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360公里垃圾环绕青海湖 垃圾管理如虚设--亲稳网络舆情监测室

图4 Figure 4
  油菜花黄,牧草丰盛,牛羊成群,火红的朝阳浮出湖面,鸟群从空中飞过,在金黄的湖面留下片片剪影。到过青海湖的人,无不被其广袤自由、水碧天蓝的美景所打动。青海湖是我国最大的内陆湖、咸水湖,湖的四周被巍巍高山环抱,湖区有大小河流近30条,是5A级国家自然景区Rape floral,Grass abundant,herds,Red sun rise to the surface of the lake,Birds flew across the sky,In the golden lake left in the silhouette.Have been to qinghai lake people,All its vast freedom/Water azure sky blue by the beauty of.Qinghai lake is the largest inland lake/lagoon,The lake is surrounded by towering high mountains around it,Lakes have size river article 30,Is 5 a level national natural scenic spot.


however,In recent decades,Affected by climate change and the influence of human activity,Qinghai lake water level is declining.Not only that,According to conservative estimates,Qinghai lake visitors each year about 700000 people,The resulting garbage pollution problem is increasingly prominent.Landfill site stinks to high heaven,The surface of the lake in all sorts of junk constantly poured into the shore,Thousands of cattle and sheep because by mistake eats the white trash and death……This a series of problems,Serious damage the qinghai lake and the surrounding ecological environment of the pasture,Also the production of pastoral area residents life brings the serious influence.In the middle of August,[Life times]Reporter in with the mood to qinghai lake research interview.


记者实地调查青海湖 Reporter field survey qinghai lake


The development of qinghai lake scenic spot have place/Sand island/Fairy bay/Gold shawan and ErLang sword, etc.August 10,,The reporter comes to one of the most popular with visitors ErLang sword.Here is China's first torpedo launch test base,151 km away from xining,Also called 151 base.Scenic area located at south of qinghai HuDong,Is a narrow strip of land barrier belt,grassland/beach/Animals and so on all sorts of rich natural resources.now,There are a lot of junk cover.In the distance ErLang sword about 10 kilometers a landfill,Reporter far smelled a stream of pungent odor.Approached a look,The landfill and no seepage control/Methane collection facilities,Just random will dump on the inside.The landfill have two pieces of landfill area:The south a piece of a large number of construction waste landfill,The north area larger landfill area is garbage,Plastic bottle/cans/Food packaging carton/Plastic food bags and eat hutch garbage are mixed together(See chart 1).A herdsman told reporters:"The landfill site without any mat,During the gale the winter,Inside a lot of garbage will be blown to pasture area.Over the past few years,My house has 17 sheep because eating garbage eat dead."


Around the nomads have a large open private attractions,riding/Ride a yak/Reward rape flower/Sliding sand projects more,Many tourists like to stay in this scenic spot,Make it has become garbage flood place.And in these attractions in,Reporter didn't see the dustbin,Also didn't see someone garbage collection.Tourists are directly garbage to the side of the road/Grass or sand,Beverage bottle/cans/Beer bottles and instant noodles barrel etc are everywhere(See figure 3).And these private attractions for close to qinghai lake,Winter wind comes,Qinghai lake will levitating a lot of rubbish.


In addition to bring tourists garbage,The local herdsmen in grazing can also with throw rubbish,Old clothes/Black shoes anywhere visible."Since there is no trash can,More no one to clean up,Can only throw anywhere."Another pastoralists reluctantly said,"But we are also reap as one has sown.Last year,My stocking of more than 400 sheep,For no reason at all died more than 70 only.later,Put the dead sheep slaughtered,Find the sheep stomach is full of plastic waste,Intestines with plastic bags to stir together.These sheep alive estimate also didn't suffer less."said,He dropped his head and sighed,And face turning to one side,Gazing into the distance.It is understood,A sheep in the qinghai lake two years can grow to about 30 jins,But if eat"White trash",4 years long not 30 jins.These white garbage affect not only cattle and sheep absorption function,It can also cause a cattle and sheep pregnancy rate reduce,Abortion rate increase.Herdsmen raise cattle,Especially the kind of cow sheep,In five to ten years don't produce economic benefits.The sheep if early death words,The loss of the nomads will be less,If two or three years never die,The herdsmen pit bitter.


According to Tibetan culture said,They don't want to see dirty things,But the government does not currently have to pastoral areas of garbage do any collection and processing,And they have no other way to make these things disappear.so,Herdsmen for these garbage is not only hate and helpless.Some of the herdsmen had to be plastic packaging for food directly to cook in the stove burned.


then,Reporters came to the east lake,Far looked,Vast lake calm.The approach is not clear to see the lake,Instead of at a layer,Turbid water surface will be yellow/Red garbage to the shore.Through a bird,And the lake melts gradually for a picture,But with eyes seemed to these various color is rubbish(See chart 4).


