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Approved by the national tourism administration,By the China tourism association/China's tourism newspaper sponsored by the second China tourism industry development conference on January 9, in chengdu, sichuan province held.The national tourism administration vice-president wang zhifa told a conference attended by grand ceremony,Deputy director of the opening ceremony of the annual meeting of the study on modern hotel groups attend and address.


Annual meeting to high-end BBS form opening,From the combination of tourism industry officials gather the people from all walks of life,around"tourism,For beautiful China glory"theme,Lecture with/Industry dialogue/Wonderful way of 300 seconds,The tourist industry development of major concern/Hot topic, such as the difficulty to support your opinion,To strengthen tourist industry of zhenhai.


Annual meeting,China's tourism newspaper released"20120 tourism news"/"2012 tourism industry development keywords"/"2013 tourist spot prediction",And the national red tourism office and other departments by the fourth session of national red tourism tourist guide network television series top ten.China's tourism to•The first travel network invite Internet users and experts of the press"The 2012 Chinese tourism list"Also together in the conference,The list includes 2012 China tourism TOP10 style character/2012 China county tourism star TOP10/2012 China tourism public service project TOP10/2012 China high-end tourism brand TOP10/2012 China tourism official micro bo TOP10/2012 China tourism promotional material TOP10, etc.

  据介绍,为贯彻落实党的十八大会议精神,经国家旅游局批准,年会期间举办了“美丽中国旅游形象推广宣传活动”及 “海疆旅游万里行”系列活动启动仪式。今年中国旅游报社联合旅游城市和业内外有关单位将举行与之相关的推广宣传活动,成果将在第三届中国旅游产业发展年会上发布并进行展示。

According to introducing,In order to thoroughly implement the party's eighteen big meeting spirit,Approved by the national tourism administration,During the annual meeting held"Beautiful China tourism image promotion activities"and "Coastal tourism tour"Series of activities start ceremony.This year China tourism newspaper joint tourist city and all relevant units will hold the related promotion activities,Results will be in the third session of Chinese tourism industry in the development of conference and show.


In addition,In order to promote the environmental protection/Publicity show ecological civilization,China's tourism newspaper decided to joint the China meteorological administration public meteorological service center,Hold tour scenic spot negative oxygen ion to declare/detection/Evaluation campaign.Scenic spots around the country according to their actual conditions,Independent sign up for activities,The organizer will sign up on a regular basis the air negative oxygen ion content monitoring,In China for tourism/The first travel network and China tourism weather net release data and sort.


Study on modern hotel groups in his speech, fully affirmed the held annual meeting of the practical significance.He said,China's tourism industry development conference is a"merit"activities.One is the activities held in good time,The eighteenth big offered to fully complete the affluent society,The central economic working conference put forward to expand domestic demand,consumption,The current annual meeting with the national tourism work conference held during the same period,Can better let the industry sum up the past,Looking to the future;The second is good activities,Annual meeting has been held for two terms,Issued the content industry is worth looking forward to and attention;The third is held in the form of the good,The annual meeting is not hosted by the government,But by industry organizations and industry media cross-border joint,And live,Can achieve better effect.


The national tourism administration related department head room,The part of the province(area/city)Tourism administration(committee)Person in charge/Key tourist cities and tourist enterprise representatives and relevant specialists and more than 200 people attended the conference.


[attached:Release the project list]


2012十大旅游新闻 20120 tourism news

  1. 全国人大常委会向社会征求对《旅游法(草案)》的意见,引发热议

1. The National People's Congress (NPC) to the questionnaire to the[supply(draft)]opinion,Cause of hot debate

  2. 中俄互办旅游年,“俄罗斯旅游年”活动圆满结束

2. Sponsoring tourist year between China and Russia,"Russian tourist year"Activity ended

  3. 多项惠台旅游新举措成效凸显,大陆居民赴台游人数再创新高

3. A number of hui Taiwan tourism new measures to highlight the effect,The mainland residents to Taiwan tour record number

  4. 中秋国庆长假高速路小客车免费,推动黄金周旅游再现井喷

4. National Day long vacation highway passenger car free Mid-Autumn festival,Promote the tourism golden week reappearance blowout

  5. 加大市场依法准入退出力度,五星级酒店、5A级景区退出尤受关注

5. Increase market access in accordance with the exit strength,Five-star hotel/5 a grade scenic spot exit especially concern

  6. 十年导游援藏工作顺利完成,570位导游进藏带团

6. Ten years Tibet tour guide work successfully completed,570 Tibet tour guide

  7. 国务院七部门发布《关于金融支持旅游业加快发展的若干意见》,进一步加强金融机构对旅游业的信贷管理和服务

7. The state council released the seven departments[About the financial support of the development of the tourism industry to speed up some opinions],To further strengthen financial institutions to tourism credit management and service

  8. 北京、上海分别宣布,45国公民2013年1月1日起72小时过境免签

8. Beijing/Shanghai were announced,45 countries citizens January 1, 2013 through 72 hours dropped

  9. 三亚宰客事件受到社会关注,海南大力整顿旅游市场秩序

9. Sanya rip off by the society to pay more attention to events,Hainan to rectify the tourism market order

  10. 在线旅游市场掀起价格大战,旅游电商竞争加剧

A online travel market price war,Tourism electric business competition


2012年旅游热词 2012 wanderlust word

  1. 票价“解禁年”

