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  “惊讶于台湾的环境保护,从乡村到城市的大街小巷居然没有一个烟头、一片纸屑;从垃圾分类到禁烟,每一项环保工程都让我震惊,据说是严格的罚款制度取得的成效!”这是微博网友“比如宝宝”近日在网上发出的感慨。说到台湾的精神文明,相信每一个去过的大陆朋友都深有体会,那么,台湾是如何取得这些进步的呢?正如“比如宝宝”说的:“罚款”。令行禁止,这是每一个在台湾行走江湖的人都必须要遵守的。 "Surprised at Taiwan's environmental protection,From the countryside to the city streets didn't a cigarette end/A piece of paper scraps;From the garbage classification to smoking,Each environmental engineering are let me shocked,It is said that is strictly a fine system results!"This is the micro bo net friend"Such as the baby"Recently on the Internet the feeling out.Said to Taiwan's spiritual civilization,Believe that each have been to mainland friends have experience greatly,so,Taiwan is how to get the progress?as"Such as the baby"said:"fine".move,This is every walk of the river's lake in Taiwan people must obey.


乱扔垃圾 罚款6000起跳 Litter fines of up to 6000 minimum


Walking in the streets of Taiwan,You will be surprised at the number of trash can scarce.In addition to the MRT station/Bus station/The hotel can see a few trash outside,With a drink of a one-time beverage bottle away three or four intersection find trash can is also often the case.therefore,The most effective way is to carry a special plastic bags,On the way LaJiBao produced good on plastic bags,Wait until you see trash can to do processing.otherwise,According to Taiwan"Waste cleaning method",Litter will be severely punished,With 6000 yuan(Nt $,Similarly hereinafter)dive.A just come out to work"Workplace fresh people",Monthly wages is just enough garbage litter five or six times.


And in gaining reporter Taiwan march,Because to rent the general residents' home,Also ate up garbage bitterness.


First of all,Taiwan's household garbage is to classification of throwing:Recycled beverage bottle/Carton a bag of;Glass bottles separated in a bag;Do not recycled should use the government department specialized in selling blue garbage bag,Buy trash bags of money be handed over to the government's disposal cost.


A week has five nights,Junk car timing open to the designated place trash.If there is no sort the garbage out,Cleaning workers will be pointed out on the spot,Multiple offences --,fine!


Just to Taipei at that time,Because don't know these rules,Reporter special offer on the Internet for garbage classification of the main point,Finally, consult the aunt downstairs,Just roughly understand one of the secret.


Even so,Also is often some puzzling garbage in the suds,There is a time for the waste paper and packaging mixed together,Be clean workers facing the street preaching,Really good because of mistake attitude,Just in time to escape the first time"An accident".


坐出租车不系安全带最高罚6000 Take a taxi not to wear your seat belt supreme penalty 6000


Taipei taxi also called"yellow",Ran full avenue,Waved stop,The driver eldest brother modest attitude,A car will be far apart from each other to chat with you.If you know that you are from China,They also will be very proud to tell you:"Taiwan ok."


This was what,Is now with:"Seat belts to tie up oh,Or you will be fined."


once,Reporter gaining get on the car and the driver will talk to huan,Forget about this tie safety belt.But when comes halfway,In a crossroads and red light,The driver of a sudden turn,Tone dignified:"Seat belts are tied,The police see oh."Looks back,Unexpectedly found that will stop on the edge of a police car,The car wear police uniform handsome boy is staring at me.Reporter gaining quickly bind your seat belt,And the police may not difficult,Will pass the.


Taiwan's taxi are private cars,As long as the owner submit it can hit the road importune,So many of the drivers are business failure/unemployment,Or sit at in old people.In the past,Provisions to sit in front of the tie safety belt,So most of the back seat,The front seats become owners put sundry place.Since 2012,According to the regulation,Don't sit back tie safety belt person,A fine of 1500-6000 yuan.so,Some drivers will remind:"Seat belts are tied oh,Or be fined is your own."


