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三亚古越景区门票涨价11倍 景区:导游提价--亲稳网络舆情监控室


The sanya on December 26(Reporters and rich sound)"National tourist scenic spot tickets were cut,But sanya cliff state GuYue culture tourist area after the upgrade,But tickets from 15 yuan/person rose to 165 yuan/person,Really is too high."For the last few days,Many tourists visit sanya cliff state GuYue after tourism,All sigh tickets or is too big.On December 26,,Reporters from sanya price bureau to know,GuYue scenic area according to the national 4 a level scenic spot after standard upgrade,Approved tickets benchmark prices for 70 yuan/piece,Can fluctuate 20%.If visitors find guide/Scenic area to collect fees more,The number is 12358 or 88273400 complaints.At the same time,Cliff state GuYue scenic spot also said,They determined according to the price approval rate,Would not rule out individual tour guide price secretly without authorization.


网友:崖州古越景区逆势涨价 Net friend:Cliff state GuYue contrarian scenic spot prices


A net friend say,recently,He CanTuan to sanya cliff state GuYue culture tourist area when you play,Tour guide said the scenic spot is the only one with MiaoWenHua sanya's features,Interpretation of the sea South Africa material culture as the theme of the tourist area,To sanya if less than GuYue play,Will regret it and return,And each of them made 165 yuan tickets into play.Can play after,They found that the tour guide said that does not like,Only play for a while they came out.


after,Feel cheated found net friend inquires,The GuYue sanya tourism is a lot of complaints.Especially the scenic spot original ticket pricing only 15 yuan/person(Not including 3 yuan/person price regulation fund),But the scenic spot after after upgrade,The tickets for up to 165 yuan/person.At present,The many tourist scenic spot tickets have started to drop,And GuYue scenic spot after after upgrade,The rose so much,Really is too high.


 景区:可能是导游擅自提价 Scenic spot:May is the tour guide price without authorization


so,If you're like a net friend said that,Cliff state GuYue scenic spot ticket from 15 yuan/person suddenly rose to 165 yuan/person?this,Sanya cliff state GuYue culture tourist area general manager GaoFangZhong said,They determined according to the price department of the rights to charge RMB 84 / person,The scenic spot a fee standards board.If there is a guide to the tourists in the car for $165 per person,Is the tour guide individual behavior,Visitors can complain to the relevant departments.It is understood,Sanya is the tourist formerly known as sanya the the national villages,In July 2012,The relevant department agree to sanya,Renamed as sanya cliff state GuYue culture tourist area,To keep the brand benefit,Still the declared the sanya.


On December 26,,Reporters from sanya price bureau to know,July,Sanya is the national culture co., LTD., approved for sanya cliff state GuYue culture tourist area ticket price,Considering the enterprise funds and normal operation,Tourist to offer cost judge prison,Submitted to provincial price department for examination and approval,Reply GuYue cliff state tourism tickets benchmark prices for 70 yuan/piece,Can fluctuate 20%.Execution time for twenty days in October 2012.At present,Specific implementation tourist ticket price for 84 yuan/piece,And the prescribed fee in full position clear public.


If visitors in the play,Found guide/Scenic area to collect fees more,Can call 12358 or 88273400 complaints.Commodity price departments will strengthen supervision to reflect the situation of area,Provide information area of the solid materials,When you determine violations,According to the relevant provisions and strict.

三亚古越景区门票涨价11倍 景区:导游提价

三亚古越景区门票涨价11倍 景区:导游提价

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