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  为期8天的十一黄金周画上了句号。今年黄金周与往年相比不同之处在于,小客车免费通行,部分景区门票降价。这些变化无论是对于公众而言,还是对于中国经济来说,都是利好。尽管有关方面尚未全面盘点今年十一黄金周,有多少人出游,拉动多少消费,相关数据还未公布。笔者以为,今年十一黄金周无论是喜还是忧,对我们都有很多启示。 For eight days of 11 golden week drew to a full stop.This year's golden week compared with previous years in different,Passenger car toll free,The price of tickets.These changes in terms of whether for the public,Or for China's economy is,Is all good.Although the inventory has not yet been fully this year National Day golden week,How many people go on a journey,Pull many consumption,Related data has not been announced.The author thought,Eleven golden week this year both joy or sorrow,For we all have a lot of enlightenment.


For example,Highway free.The public for the first time to enjoy"Highway welfare"Natural joy,But the problems of traffic jam, let a person once anxiety.On the surface,The highway traffic is free policy to blame,But just goes to China"Highway welfare"Too little,Namely toll road too much,Charging standard is too high.


For example,Part of the scenic spot ticket price this year golden week is another good news.Hubei province on October 2, tourism bureau released data says,The province six 5 a scenic spot after all price cut,Tourism income does not drop back up,The largest increase income close to the last October 1, 4 times.obviously,Scenic area in the past to pay attention to"Tickets economic"Keep the tail from wagging the dog.


Eleven golden week this year in some other phenomenon is let people worry aggravating.For example"Rip off",Some visitors encounter in lianyungang $165 a"Day price chow mein".To say"garbage"After the autumn leaves in,Hainan sanya 3 kilometers beach all over 50 tons of garbage;Beijing tian an men one day to clear out 8 tons of garbage.


Especially need to think of a word is"congestion",Not only highway/Scenic spot/Toilet congestion,And a lot of people in the mind also plug have to panic,complain.hydrophobic"plugging"Method seems to be nothing more than two:One is to implement the paid vacation system;The second was to restore the May Day holiday week.The former is consensus,The latter has a dispute.In fact,hydrophobic"plugging"There is only one way,Let the public to leave,Instead of being a kind of holiday system"bound".


When all is summed,In addition to highway free/Scenic spot price/Rubbish, such as the earth give us a lot of enlightenment outside,Golden week this year to our biggest revelation is,Fuzzy years of golden week this on the clear positioning.If located in economic stimulus,Should center around the make an issue of economy;If located in civil rights,Should center around the make an issue of right.