旅游景点随意刻字最低罚3000 Tourist attractions optional lettering minimum 3000 fine


Just began to open to the mainland tourists to Taiwan when,happened"Changzhou ZhaoGenDa"about.later,Tour guide is warned mainland tourists,"Someone out of office willow scenic spot wrote a few words,The names are written,After the discovery of,All Taiwan find,Results a word was fined 100000 yuan,Temporary looking for people with group contributed in after a fine,Is allowed to leave".


This half truth story,Perhaps is the tour guide made up temporary teaching materials.But yehliu geological park[It is prohibited to matters]Does expressly wrote,"Any touch/Climb natural landscape,In accordance with the regulations be fined between RMB 3000 yuan to 15000 yuan".This let like"it"and"Creative photo"Mainland tourists,Really feel a little"Put don't open hands".


As it is in this"Open penalty"Behind the,Reflect is precious little things Taiwanese love things profound feelings.Taiwan beauty,Small and delicate,If not work hard to build and keep the words,How can you continue few resources rich the generation after generation of life.


so,Can often hear Taiwan guide special emphasis on:Taiwan's every tree and bush a stone is not active,Fine severe."We Taiwan so point big,If you pick up stone,I pulled up plant,That's not soon gone?We also want to let his descendants look at the beautiful treasure island."


so,Hualien stone by the sea can pick up,But can't take away;Penghu bottling sell coral sand,Thumb size smaller part bottle will sell for 100 yuan;The sea wild shrimp tiger,Can't literally digging.


捷运喝水罚1500 The MRT drink 1500 fine


In Taiwan, take the MRT more rules,Can't eat,Cannot drink water,Even can't chew gum.


Zhejiang tourists"Attitude one thousand",Almost been fined money.She in micro blog wrote:"Starbucks in fact already have finished,Side call,Carelessly into the MRT station,Haven't find a trash can,Then ice changed,Conveniently drank two……Are required to report identity number input machine,The honesty hand over to treat is chase credit number,Q is a continent where come of……Silent hand over documents,To sign.well,Also comfort I said routine deceived.I later found out that notices shall fine 1500 yuan."and,1500 yuan or"Starting price"!


In the MRT station back in and out of the ground,There is a yellow line,Across the yellow line will not, and did eat and drink,But can hold it in hand.In the MRT to eat/water/Chewing gum and cigarette smoking,All is to let the purse shrink business.


“偷电”一分钟罚2600 "TouDian"A minute penalty 2600


In the mainland by moving car,Cell phone batteries,Just take charger to seat on top of the plug a plug,Can play all the mobile phone to play home.But in Taiwan,Do you want to do it,Will be accused"TouDian"charges,Impose a fine.


In 2006,"Sign army"Anti-chen period,A participated in the protest woman because the days did not come home,Mobile phone battery,In Taipei main station temporary found a socket charge 8 minutes,Being caught send Taipei court decisions 21000 yuan,Scaling down,Charging a minute had to pay 2600 yuan,So very high fines,True feeling letting a person is too much for some.


In addition,According to Taiwan"Criminal law"provisions,If without the permission of the public's authorities or other people's water and electricity gas,All possibly make a theft.


Under heavy,The crime was high risk,These petty theft behavior naturally reduce many


与行人抢道罚3600 And the other 3600 fine


Mainland traffic chaos,Because everyone is fighting the clock,Everyone want to run the first,The result of eyeball over,Is the traffic chaos/difference.


And in Taiwan,All the operating vehicle car body contain the name of the driver,Correspondingly will also printed on complaint telephone,To report illegal really is a very convenient business.In addition,With the other driver,Also impose a fine.For example,In CiHu a nearby road,Traffic marking so write:"Comity pedestrian,Illegal fined up to 3600 yuan."


More interesting is,In some public toilet,have"Emergency alarm"button,The mark is scary:"The optional according to a fine of $50000".once,A land guest in the MRT station toilet flushing time,Accidentally according to the alarm button,Results the subway broadcast'll pull the alarm,Repeated broadcast"Toilet there is an emergency",Coexistence with specialist came to see.Later proved to be a misunderstanding,The land guest also didn't really be fined.
