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景区免票致数千旅客滞留 旅游局长4次微博致歉--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室

[提要]: [abstract]:10月9日至19日,洛阳嵩县5A景区白云山,4A景区天池山、木札岭和3A景区卧龙谷门票免费。此举吸引了大量游客前往嵩县观光,13日、14日首个周末,有数千名游客滞留当地白云山、木札岭景区,火爆程度"历史罕见"。嵩县当地旅游部门启动了应急预案,全力疏散游客,截至昨晚6时57分才疏散完毕。[我来说两句] On October 9 to 19,Luoyang songxian county 5 a scenic spot baiyun mountain,4 a scenic mountain tianchi/Wood Zagreb ridge and 3 a scenic spot wolong valley free tickets.The move has attracted a lot of visitors songxian county tourism,13/14 the first weekend,Thousands of tourists stranded local baiyun mountain/Wood Zagreb ridge scenic spot,Hot degree"History rare".Songxian county local tourism department launched the emergency plan,Best evacuation tourists,Last night when the 6 57 points to the evacuation.[me two other]

  【事件】数千游客滞留白云山景区 [events]Thousands of tourists stranded baiyun mountain scenic area


"Due to the free admission,On Saturday,Songxian county in baiyun mountain visitors‘blowout’.Went up to the mountain visitors too much,And the transport on the bus co., LTD.,,Lead to a lot of tourists on the mountain.now,The tourists on the mountain pass are blocked,Some tourists in order to have appeared the quarrel/Begin phenomenon."13 afternoon,Our newspaper received many readers hotline.


14,Many readers call our hotline said again,13 to the baiyun mountain tourism cannot appear the phenomenon of mountain,"This day have appeared a lot of tourists stranded the mountain,Visitors XiaBuQu mountain situation.now,Many people in traffic/Call each other names of the.Waiting for more than two hours,See a car to.Mountain wind big cold,The old man child suffer unspeakably,Don't know when to go down the."Zhengzhou citizens FanXiaoTong call said.


 不仅是本报热线,不少游客还通过微博吐槽。 Not only is our hotline,Many tourists also through the micro bo vomit tank.


"Free to travel monk"said,The white cloud mountain,Visitors full,The leader can't buy scenic commuter ticket,Could not enter the scenic area!


"Kaifeng university ZhuJiaFang"said,"Baiyun mountain,You 0379-66590004 complaint phone calls,Not let visitors reflect the question?Why always can't get through?The mountains so many visitors why don't you get on?The driver what qualifications do you have to put the car keys in the car let tourists themselves go?"


"Looking forward to after a storm comes a calm rainbow __"said,Baiyun mountain crowded at the entrance,order,I thought I was going to choke,I don't know the quality of that man,Personnel management?Everywhere is crowded a slice of!


Afternoon 3 when,Reporters from songxian county government to do that,They have received from the problems reflected,County party committee county government has led the relevant person in charge of tourism/traffic/The public security departments rushed to the baiyun mountain scenic area.At present,They are organization DaBaChe evacuation stranded tourists.According to preliminary statistics,The retention of the staff about three or four one thousand people.

  【连线】因争抢上车,有游客动手打人 [attachment]Because get hurt,Tourists have to hit


Yesterday afternoon 3 when,Journalists and retention in the baiyun mountain in zhengzhou PengBaoGong cadastral visitors get in touch.She said,The mountain path,There are so many people everywhere to the scene,The distance of a few cars ZhongBaChe also being crowded root not the mountain.crowd,Some old people/Children were to squeeze will be squeezed,"Worried about appear trample accident".


According to PengBaoGong speak,At that time although there are a lot of tourists stranded,But field did not see people dredge,Everybody's heart are worried,So that each to a car,There will be a lot of people throng,Back to squeeze,Figure a little thin,Don not squeeze and,Some passengers but also because the car and a dispute,Even call names/begin,"Ride no one command,Chaotic environment is too terrible".


PengBaoGong said,In order to let more people pay attention to solve,Many visitors will also take out a cellular phone for help/FaWei bo.At 5 yesterday afternoon to 30 points,In the attempt to reach five or six car are not success later,PengBaoGong to squeeze the last one has overloaded ZhongBaChe.At this time,Distance she wants to down the mountain has nearly three hours,Even so,She is"lucky".


