is not small,Ranging from 20% to 100%.

  据不完全统计,全国130 家5A 级景区中接近一半门票价格过百元, 其中超过一成门票价格在200 元以上。昂贵的门票已成为广大游客不可承受之重,增加了公众出行旅游的经济负担。而游客却越来越玩不起、看不起风景了。

According to incomplete statistics,The nation's 130 5 a grade scenic area of nearly half ticket price one hundred yuan, More than ten percent of the tickets the price is in 200 yuan of above.Expensive tickets has become the tourists shall not bear the heavy,Increase the public travel tourism economic burden.And visitors are more and more cannot play/Look down on the scenery.

  即便国家发改委三番五次发布“限涨令”,仍旧抑制不住涨价的冲动。景区对门票收入的依赖过重, 不仅反映在门票价格畸高上, 门票收入占总收入之比过高也体现了这一问题。比如峨眉山景区上市15 年后,其门票和索道收入依然占到公司总收入的63%左右,而宾馆、酒店服务收入仅占到23%。

Even if the national development and reform commission issued three and five times"Limit up to",Still could not restrain prices impulse.Scenic spot for tickets income depends on the overweight, Not only reflected in the excessively high price of tickets, The ratio of the ticket income accounted for high also reflected this problem.Such as mount emei scenic area listed 15 years later,The tickets and cableway income still account for about 63% of the company income,And the hotel/Hotel service income accounted for only 23%.

  同为5A 级景区的杭州西湖自2003年推行免票模式,不但盈利没有下降,反而促进了景区周边所有商户的发展。过去近十年里, 西湖相继取消130 多个景点的门票,占景点总数的70%以上,免费开放的景区面积达到2000 多公顷。西湖免票后游客大量增加, 游人逗留时间延长,带动了周边餐饮、旅馆、零售等多个行业的效益提升,到2011 年,杭州市旅游总收入已达到1191 亿元,是2003 年的近4 倍。 (来源:羊城晚报)

The same for the 5 a class of hangzhou west lake scenic spot since 2003 implement free ticket mode,Not only profit not drop,It promotes the development of the surrounding all merchants.In the past nearly ten years, The west lake have cancelled more than 130 attractions tickets,Accounted for more than 70% of the total number of scenic spots,Free and open scenic spot area reaches more than 2000 hectares.The west lake after free ticket of increasing the amount of visitors, Visitors to stay for a longer time,Drive the surrounding catering/hotel/Retail and other industries benefit ascension,By 2011,Hangzhou has a total tourist income reached 119.1 billion yuan,Is 2003 years of nearly four times. (source:Yang cheng evening news)
