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中国将成最大私人飞机拥有国 今年低空空域改革--亲稳网络舆情监测室


When most of luxury goods still stay in chanel/Love hermes brand, etc,Or is the bentley mulsanne running on the road/Maserati, house car,An increasing number of Chinese rich but has already started to take his own private plane flying in the clouds.


Whether it is in order to"Dazzle rich",Or for the development of the enterprise more efficient,Private plane,This is known as the clouds"The crown"The top luxury,At present has become rich used to means of transportation.Many agencies are forecast,Ten years in the future,China will overtake the United States as the world's largest private jet YongYouGuo.

  私人飞机“热”起来 Private plane"hot"up

  12月中旬的北京寒冷且干燥,当两架直升机在奥体中心宏绣会馆盘旋而下,10位私人飞机俱乐部的“准会员”完成了八达岭机场到市区的飞行体验。这是首次在北京举行的直升机高端客户体验活动,而这种6座级欧直B 3小松鼠直升机在空中单程飞行一趟的成本为每小时3万元。

The middle of December in Beijing cold and dry,When two helicopters hovering in Olympic sports center macro embroidery hall,10 private plane of the club"Associate member"Completed badaling airport to the city of flight experience.It is the first time held in Beijing the helicopter high-end customer experience,Which six level the straight B 3 little squirrel helicopter in the air a one-way flight once for the cost of each hour 30000 yuan.


As one of them"Associate member",XiongWei mood very excited.He told[Economic reference for]The reporter,The family business engaged in real estate and car,He has been very like a plane,So in addition to outside HangJiao learning,He'd like to buy a plane for business and travel.At the same time,Because of the market for private jets,His family was interested in this business for investment,I hope I can find some direction for investment.


XiongWei also told reporters,His side a lot of friends have been or are ready to buy their own private plane,And it also become wealthy in China gradually rise of hobby.


"Private plane and private cars,Entrepreneurs can improve the efficiency in the use of time and management ability."A enterprise who told reporters,Especially when they are far away to talk about business,Private plane hundreds of kilometers per hour speed advantage of the show,Not only that,Negotiations with the enemy,The negotiation advantages of private plane also gradually revealed."Because can let a person think you more strength,Also more likely to gain trust."A is not willing to give his name of the enterprise to own this executive experience.

  私人飞机俱乐部理事、私人飞机杂志社总经理徐玉海接受《经济参考报》记者采访时表示,相比美国的20余万架私人飞机,国内富豪所拥有的150架私人飞机目前来说不算什么。不过,根据市场调查,中国内地现有87 .5万个千万富豪和6万个亿万富豪,其中1/6的富豪计划购买私人飞机,如此推算,中国将拥有15.58万个潜在客群。仅假设6万名亿万富豪中有5%购买私人飞机,则市场容量已高达1500亿元。若考虑到后续的维护、运营、油料消耗,则市场容量更大。

Private plane club directors/Private plane magazine XuYuHai accept general manager[Economic reference for]An interview with reporters said,Compared to the United States more than 20 thousands of private plane,Domestic rich have 150 private jet at present is not what.but,According to the market survey,Mainland China existing 87. 50000 never rich and 60000 billionaires,1/6 of them plan to buy a private plane,So calculate,China will have 155800 potential customers.Assume that 5% of 60000 billionaires only buy private plane,The market capacity has been as high as 150 billion yuan.If considering the follow-up maintenance/operation/Fuel consumption,The market capacity is bigger.


Civil aviation related institutions,China has an estimated 150000 people are private plane of potential consumers,Purchase of private plane is mainly executive and helicopters.In the next 10 years,China will overtake the United States as the world's largest private jet YongYouGuo.


Not only that,The atc committee office, deputy director of the MaXin said recently at an aviation expo in zhuhai,Low altitude airspace reform will spread throughout all the coasts of China in 2013.National plans to use ten years in three phases,In accordance with the"Two regional seven community"(shenyang/Guangzhou two control division and tangshan/Xi 'an/Qingdao/hangzhou/ningbo/kunming/Chongqing seven control division),Will all airspace division for control/Monitor and report three kinds other low spatial classification management.And this will further open the private plane to buy market.


This means that,China's wealthy private plane dream is fermentation day by day.The reporter understands,A survey found abroad,In the use of private plane of the crowd,Only 14% comes from top management,And the remaining 86% of the private plane passengers,14% is a senior manager,49% is a middle manager,19% for professional staff.In a foreign country,Private jet has become a multinational enterprise employees on a business trip the main traffic tools.Under the comparison,Rich people in China have a private plane to belong to more"Personal interests",More like a pet or toys,Be used for entertainment/Communication and dazzle rich.

  私密低调的高效出行 Private low-key efficient travel


"As an entrepreneur,Business travel is busy,Have their own business as a traffic tool can according to their own intend to arrange schedule,Is very convenient.In the domestic business trip I basically not use executive,Only in abroad and schedule under the condition of tension will be in his executive."China's good health group chairman ZhaiGuHua has two bombardier executive.He told[Economic reference for]The reporter,At present,,"Good,"No executive about 400-500 flying hours a year,To fly more than 300 hours that use executive to achieve more efficient practical stage."I sit the executive time only about a third of the flight hours to 1/4.There is a,I sit executive to Korea jeju on Friday,The day the end of the work,At night you can sit executive to fly to the Philippines,And then looking for hotel,And then work on Saturday,Busy in the Philippines on Sunday I can sit executive to return to China,Because Beijing has important customer to talks on Sunday.But if take the normal flight may be more consumption in a day or two."ZhaiGuHua tells the story of time he is very nervous business trip arrangement.