Yesterday afternoon,Net friend"Free to travel monk"A telephone interview,Also revealed himself stuck with the top of the mountain.Yesterday afternoon 6 to sit on the bus to luoyang,He has been trapped in baiyun mountain more than 4 hours,"This day is endure hardships simply,Too fluster the".

  【处置】调集周边近百车辆,全力疏散 [disposal]Assemble peripheral nearly vehicles,Best evacuation


"Free several days ago,Tourists although increased,But because we have corresponding emergency plan,All the smooth transition.However,,This weekend,Continuous two days,A large number of tourists invaded the baiyun mountain scenic area and wood Zagreb ridge scenic spot,Lead to the two scenic spot has appeared in the proliferation of the number.Especially the baiyun mountain,Because the line is very long,The first visitors appear congestion,Then came down from the mountain and tourists stranded in the situation."At about 4 yesterday afternoon,Songxian county tourism administration office staff said.


then,Contact reporters in songxian county tourism bureau FanXiaoGong.He said on phone,"I now in the baiyun mountain scenic area,Within the scenic area there are just too many people,It is a rare history!Than the largest number of golden week will be doubled!Everyone is busy evacuation".


FanXiaoGong again later said surveyed,Tourists stranded in the mountain after the situation,Songxian county government immediately assemble car near the village country bus and the traffic police/Skilled driver to reinforcements.At present,The bus carrying tourists of nearly cars,Fully capable of before it gets dark will all the visitors all shipping down the mountain,"Just because of the cold mountain,A lot of tourists in a hurry down the mountain,So they appeared tourists emulatively down the hill situation".


FanXiaoGong speak,At 5 yesterday afternoon 30 points make,In that songxian county scenic spots appear tourists stranded after the event,Zhengzhou is a meeting songxian county county wei secretary li dawai also flew back to songxian county baiyun mountain scenic area,Return visitors personally command evacuation.According to li dawai requirements,In addition to the dining room for free meal outside,More than the county department prepared tents/Instant noodles/drinks/quilt/Sleeveless materials,Hill set up along the route evacuation service point,Put part of the physical strength overdraft personnel.


The reporters and FanXiaoGong over the phone,In the mobile phone from time to time and the big horn voice came,Remind visitors orderly ride,Ensure that each tourists to get down by dark.


According to FanXiaoGong introduced,Free to come in before,They eat the tourists/live/Do every detail plan,And made detailed deployment.However,,Weekend suddenly passenger flow has increased dramatically.Some travel agencies to also gathers together,Such as 13,A group of 2000 people and a group of 800 people has arrived at baiyun mountain.Blowout passenger flow upset their original deployment,Let the transport vehicles fundamental to not come.Tourists stranded there after,Some emotional visitors to the mountain road is blocked,The more lead to chaos.


FanXiaoGong said,Baiyun mountain under the mountain to mountain range is 15 km,Tao bend more than 360 place,Due to the bending multiple steep,This makes visitors must take shuttle bus went up to the mountain.


"On a local train running time for 40 minutes.Because this afternoon came down from the mountain of tourists too centralized,So lead to tourists stranded in the situation.In the emergency plan,We also prepared for tourists instant noodles and suit,Let some old people the children use."FanXiaoGong said.

  【欣慰】局长公布手机号,倾听游客诉求 [gratified]Chief announced mobile phone number,Listen to appeal to tourists


To prevent tourists continued increase,From 13 morning start,FanXiaoGong and songxian county tourism bureau official micro bo all has carried on many times the warning remind,Pointed out that scenic area is saturated,And the people allotted scenic spot/Photos of the big traffic.


Tourists stranded there after,In the face of tourists on the management of the accused,FanXiaoGong through their own the authentication micro bo"5 a FanXiaoGong songxian county"/Songxian county tourism bureau the authentication micro bo"5 a songxian county"Two days to continuous release micro bo,Bulletin disposal progress.FanXiaoGong through the micro bo also issued four apology information,Among them an apology micro bo said,"Welcome to everyone at the same time also apologize sincerely,Because of our facilities are not perfect service is not good,For your journey has brought a lot of inconvenience,Today blowout type passenger flow let our ChiZhuHang swim purchase entertainment suffering from a huge challenge!Please believe that we will be more efforts,As soon as possible to correct our shortcomings!"


