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独居和空巢老人将占到54% Solitude and empty nester will make up to 54%


我国将推智能化养老服务 China will push intelligent endowment service


Former vice chairman of the NPC standing committee JiangZhengHua on October 29, in"First national intelligent endowment strategy seminar"Also pointed out that the,Intelligent endowment is actively respond to the inevitable choice of aging population,The intelligent endowment as aging career development planning,As the focus of the elderly,Finally, with intelligent lead endowment service mode change.


JiangZhengHua said,The government shall establish a sound development of intelligent endowment the support of policy,Strengthen the informatization construction of aging;Outstanding intelligent management service,To the elderly health/Development as the center,Intelligent endowment of the human nature,Improve the old happiness index.


It is understood,Intelligent endowment is using intelligent control technology to provide old-age service process.With the Internet/Things networking to rely on,Set the use of modern communication and information technology/Computer network technology/Old service industry technology and intelligent control technology,For old people to provide safe and healthy and comfortable and convenient service of modern endowment patterns.


劳动力急剧减少 家庭养老功能弱化 Labor sharp decrease of family endowment weakening functions


独居和空巢老年人将占54% Solitude and empty nest elderly will account for 54%


According to the national aging to do vice director ZhuYong is introduced,Our country has already entered an aging population rapid development stage.By the end of 2011,The 60 years or older with a population of 185 million,2013 will be more than 200 million,2050 483 million peak.the,Our country every three out of an old man,The elderly population accounts for a quarter of the world.


ZhuYong pointed out that,China faces huge endowment pressure,Specific performance in:


Old people health level is low.The developed countries 60 years of age or older is mouth,The proportion of health more than 60%,And our country has 43% to control only,Old sick problem is very outstanding.


Empty nester ratio is high.By 2050,China 80 years old and above the old age will reach 108 million,Terminal childless elderly will reach about 79 million,Disability elderly will reach about 100 million,Solitude and empty nest elderly will account for more than 54%.


Family endowment weakening functions.In 2010,,Our country family number average 3.1 people,2030 will reduce to 2.6 people,In 2050, 2.51 people.One-child families 37% of the total number of households,"The 4-2-1"Family structure gradually become mainstream structure.


Sharp decrease of labor force.Since 2011,Our working age population began to gradually reduce,In 2011-2050 by 940 million will be reduced to 713 million,Reduced by 24.2%.


95%以上老人需家庭养老 More than 95% old man need to family endowment


智能化解决养老问题的必然选择 Intelligent solve the inevitable choice of pension problems

  朱勇坦承,面对巨大的养老服务需求,中国的社会养老服务体系发展面临严峻挑战。截至2011年底,全国各类养老服务机构总床位数为 353.2万张,每千名老年人拥有养老床位仅有19.1张,离千分之三十的标准相差甚远,而且,300多万张床位中70%多的是乡镇敬老院床位,主要用于收住农村五保供养对象。

ZhuYong admits,In the face of the huge endowment service needs,China's social old-age service system development is facing serious challenges.By the end of 2011,The national all kinds of endowment service total bedspace for 3.532 million zhang,Every old people have endowment bed only 19.1 zhang,Thirty over one thousand of the standard from far,and,More than 300 beds in more than 70% of is the villages and towns gerocomium beds,Mainly used in our rural five guarantees supporting object.


Pension services system mechanism is not perfect.The development of the lack of unified planning,The departments of the government functions cross,Responsibility is not clear,Lack of force;The government responsibility is not clear,The market mechanism function is not enough;Pension services support policy not perfect,Private pension services development the stagnant,By the end of 2011,The national all kinds of endowment service institutions a total of more than 40000 home,Most of them are public institutions,Private institutions bedspace account for only about a third of the total bedspace.


The near non-existence pension policy.No matter at present or in future,More than 95% of the elderly are at home endowment.but,Because domestic miniaturization,Family hard-charging endowment function,Need the government's family pension policy to support.The developed countries pay more and more attention to family endowment,Formulated a series of supporting the family endowment exemption policy/Allowance policy/Flexible employment policy.China except the single-child family outside the reward policy,Other aspects of support policy is almost blank.


Endowment service human resources shortage.At present our country is about more than 1000 endowment nursing personnel,And the existing pension orderly only 30 more than ten thousand people,Obtain the professional qualifications of more of less than 100000 people.


ZhuYong said,In order to promote the development of intelligent endowment business,The China aging do approval,China's rapidly ageing do information center in the national development"The national intelligence endowment experimental base"construction,Purpose is to explore the pattern,To sum up experience,Gradually extending to.

  与会专家认为,智能化养老方式对于低成本应对人口老龄化,具有重要意义和积极作用。智能化养老是能够应用于居家养老、社区养老、机构养老、养生养老、健康养老、异地养老、休闲养老等任何一种养老方式的高科技集成平台,可改善各种养老方式的能力和质量。 (记者 李叶)

The experts say,Intelligent endowment way for low cost to deal with an aging population,Has the important significance and positive role.Intelligent endowment is able to used in home endowment/Community endowment/Institution endowment/Health endowment/Health endowment/Different endowment/Leisure endowment and any kind of endowment way of high-tech integrated platform,Can improve all kinds of endowment way ability and quality. (Reporter li yan)
