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全国假日办:美日多国疫情活跃 春节出国须注意--亲稳网络舆情监测室
中新网2月6日电 据国家旅游局网站消息,近期,美国、日本、巴西等国家和地区爆发疫情,全国假日办根据卫生部的建议,特别提示广大游客春节外出旅游请注意健康卫生。
February 6, according to the national tourism administration website news,recent,The United States/Japan/Brazil and other countries and regions outbreak,The national JiaRiBan according to the ministry of health advice,Note the Spring Festival tourists traveling please pay attention to health.
recent,Influenza outbreak in the northern region of China is active,North America/Europe flu epidemic is active,Cambodia multiple areas of humans infected with the H5N1 outbreak of highly pathogenic bird flu,British/The United States/Japan's happened several such as virus,Brazil more outbreak of dengue fever outbreak,Sudan's darfur region yellow fever epidemic outbreak.The national JiaRiBan according to the ministry of health advice,Note the Spring Festival tourists traveling please pay attention to health:
a/Prior to prevent.Travel in advance before about travel destination recent popular major infectious diseases,Master preventive measures;In the international travel before should pay attention to the world health organization/China's foreign ministry/Embassies and destination authorities issued travel health tooltip,In advance when necessary vaccination related vaccine.
two/Pays close attention to oneself health.On the eve of the trip or appears during health anomaly,Should go to a doctor as soon as possible/Diagnosis and treatment,Appear fever/Respiratory symptoms or suspect infectious diseases,Should be put off/Cancel or suspend travel in time,To prevent and reduce the spread of disease,Protect themselves and the health of others.
three/Pay attention to food hygiene.Tourism and meal should earnestly diet/Drinking water health,Avoid the health condition of the poor roadway repast,Raw food eat carefully,Pay special attention to do not use undercooked bean and seafood,Prevent a close mouth catches no flies;Attention should be paid to food packaging label,Don't eat expired food and no mark of the validity of food.
four/Strengthen the personal protective.During the tourism should carry the necessary protection products and drugs,Pay attention to personal hygiene,To wash their hands often.To focusing on respiratory diseases prevention,Try to avoid personnel in and out of the gathering place,Avoid and respiratory symptoms of the patients close contact.Avoid contact with live poultry,Especially silly birds and dead birds.To dengue fever/Yellow fever and other diseases epidemic areas travel,Should do personal protection,Take strict precautions against mosquito bites.
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