At 7 25 points last night,,FanXiaoGong when questioned the bulletin said,6 57 minutes last night,,With the last a visitors sit down on the varnish,The white cloud mountain retention of all the tourists were evacuated.


In the interaction with friends,FanXiaoGong also in yesterday afternoon public his mobile phone number,Accept stranded tourists inquiry and appeals.The competent departments in charge in emergency public mobile phone number,Because of rare and received numerous net friend affirmation and praise,Become a major bright spot in the whole event.


"Roof fan chief"/"Van chief good"/"Director to force"From many such as authentication micro bo's praise,In the expression of events at the same time solve the feeling of relief,Also in a certain extent represents the public in songxian county to solve the emergency skills/Recognition ability.

  【声音】游客、景区、主管部门都该反思 [voice]visitors/Scenic spot/The competent departments of the reflection


Although the event get periodic solution,But it left to visitors/Scenic spot and the competent department of tourism discussion is not over yet.


"Glad to swim baiyun mountain,Chance on the ticket from scenic spot,Management obviously can't keep up,Tourists crowded into a ball,The old man children no one flow,The quarrel beat and scold frequency stage,Finally sat down in the overload car,In all the way down from the mountain."At 5 yesterday afternoon,Net friend PengBaoGong describe your experience here,Called it a"Terrible confusion - baiyun mountain tour".


Net friend"Pleased lang G - D"Regrets said,"Once again warned you,Free lunch must not good to eat!We more than 3 points up,2 PM to enter the scenic area,Skim the surface for a ring,We didn't get home until 2 o 'clock at midnight,Scenic spot of the fight/Stuck in traffic,hi!This is such a wet blanket with!"


In this event,Many LvYou when questioned think,Songxian county scenic spot will be exempted from tickets positive guidance should be fully affirmed,Cannot because appear some congestion/Retention problems and negative,Just in improving tourism service quality,Scenic spot/Tourism management department should reflect on,So as to improve,"Of course,Visitors should also weigh,Proper peak travel,Don't like a swarm of bees to hot scenic spot".


Zhengzhou university public school of management experts said,Faced with the possibility of the tourists blowout phenomenon,Tourism administration department should further regulate and perfect the scenic area capacity control/Tourism information dynamic release/Leaders at all levels of a survey on duty system, etc,Really management early intervention,Timely and effective.


readings:Scenic spot those things

河南残疾人陪护免收景区门票 小伙以身试法遭拒 Henan disabled persons accompanying will be exempted from the scenic spot ticket boy defy the law rejected


    "The disabled persons a accompanied protect personnel to free tickets",This clause on July 27, effective in henan province.Level 2 ZhiCan guy WangJinLei and accompanied protect personnel,The day before yesterday to kaifeng more scenic spot to experience,guy"Defy the law",But eight scenic spot four said no.For the one of the scenic spot,He played 9 a phone call,Enter the other three scenic spot before also had a bargaining.(The henan business)[详细] [detailed]

山东省内景区被"挤爆" 撑死也不预警限客 In shandong province scenic spot was"Crowded detonation" Support dead nor warning limit guest


110. 2,,The famous scenic area generally appear tourists"blowout"phenomenon,Mount tai/Laoshan scenic spot and 5 a-class tourist visitors reception to fresh record highs in succession.But reporter interviews to,Although each scenic spot are under unprecedented high traffic pressure,But did not see have the active safety warning issued,Visitors to shunt.(The web)[详细] [detailed]

华山保安捅伤游客11刀  Huashan security tong injury tourists and knife 

   来自武汉的网友@专属小棉袄昨发微博:殴打游客,多名游客被刀捅伤,砸了陕西电视台前去采访的孙姓记者的摄像机,并殴打记者。身中十一刀的伤者泣血求媒体朋友关注! @武汉晚报。(山西新闻网)

Wuhan from the net friend @ exclusive small wadded jacket yesterday FaWei bo:Beating tourists,Many tourists by the sword tong injury,Hit the shaanxi TV interview to the SunXing reporter's camera,And beat reporters.Body of eleven knife victim QiXie and friends from the media attention! @ wuhan evening news.(Shanxi news network)[详细] [detailed]
