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网传学校内违反纪律者罚款2元引吐槽 校方否认--亲稳网络舆情监控室


原标题:违反纪律罚款2元?学生吐槽,老师否认 Original title:Violation of discipline fined $2?Students vomit tank,The teacher deny

  律师:老师罚款于法无据;多位网友称当年有被罚经历,老师拿了罚款做奖励 lawyer:The teacher in a fine not law-based;Many netizens say was sent by experience,The teacher took a fine do reward

  本报记者刘颖 实习生高思 长沙报道

Our reporter LiuYing interns high thought changsha report


On September 17,The morning paper QQ800096360 a net friend said,He is a middle school ningxiang read grade,Last year he instituted the rule in the class,Those who be late or in violation of discipline in the class will be fined $2.The net friend want to ask:"The teacher a fine reasonable?"

  违反纪律罚款2元?老师否认 Violation of discipline fined $2?The teacher deny


The anonymity of the net friend is introduced,A fine will be through the reward returned to the student,The exam good or other aspects winning can reap the rewards.Although the money is finally used in the student body,But he still felt that,The teacher has no right to a fine for students.For the name of the net friend writer,The teacher in charge teacher says:"We don't have a fine,Only students according to the principle of voluntary pay expense."For violation of discipline penalty about $2,The teacher said no matter,Say class do have incentives,But it is through the expense to operate."Give each student has marking,Performance good points,Bad marks,Then according to the comprehensive score makes the corresponding reward."Reporters linked to the relevant person in charge of the school,The other party say not heard"fine"about."The first school won't do this kind of regulation,And we are opposed to a fine teacher."


Hunan and joint law firm lawyers said li,The teacher a fine practice"Reasonable illegal".Li said,[Law of the People's Republic of China]Provisions teacher has the right and obligation to undertake to the student discipline and restraint,Guide them to grow up healthily,But he did not give the teacher economic power/The corporal punishment rights ultra rights,So in a fine not law-based.

  网友晒上学罚款经历 Net friend sun fine school experience


Although the school fine didn't get confirmation,But many net friends all say his school had similar experience.Net friend"Small balls"Through the morning paper QQ800096360 said,His junior high school is the class"Discipline inspection commission",The teacher in charge fines set standard and scope,She is responsible for supervision and money,A fine monthly income to the class activities and buy prizes, etc.At least penalty 0.5 yuan,Most also fined $10,But that very little."Small balls"said,Oneself at that time the work have sinned against many schoolmates."Looking back now,I think the teacher a fine is wrong,They haven't the right,But this time we are all very simple,Never thought this problem."


Changsha first normal senior student small Yang also said,In his high school meet a similar situation.Small Yang when think the teacher to do so there is nothing wrong,As long as follow rules discipline,Nature will not be fined.instead,Sometimes the exam and can get prizes,Won't consider those who be fined classmates mood."late/During morning independent study to eat breakfast will be fined a few dollars,But do this discipline phenomenon do less."Small Yang said,The teacher in charge will be fine to be used for awarding prizes to the exam excellent students,Most students are recognized.


[the morning paper QQ800096360 interaction]


To make a money award is reasonable,17 many users through the morning paper QQ800096360 comments:

  “空城 落寂”:我读初中的时候我们组每个星期倒数第一,每人每星期2元罚款,倒数第二小组每人每星期1元,我从初一到初三只怕罚了一百多!

"Empty city fall silence":I read junior high school of time our group every week the last one,Each person every week 2 yuan a fine,Penultimate team every week 1 yuan per person,I'm from first to third day nothing is sent more than one hundred!


"Eat cat of bamboo":Junior high school,The teacher in charge teacher set rules,Late penalty and toilet,Male and female toilet,Woman and man's room.Since then,No one dare to be late.


"cobra":My child last week take back a packet of biscuits,She said that a classmate parents buy.Because the students in the classroom illegal to eat cookies,The teacher asked their parents to everyone in the class students buy a pack of the same biscuits.


Finishing/reporter LiuYing
