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三名大学生夜困崂山 70余人救援六小时(图)--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室
Our reporter LvLu our newspaper reporter LiBao loose the LinNanSun Beijing
8,Three green university students in laoshan scenic spot mountaineering adventure lost on the way,Trapped in the mountains in eight hours.Qingdao city public security fire control team LinNan fire rescue station officers and soldiers/The blue sky rescue team players,To laoshan police by more than seventy people,In the cold night rescue 6 hours,Timely rescue out three students,And success will escort them down the mountain.
Field mountaineering adventure,Three boys laoshan get lost
8 at two o 'clock in the afternoon,Qingdao university of science and technology, three boys going to go into the laoshan scenic spot wild road mountaineering adventure,They went through a piece of the past have not someone through the woods,Walk about an hour to find a path,Just walk along the path.Walk about three hours,Not found in the regular way,The lost three people also can not find the road,Had to alarm for help.
And 30 points,Received after the alarm,Laoshan police rapid aggregation,LinNan fire rescue station communication duty room squadron commander LinNan quickly led name rescue officers and soldiers,Carry rescue rope/Rescue stretcher/Light flashlight/Medical first aid kit and rescue equipment speeding to the site of the incident.At the same time,Qingdao Red Cross blue sky to rescue team secretariat 110 command center request assist rescue telephone,To the team member was issued notice,23 players get flash place,In the 30 points when starting up the mountain rescue.
In the laoshan,Rescue workers to three college students lost rescue,Mobile phone and get in touch with them.At the foot of the mountain,According to the LvYou telephone tip position,Rescue officers and soldiers and Qingdao blue sky rescue team players,Divided into three search and rescue team immediately along the big hedong reservoir upstream there.
"Mountain is very cold,The temperature around - 8 ℃ or so,Wind is big also,About eight level."Memories of that night,The blue sky rescue team captain LiYan ordinarily,In order to find lost college students said reference,They all look for an hour.In order to timely rescue,The rescue team travel very quickly,Continuous over the 3 seat the mountain 700 meters above sea level,Go up the steep mountain road more.Three college students go wild road has no obvious mark,Is very difficult to find,And because of the big mountain slope,And the night light is bad/The mountains lush vegetation factors,Rescue workers physical consumption is very large,Have a little bit the immodesty have deep fall risk.finally,They overcame the search and rescue operations in face of difficulties,All the way up hard line.
When the ten points,In the search and rescue operations continued for six hours,Rescue workers finally in a sea 700 meters mountain to see the light,Then find the trapped workers.The three students curled up in one place in the cove,Point the fire in the warming himself.Rescue workers to hurry up to put out the fire,Then take out warm baby to three college students heating.Three college students see come to the rescue of the rescue workers very excited,Thanks and 1 vigorously.Due to the cold weather in the mountains,Rescue workers too late to rest,Decision immediately escorted students came down from the mountain.
9, 0 about 30 points,Rescue workers will be well below 3 students to safety.Preliminary calculation,Three college students from lost to the rescue,Have been trapped in the mountains in eight hours.
Rescue - 8 ℃,Eight class gale,To search for 6 hours
Warning within the working,Don't have luck with fire
Although success will rescue three students,The move but it caused LiYanZhao thinking: winter climbing than any other season,Much less mosquitoes and the threat of animals,But hidden more dangerous.In winter the temperature is low in the mountains,If LvYou get lost in the mountains,Unable to return to the,Under the condition of without barrier,Spend the night in the mountains is very dangerous.Bad weather or less risk.
"Mountain windy,LvYou bonfire of avoid by all means,Because it is easy to cause fire,Endanger life and property safety."LiYan ordinarily,As winter,Outdoor sports lovers in mountaineering activities,Due to dry weather/Vegetation wilt,More prone to fire,Into the forest and grassland fire area,Please don't hold fluky psychology in the fire.Now think of the scene,LiYanZhao still have some fear:"Forest fire through the wind often spread quickly,Moment can will be surrounded by people,life-threatening."
Winter climbing among the trees of the forest is how to heating?LiYanZhao Suggestions,In the lost LvYou can choose in the leeward or shelter from winds of the mountains,The mountains are often more leaves and grass,Can they cover in the body,Also can have the effect of heat preservation.
In addition,LiYanZhao also suggested that,Because of the high mountain front,The mountain day than local black early,LvYou winter climbing must be in at 4 o 'clock came down from the mountain."If LvYou mountaineering get lost,Don't wait for help when we can not help themselves,In a lost call immediately."
This year has more than ten students distress
May 13, 2012,Qingdao a university three female college students in the laoshan big wilderness jian/Pepper jian/Saddle lost near range,Rescue workers take a light rain,For 7 hours or so will be three female college students' rescue.
On September 29, 2012,A university Qingdao sophomore six students climb laoshan,In the big HeDongCun nearby,A boy right forearm fracture,Rescue workers travel 88 miles (kilometers),Took five hours will be injured students successful rescue,And sent to the hospital.
On October 10, 2012,A girl and a university Qingdao from green classmates in overhead mouth slipperiness lost near the mouth,Rescuers took three hours to travel 63 km will save two female university students.
On December 8, 2012 three green university students laoshan scenic spot mountaineering adventure get lost,Rescue workers lasted 6 hours will be three students timely rescue.
According to incomplete statistics,This year the blue sky in laoshan scenic spot rescue rescue workers have been lost or injured more than ten students.These are not including no blue sky to rescue team for help,Directly by the police and firefighters rescued the number of students.
Students' activities outside supervision difficult
College students' field exploration PinChu disturbance,External security in regulatory problems.
It is understood,Most of the universities in Qingdao,Almost all students are not allowed to go out the collective,Collective out must be approved.Some universities even students also need to go out alone for instructors.but,A grade counselor tend to management more than 200 college students,To the student travel outside the difficulty of supervision.
Qingdao a university teacher introduces a counselor,After enrolling new safety education will be,Including campus security/Traffic safety/Food safety,But the students go out or safety mainly by consciously.He thinks,For students to go out,Instructors can only strengthen education,Management more difficult.In addition,In the class of the class cadre also will be responsible for part of the supervision,But there can"Escaped criminal"Is not to say.
The other a counselor is introduced,The students in the school after admission to sign a students' safety responsibility agreement,It is the responsibility have specific provision,If the accident is subjective behavior,Do not belong to the school management,This can remind students to be responsible for his family is responsible for.
作者:吕璐 (来源:齐鲁晚报)
The author:LvLu (source:Qilu evening news)
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