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中新网2月5日电 据韩联社报道,据金融投资行业和旅游知识信息系统5日消息,去年来自中国大陆、台湾、香港等中华圈的游客数共达374.5万人次,首次高于日本游客。去年日本游客数为351.9万人次。
February 5, according to the Korea association said,According to the financial investment industry and tourism knowledge information system 5th message,Last year from mainland China/Taiwan/Hong Kong and other Chinese ring of tourists number amount to 3.745 million people,Higher than the Japanese tourists for the first time.Last year Japan tourist number for 3.519 million people.
中国大陆的游客数去年同比增加27.8%,达283.7万人次,台湾和香港地区也分别增加28.0%和28.2%,达54.8万人次与36万人次。而日本游客数同比增加7.0%,由于日元疲软导致游客人数增幅不大。去年,赴韩旅游的游客总数为1114万人次,其中中华圈游客占比33.6%,日本游客占比 31.6%。2006年在所有游客数中,中华圈游客占比仅为22.4%,2009年增至24.8%,2011年增至29.9%,去年首次突破了30%。这是因为收入水平提高的中国游客开始走出国门,尤其是倾向地理相邻、因韩流而感到亲切的韩国。
Tourists from mainland China last year, a 27.8% increase compared to the number,Up to 2.837 million people,Taiwan and Hong Kong areas to increase 28.0% and 28.2% respectively,Up to 548000 people and 360000 people.And the number of Japanese tourists increased by 7.0% year-on-year,Because of the weaker yen leads to increase in the number of visitors is not big.Last year,To Korea tourism of tourists for a total of 11.14 million people,The ring of tourists accounted for more than 33.6%,Japanese tourists accounted for more than 31.6%.In 2006, the number of all the tourists,The circle of tourists than is only 22.4%,2009 to 24.8%,2011 to 29.9%,For the first time in last year by 30%.This is because the income the increase of the level of Chinese visitors began to go out of the country,Especially tend to geographic adjacent/Because of the Korean wave and feel kind of South Korea.
The proportion of Japanese tourists from 38.0% in 2006,After 2009 to 39.1%,Fall has been an,In 2011 fell to 33.6%,Last year fell to 31.6%.Especially for Japanese devaluation and South Korea diplomatic friction and other reasons,Last year in the fourth quarter, Japanese tourists number link reduced by 21%.
Expected the ring and the gap between the number of Japanese tourists also continually widening.China is expected to or will take through the consumption boost domestic demand policy,So go out of the country the number of tourists will further increase.this,South Korea tourism commune(South Korea tourism board)prediction,This year the ring tourists will be increased by 16.2% year-on-year,Up to 4.35 million people,Japanese tourists will increase 11.6%,For 3.93 million people.
South Korea tourism commune China group leader HanHua 埈 said,This year Chinese tourists will for the first time in 3 million people,Last year the ring for the first time visitors beyond the number of Japanese tourists,This year China tourist number is expected to surpass Japan.HI investment securities researcher in PiaoShuo(sound)Looking said,Although the weak yen,But as a result of anti-japanese sentiment,After the third quarter of last year, went to Japan travel Chinese tourists quickly,And to Korea's Chinese tourists increased.The fastest to visit Korea in the first quarter of this year the number of Chinese tourists is expected to surpass the Japanese tourists.
On the other hand,South Korea tourism commune prediction,The Spring Festival this year there will be 63000 Chinese tourists to visit Korea.The government in order to attract Chinese tourists to streamline the visa formalities,Expand the visa personnel for the object.The Spring Festival Chinese tourists massive to Korea's looking forward to psychological to domestic stock market related stocks has brought positive factors,And Chinese tourists consumption related circulation/accommodation/Leisure industry related stocks strong stock price movements.Securities market circulation shares rose 2.17% last week,The easy to buy up 0.43%,Lotte shopping rose 0.95%.And the company now owns duty free hotel and casino has brought JiangYuan park and HanYa travel agencies are rose.In addition,Able to - CNC and LG life health primarily cosmetic related stocks also good trend.
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