He told reporters,Now high-end customer even if is arranged by civil aviation first class or have a lot of limitations,Sit on executive and play golf is similar,Executive as a private space is communication business/Talk about the suitable place of the project."I'm in the business of a few friends are often borrow my executive,With a better than I malicious,But they are no exception felt executive the shortcut."ZhaiGuHua poked fun.


"In addition to employ a unit,Still need to entrust professional executive company custody and maintenance,Every takeoff and landing/Apply for course fee is less,Executive the cost of not less than 30 million yuan a year.So buy executive or from practical/The point of view of economy."ZhaiGuHua so calculate a score,He thought that,Domestic high efficient use of executive doesn't like him much,And a few entrepreneurs friends share a executive is also a good choice.


The reporter found,Starting in 2011,People are buying private plane also appeared on the way of change.Such as before to buy a business,The customer should have at least thousands or even hundreds of millions of assets.But now,One out of 10 million to 20 million yuan,Several people have business partnership to buy together can use.


A group of people as the current domestic pointed pyramid,Have a private business,ZhaiGuHua's position in the circle has a subtle change,But he doesn't think have executive is to own a business or a project play a decisive role."This can increase some reputation and trust,Such as I open a car of 2.0 and a Mercedes 600 to see customers,Customer impression must be different,And I want to sit their executive to see customers,The effect will be more different;If the other party have a executive,But know that I had two or three planes,It is a scene."He told reporters.

  购机程序专业且复杂 Buying machine program professional and complicated


Private purchase plane is not as simple as buying a car or home appliance,But need through professional and complicated procedure,Even if the same is true in developed countries.

  中国公务航空集团董事局主席、C E O廖学锋在接受《经济参考报》记者采访时介绍,私人购买飞机目前主要有三条渠道,一是从厂商直接购买,一般以订购为主,等待时间也比较长;二是从一些大机构及客户手中购买新飞机;三是从其他渠道购买二手飞机。廖学锋指出,除了直接从厂商订购外,越来越多的客户愿意选择从机构和客户手中来购买未出厂的新飞机,因为他们排队购机的机位更靠前,飞机价格比较低(一般可节约200万-300万美元),且交机时间也相对缩短。

Board chairman of China business aviation group/C E O LiaoXueFeng on accept[Economic reference for]An interview with reporters,Private purchase plane at present there are three main channels,A direct purchase from the manufacturer,Generally in order,Waiting time is long;2 from some big agencies and clients to buy new planes;Three from other channel to buy second-hand aircraft.LiaoXueFeng pointed out that,In addition to order directly from the manufacturer,More and more customers are willing to choose from agencies and clients for not the factory of the new aircraft,Because they line up buyers more front seat,The price is lower(General can save $2 million - $3 million),And into the machine time is relatively short.


"Aircraft manufacturing need 2-3 years,Some customers in order from the manufacturer after the plane will be financial situation change/Company changes, and so on,Also because of this,A large number of orders but not delivery the plane began to enter the market,Relative to the purchasing air directly from the manufacturer,To buy this kind of executive has the characteristics of low cost and time-saving,attractive,Some resources and customer services specializing in executive trading company also began derived,Has become executive trading market is very important channels of buyers."LiaoXueFeng said.


Introduce according to him,Buy private plane need to hire a professional institution to make task analysis,Including the use of the number/site/The number of,To determine the appropriate aircraft type.At the same time to make financial analysis,Such as the plane after the purchase of the cost and the financial effect of buyers.Concrete is divided into the following several steps:


1/Research to buy machine needs,Including travel personnel/Often flight distance/Financial arrangements, etc,To determine whether need to purchase a plane and purchase the model of the plane.

  2、按照确定的机型方案,在市场上寻找合适的飞机。包括飞机的价格和交机时间,最终形成一个包含2—3个选择的购机方案给客户。方案确定后,将签署包括100万美元可退还订金的购买意向书,可退还订金是由第三方资金监管机构进行监管(资金监管90%业务都由美国机构来完成,其中IA T S国际航空产权服务公司是目前规模最大的)。

2/According to the determination of the model,In the market looking for the right of the plane.Including the price and delivery time of the plane,Eventually form a contains 2-3 option of buying machine to the customer.After the plan,Will sign including $1 million can return the deposit of the purchase of the letter of intent,Can refund deposit is by the third party financial regulators for supervision(90% capital supervision business organization by the United States,It IA T S international aviation property service company is by far the largest).


3/Purchase contract negotiations,Signed a purchase agreement,The buyer need to buyers payment into the account of the seller,The seller needs to provide the ownership of the files,From the above fund supervision institution as an intermediary,Will the plane to transfer the property.


4/After the plane to buy,Need further supply of the equipment/In the process of interior supervision and so on.


5/Executive import need agency for approval,Check-in process usually need 4 to 8 months time,Get approval and registration on the Internet/Nationality registration/The radio license, etc.