1. The fare"In the"

  2. 舌尖上的旅游

2. The tip of the tongue on the tourism

  3. 户外救援

3. Outdoor rescue

  4. 创意之旅

4. Creative journey

  5. 奢享体验

5. Enjoy and experience

  6. 泰囧之旅

6. Thai succeeding trip

  7. 重走青春

7. ChongZou youth

  8. 出行井喷

8. Travel blowout

  9. 路书

9. Road book

  10. 扫货

Sweep goods

  2013旅游热点预测 2013 tourist spot prediction

  1. 关键词:美丽中国

1. The keywords:Beautiful China

  2. 关键词:旅游法

2. Keywords:supply

  3. 关键词:国民休闲

3. Keywords:National leisure

  4. 关键词:海洋旅游

4. Keywords:Ocean tourism

  5. 关键词:俄罗斯“中国旅游年”

5. Keywords:Russia"China's tourism year"

  6. 关键词:旅游质量

6. Keywords:Tourism quality

  7. 关键词:综合改革

7. Keywords:Comprehensive reform

  8. 关键词:结构调整

8. Keywords:Structure adjustment

  9. 关键词:规划衔接

9. Keywords:Planning cohesion

  10. 关键词:产业融合

keywords:Industrial convergence

  11. 关键词:人才匮乏

11. The keywords:Talented persons

  12. 关键词:景区限流

12. Keywords:Scenic spot current limiting

  13. 关键词:全域化

13. Keywords:Population change

  14. 关键词:大项目

14. Keywords:Large project

  15. 关键词:专项产品

15. Keywords:Special products


2012年中国旅游风云榜 In 2012, China's tourism situation

  2012中国旅游风采人物TOP10 2012 China tourism TOP10 style character

  李志广 北京青年旅行社股份有限公司导游员

LiZhiGuang Beijing youth travel agency co., LTD, a guide

  胡晓春 安徽黄山守松人

HuXiaoChun anhui huangshan pine people keep

  李珍 贵州雷山县西江千户苗寨民族特色乡村酒楼老板

LiZhen leishan county in guizhou west to thousands of miao ethnic village restaurant boss

  林川 四川省北川羌族自治县文化旅游局局长

LinChuan sichuan beichuan qiang autonomous county cultural tourism bureau

  柴静祥 辽宁省沈阳新民市兴隆堡镇党委书记

ChaiJing cheung liaoning shenyang XinMinShi fort boom town party committee secretary

  李红学 甘肃省张掖丹霞生态旅游开发有限公司总经理

LiGongXue gansu province zhang ye danxia ecological tourism development co., LTD. The general manager

  李美孝 广西寿乡国际旅游集团董事长

LiMeiXiao guangxi and township international tourism group chairman of the board of directors

  马树起 河北省涞水县野三坡风景名胜区管委会常务副主任

Raise a horse in hebei laishui county YeSanPo scenic area management committee, deputy director of the standing

  干松章 浙江省舟山市旅游委员会主任

Zhejiang zhoushan chapter dry and soft tourism commission

  张力 重庆海外旅业(旅行社)集团有限公司总经理

Tension chongqing overseas travel(Travel agency)Group co., LTD. The general manager


2012中国县域旅游之星TOP10 2012 China county tourism star TOP10


Beijing miyun county,TaiNingXian in fujian province,JianGeXian in sichuan province,Dalian ChangHaiXian,MaChengShi in hubei province,Chung li county in hebei province,Zhejiang jiangshan city,Shaanxi leave dam county,Shandong mengshan tourist area,Ningxia hui autonomous region JingYuanXian.


2012中国旅游公共服务项目TOP10 2012 China tourism public service project TOP10


The capital tourism industry operational monitoring scheduling,The Shanghai tourism distribution center,China international travel service"Tourism rescue center",Hainan island tourism rest assured card,Guangdong green way,Dalian wisdom tourism platform,Huangshan tourism meteorological disaster warning service,Xiamen tourism public service system,Suzhou public bicycle service project,Qingdao double sightseeing bus"Chinese red".


 2012中国高端旅游品牌TOP10 2012 China high-end tourism brand TOP10


impression•LiuSanJie,China hydron tourism•Polar ocean world,Qingdao international beer festival,Those who hold a large swan swim escape,The bird's nest resort yalong bay,The scenery tourism investment club,Cyts joint golf,A golden key,The cartoon play valley,Geese fly south.


2012中国旅游官方微博TOP10 2012 China tourism official micro bo TOP10


Zhejiang province tourism administration,Shandong province tourism administration official micro bo,Guangxi tourism administration,Sichuan provincial tourism administration,Guizhou tourism administration,Jiangxi scenery good alone,Hunan tourism bureau official,Clever hubei official micro bo,Chongqing tourism administration,Luoyang tourism administration.


2012中国旅游宣传片TOP10 2012 China tourism promotional material TOP10

  “爱,在四川”旅游微电影系列,美在广西,福建“市长带你游”系列宣传片,我与南京有个约会,河北旅游宣传片,你是唯一 (浙江南北湖景区),时光隧道 水洞沟(宁夏水洞沟景区),美在宜宾,诗意克拉玛依,盐城之恋。

"love,In sichuan"Tourism micro film series,Beauty is in the eye of the guangxi,fujian"The mayor take you swim"Series trailer,I have an appointment with nanjing,Hebei tourism promotional material,You are the only (Zhejiang south lake),Time tunnel water tunnel groove(Ningxia water tunnel ditch scenic spot),Beauty is in the eye of the yibin,Poetic karamay,Yancheng of love.


 Details please refer to"The first travel network"2012 the second China convention tourism industry development project:http://www.toptour.cn/special/2012nh/