景区垃圾管理形同虚设 The waste management was largely invisible


It is understood,before,Qinghai lake tourist/Development to henan state/Hebei state and the three county management.2008 years later,The government has set up in qinghai province of qinghai lake qinghai province administration of protection and utilization,At the same time set up affiliate qinghai lake qinghai tourism group co., LTD(Hereinafter referred to as the group),By its solely responsible for the development of the qinghai lake/use,The above said ErLang sword and other scenic areas and the management.


The group chief introduction,Of the 109/306 national road and the road in the rubbish they are responsible for the collection and processing.In the original are not dustbin,It is full of junk.Later, due to many passenger complaints,Group in the decoration inside the trash can,And investment funds to buy the QingYunChe garbage."but,We are only responsible for collecting and processing in the scenic spot/Into the trash of garbage."For the above scenic area outside of the scope of more than 360 kilometers,And not a trash can.The official told reporters:"Like ErLang sword and other scenic areas inside and outside the waste generated in the restaurant is by our treatment.These wet eat hutch garbage can also be sent to landfill.All about garbage processing produces cost at present are made by group investment."Group two a garbage truck,Can carry more than two tons of garbage."According to the number of visitors is different,Everyday, transporting quantity is 2 to 5 car inequality."

  按该负责人的说法,环湖 360公里有100多人在捡垃圾。但在记者调查的过程中,从没有看到任何人在环湖周边捡拾垃圾。记者只在湖边看到一辆无人管理的三轮车,上面写着“青海湖垃圾收集”,但是车里只有牛粪,并没有其他生活垃圾。而对于该集团负责人所说的“各个景区的垃圾会集中起来卫生填埋”的情况,在记者走访了鸟岛等景区后发现,也并不属实。

According to the person in charge said,The 360 kilometers, more than 100 people in picking up litter.But in the process of journalists to investigate,Never see anyone in the surrounding pick up garbage.Reporter only on the edge of the lake and saw a car unattended tricycle,It says"Qinghai lake garbage collection",But the car only cow muck,And there is no other living garbage.For the group chief said"Each scenic spot of garbage will concentrate sanitary landfill"situation,The reporter visited the place and found,Is not true.


In recent years,To qinghai lake of tourists increase day by day,Continuously held the two"Tour DE qinghai lake international road cycling"And for qinghai lake bring significant economic benefits.hotel/restaurant/Entertainment facilities and the small restaurant unceasingly/Hostel more and more,But no one really care about the environment.I don't know,The relevant departments of the pollution of the environment to attitude and not as if to continue,What will the qinghai lake to where.


藏族志愿者呼唤救湖行动 Tibetan volunteer call save lake action


Usc is qinghai lake ecological culture and proctor original current public communication base of the sponsors,In recent years, along with the garbage and pastoral areas are getting more and more serious,And begin to pay close attention to refuse treatment.Since the childhood living in qinghai lake on the east coast of the south,Here to have deep feelings,Also have witnessed these changes of qinghai lake.


Told south[Life times]reporter,Winter comes when winds,The rubbish is direct blow into the river/Prairie depths,To the growth of the grass,The ecological and cattle and sheep were created a great influence.Garbage if were placed in or drag to grasslands in the water,The current will gradually weaken,Spring finally disappeared,Surrounding vegetation decrease,Slowly appeared desertification.Some plastic bags or plastic packing throw in one place more than one year,Surrounding soil will become yellow,Vegetation no longer growth.Big and thick carton cover grass,Two to three months grass will die.Many cattle and sheep eating grass in water or when,If eat into plastic garbage,The end result is death."My side there is a door nomads,Still retains because swallow plastic die cattle stomach,The stomach has several plastic bags."Said south.


In order to alleviate the garbage on the qinghai lake and pastoral areas bad influence,South and other volunteers have already acted up.He often in the cold,Engine family and surrounding the nomads of picking up trash,Even just elementary school son sanjay are also involved(See figure 2).To pick up the garbage,Usc had to reluctantly in my backyard burned.He said:"According to our customs,Garbage burned,Especially including meat things,Is a misdemeanor.But experience the junk flood to qinghai lake/water/Pasture cattle and sheep and the impact,I have to pick up the garbage out.But I can't deal with,Had to burn."now,The most hope south is the government can to solve the rubbish problem.


"I hope never waste pollution of qinghai lake,"Said south,"My biggest wish,Is looking forward to the neighbors together to take part in the environmental protection to,Don't let the ecological deterioration down again."Usc saying these words,His son small sanjay to sit down on the ground singing wrote a song words of song:"White pollution cleaning action,Protect the environment happy much good……"
