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纽约2012年游客数达5200万 再创历史新高--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室

  纽约市长迈克尔 R.布隆伯格(Michael R. Bloomberg)、纽约旅游会展局首席执行官乔治-福蒂塔(George Fertitta)近日宣布2012年纽约市再次创记录地迎来了5200万名游客,比2011年增长了2.1%。这些游客在纽约的直接消费达369亿美元,预计为纽约带来553亿美元的经济影响。纽约市仍然稳居全美旅游目的地的首位,并且它的海外市场份额首次达到33%。2012年,到纽约旅游的国内游客数约为4100万人,海外游客人数达到1100万。此外,纽约市破记录地售出了290万间酒店房晚,仅酒店税收收入就达到前所未有的5.04亿美元,五大区的酒店业目前提供了35.6万个就业机会。市长在纽约标志性的文化机构和主要旅游景点之一的美国自然历史博物馆内宣布了这一喜讯,美国自然历史博物馆馆长Ellen V. Futter与火箭女郎歌舞团一起出席了此次活动。

New York city mayor Michael r. bloomberg(Michael r. Bloomberg)/New York city tourism exhibition bureau chief executive George's(George Fertitta)Recently announced a record again ushered in the New York city in 2012 52 million tourists,More than 2011 increased by 2.1%.These visitors in New York the direct consumption of $36.9 billion,Economic impact of $55.3 billion is expected to bring in New York.Still comfortably in the United States of New York tourist destination in the first place,And its overseas market share reached 33% for the first time.In 2012,,Number of domestic tourists traveling to New York is about 41 million people,Overseas visitors to 11 million.In addition,New York city has sold a record high of 2.9 million hotel rooms,Only the hotel revenue will reach an unprecedented $504 million,Five of the hotel provides 356000 jobs at the moment.Mayor in New York city landmark of cultural institutions and major tourist attractions of the American museum of natural history in announced the good news,The natural history museum curator Ellen v. Futter attended this activity with song and dance troupe of the girl.


"New York has been attracting tourists from all over the world,To experience this unique culture/Delicious food/The park/shopping/Art and vigor,"Mayor bloomberg said proudly:"The booming of tourism for the New Yorker in each industry created thousands of jobs.We are number of visitors to 2015 in 55 million and 70 billion dollars in economic income the new goal to go on."

  “旅游业是纽约的第五大支柱产业,为纽约带来持续不断的游客数、直接消费、就业机会和酒店税收,”负责经济的副市长罗伯特K•斯蒂尔(Robert K. Steel)补充到:“通过纽约市旅游会展局的18个全球战略办公室,吸引了这些增长潜力最强劲的市场上的游客到访纽约。”

"Tourism is the fifth pillar industries of New York,Bring New York constant number of tourists/Directly to the consumer/Employment opportunities and the tax revenue of the hotel,"Responsible for the economy, vice mayor of Robert K•Steele(Robert k. Steel)added:"Through the New York city tourism exhibition bureau of 18 global strategic office,Has attracted the most strong growth potential of the market of tourists visiting New York."


"New York city tourism exhibition bureau the diversity of the global market promotion strategy for overseas tourists market share increased by 18% in New York city,"New York city tourism exhibition bureau chief executive George•He's mentioned:"We have identified several considerable development potential of the market in 2013,And will continue to try to ensure that New York city become the first choice of tourism destination a few market."

  “我们非常欣慰地看到,纽约每年吸引了越来越多的游客,影响了包括酒店、餐饮、零售业、百老汇、表演艺术和文化等旅游行业的每一个环节,财政收益达553亿美元。作为纽约市旅游会展局的二千家会员代表,我们将保持紧密合作,确保纽约作为全美第一位的旅游城市。”纽约市旅游会展局董事会主席及大都会博物馆馆长艾米丽•拉弗蒂(Emily Rafferty)说道。

"We are very pleased to see,New York has attracted more and more tourists every year,Affected include hotels/Food and beverage/retail/Broadway/Performing arts and culture and so on each link of the tourism industry,Fiscal revenue of $55.3 billion.As a New York city tourism exhibition bureau two thousands of member representatives,We will keep close cooperation,To ensure that New York as the first tourist city in the United States."New York city tourism exhibition board chairman of the board of directors and the metropolitan museum curator Emily•And poverty(Emily Rafferty)said.

  “纽约的博物馆和文化机构以其众多的藏品、研究和画廊而闻名世界,”美国自然历史博物馆馆长Ellen V. Futter表示:“市长和纽约市旅游会展局不断努力,在确保纽约在国内外的声誉的基础上,不断开拓新的领域与地区。”

"Museums and cultural institutions in New York with its large number of collections/Research and gallery is famous for the world,"The natural history museum curator Ellen v. Futter said:"The mayor and city tourism exhibition bureau unceasingly diligently,In New York's reputation on the basis of both at home and abroad,Constantly explore new areas and regions."


Mayor Michael bloomberg has created a new mode of city marketing:Since 2006,,Through the New York convention & exhibition tourism bureau and the city in various markets and large group activities,New York of the United States overseas tourists market share from 28% to 33%.Every one percent increase in the tourists market share means the direct consumption growth in New York for seven,Us $5 million.Through to the strong economic growth and the growing middle class of non-traditional markets,New York city tourism exhibition bureau will continue to improve the market share of international passengers.Through the establishment of various offices around the world,Overseas visitors in New York city has been considerable growth in the market,Especially those in emerging markets,Such as Brazil/China/Argentina and Australia,Since 2006, an increase of 447%, respectively/442%/258% and 157%.


The same,New York city hotel the number is rising,Rooms are available for 91500.Even so,New York hotel KeFangLv is 87%,To keep the United States supreme.

  美国自然历史博物馆创建于1869年,是全球最杰出的科学、教育和文化机构之一。博物馆拥有46个常设展厅,包括地球和太空的罗斯中心(Rose Center for Earth and pace),以及海登天文馆(Hayden Planetarium)。美国第26届总统和纽约州第33位州长西奥多•罗斯福的纪念馆(Theodore Roosevelt Memorial)也设立于此,保存着罗斯福的不朽遗产。

The American museum of natural history founded in 1869,Is the science of the world's most outstanding/One of the education and cultural institutions.Museum has 46 permanent exhibition hall,Including rose center of the earth and in space(Rose Center for absence and pace),As well as the Hayden planetarium(Hayden Planetarium).The 26 th President of the United States and New York governors 33 Theodore•Roosevelt's memorial(Theodore Roosevelt Memorial)Also set up in the,The enduring legacy of preserved Roosevelt.
