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“裸辞”去旅行 真的像看上去那么美吗?--亲稳舆论引导监测室
豆瓣网“休学辞职去旅游”小组,成员一年猛增6万 And requirements"Quit school to resign to travel"group,A year 60000 members of the explosion
“裸辞”去旅行,真的像看上去那么美吗? "Bare words"To travel,Really like looks so beautiful?
专家提醒:切勿盲目裸辞,要对自己的职业生涯有具体规划 The expert reminds:Don't blindly bare words,To his career have specific planning
□本报记者 纪驭亚
JiYuYa - our reporter
"Bare words"To travel?This, in most people's minds some crazy way to travel,Already in 80/After 90 quietly become popular.
Bare words,Refers to the haven't found good opponent on the right quit,Don't consider posterior,Mean to leave and determinedly.
Reporter requirements of open online"Quit school to resign to travel"Team found,The founded just four and a half years group,Nearly 150000 members.But only so far from last summer,Group members of soaring 60000 people.
In this group,Every day there are members in post her resignation joy freed the body;Also have members in the post, looking for his resignation,Go to travel a kindred spirit;And members of the post is written in the travel notes/photos,Record his resignation and travel.
Want to put words will,No opponent on the right also just as well,Bags go back the bare words travel,At that time became many young people scattering the youth/Prove the courage of expression.And the reporter survey found,To participate in this kind of travel of young people,Most good family condition.
But bare words travel,Really like sounds so beautiful?
故事 The story
A a
企业: enterprise:
尽量保持中立态度,难免会有疑惑 Try to keep a neutral attitude,Hard to avoid can have doubts
"I also in interview met bare words after travel to find work of young people."A design company in hangzhou city human resources department person in charge ms qi said,Although he would try to keep a neutral attitude,But sometimes some doubts,"If because of work is not satisfactory or pressure is too great,The choice of the resignation tourism to escape.Such employees can have how much compressive capacity?Recruit came in,If his work problems,He would not resign once again choose to travel?"
Of course,According to different position requirements,She will also in interview have different criteria of assessment."If recruit is sales,That as long as he disposition extroversion,Have enough customer resources,I still will choose him.But like financial such strong accumulating,And should not be frequently substitution work,I will very value stability and professional ability/Work fixed number of year."Says ms qi,If it is small and to apply for their company,Unless ability is very good,Or she should not consider employment.
At the press interview,And ms qi views similar enterprise account for most,There are even enterprise to speak out,Won't consider employ had impulse bare speech recording employees.
But there are some enterprises don't mind it.
"Our company when the interview to apply for personnel do personality test,And focuses on his ability to work."A large state-owned enterprises, human resources department person in charge Mr. Fu said,As long as the applicant good enough,Bare words travel experience will not become enterprise deny his reason,"I believe that as long as the enterprises have enough good prospects/Atmosphere and welfare,Can keep talents."
工作遇不愉快,85后女孩一气之下裸辞 Work in the unpleasant,After 85 girl in a pet bare words
"Travel back to want to find a stable job/Can long development of the work.But for an interview countless,Defeat all.No matter how I plan my career,The interviewer will because I had bare words travel experience and turn me down."recently,After 85, ningbo little girl only in"Quit school to resign to travel"Group post beefing,Many have resonance net friend of the post in succession.
Yui had taken a small company in hangzhou do nearly 3 years finance."Work is very busy,Almost all want to work overtime everyday,If meet the boss disagreed,I have to be GaBanQi."Yui said,University graduated from a,She will give made a plan:A year to have a long journey.But because the company no annual leave system,Three years work,She never had a weekend.
"Every time looking at the network the resignation travel story I envy,They produced beauty is to let me be envious."Last July,In another work after the unpleasant,Small only gas under resigned.With 6000 yuan savings,She was ready to go and see the world outside.
sanya/The north sea/nanning/Dali/zhangjiajie……"6000 yuan soon the rebuilding,I will lift/Do QingLv volunteers,The poor of the railway station when had to sleep."Yui said,This and his former orderly life entirely different,"To go where you want to go,No money will earn a travelling expenses.No clock,No pressure,Too much freedom."
旅行回来,重新找工作频频碰壁 Travel back,To looking for a job again and again go to the wall
Until this year may,Because my father fracture,Small only to choose the end journey home to take care of his father,And start a resume looking for a job.
"Looking for a job,How also better than a work well to just go."Yui said,I didn't put on my resume that resignation travel experience,Many companies call let her attend the interview."But the interviewer know this period of history,From their face I knew I was out."
after,Even small only around several months of recruitment website,In her words:Has come to see recruitment page they want to vomit point,But still hasn't found a job."Now, even the most simple cashier work I have a resume,Wage only 2300,But the company like fresh birth,Still don't consider me."
"Before stepping down I want to find a job is not easy,But difficult or far exceeded my expectations."Yui said,I got a little regret impulse,"Now I envy an office worker,All don't know when to sell out."
专家: experts:
旅行中适当进修,为自己人力资本增值 Travel appropriate study,For their human capital appreciation
"Resign to travel is bare words of a new phenomenon,Participants most is after 80/After 90."A headhunting company officials said Mr. Brown,The complicated interpersonal relationship in the work,Performance evaluation to replace warmth assessment.Especially after 2008,Economic recession,To every company bring greater pressure,These pressure was also share the staff body."After 80/More than 90 for the one-child generation,Material condition is superior,Growing well developed their ego/simple/independent/Pay attention to the individuality expression characteristics.They have no material burden,But their spiritual burden heavier than their parents."
"Although not to bare words to measure all,But the impulse bare words will transfer to the enterprise a lot of negative information.Such as your gold content and employment competitiveness will sell at a discount greatly."Said Mr. Lang,So when you want to bare words travel and have no real when grasp,Can with their trust and have the experience of a half-dozen people experience,Also can consult professional human resource agencies,"Every decision will have opportunity cost,Don't blindly bare words."
And as soon as the professional gap period,Also want to make career planning in time,In the travel to relax at the same time need for their thinking and summarized,Best can take part in some of the study,For the next job ready,Let their own human capital appreciation."When you again in an interview,Can their journey in the harvest tell the interviewer,Such positive information will give you add a lot of points."Said Mr. Lang.
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辞职旅游很冒险,最好有一技之长 Resign travel is adventure,Better have skill
And like yui for had their own on impulse resignation regret people are still quite a few.
Chengli is hangzhou a IT company programmers,Because can't stand work of the high strength and great pressure,Last September he chose to resign to the trip to Tibet.
"The journey can often meet and his resignation as travel like-minded people,Special converse.At that time felt resignation decision too right."Chengli said,After more than a month when he came back to hangzhou is ready to step into the workplace,Another problem."Looking for more than a month are not suitable jobs,The rent and the associated are made,My wallet empty better than my face is clean."
But because the technology level is quite good,Chengli got back to the original company continue to work opportunities."His resignation come back again,Always feel in front of leadership is a bit lift head,But dare not to quit easily.The taste is really suffering."Chengli said.
Of course,Not all people naked speech after the trip back to work is very difficult.
"In 2010 and 2011,I have a job 11 months,And then quit work to ride way of life."Senior ride a friend DaiXiaoJiang said,Because your English is very good,So almost no met could not find work dilemma,"Resign tourism was a bit of a gamble,Best can good at something.And I was in English training school when the teacher,The job itself liquidity big,Also give me a convenience."
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