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莫言春节没回家 旧居成过年热门景点--亲稳舆论引导监测室
山东高密市东北乡莫言旧居成过年热门景点 Shandong gaomi city northeast township, mo yan lives into New Year's day hot spots
Yesterday afternoon 3 when xu,When of west China city newspaper reporter dialed the telephone GuanMoXin mo yan SEC. Bro,Telephone the spread the hubbub of voices,He is very loudly of west China city newspaper reporters:"Old friend,You wait for a moment,Now a lot of tourists to wait in line? I had a group photo taken!"@ west China metropolis daily:
Surprised??During the Spring Festival,The Nobel Prize winner of mo yan clearing actually became a tourist attraction,Adults in shandong province gaomi city ran gathers together the northeast township, mo yan old home visit to play.Mo yan didn't come home this year New Year's day,Keep the house GuanMoXin two elder brothers became a busy man.Because and mo yan is hung phase,Thus a general tourists and SEC. Bro"Photo for".
Mo yan was announced after won the Nobel Prize for literature,Mo yan in shandong gaomi city northeast of the country old home during the Spring Festival become popular tourist attractions.Mo yan to old home visiting tourists,In an endless stream.
Mo yan's SEC. Bro GuanMoXin revealed:These two days,Mo yan's former residence is quite hot,Arrogant since on New Year's day,Visitors from all over the country to visit,In an endless stream."With a Hong Kong/Taiwan tourists.Many parents take their children to visit,Hope to be able to be stained with a point literature gas,The future admitted to prestigious universities."
莫言旧居游客多管谟欣成“合影帝” Mo yan lives more tourists GuanMoXin into"Photo emperor"
Yesterday afternoon,West China metropolis daily reporter interviewed the attachment mo yan GuanMoXin SEC. Bro,"Tube teacher,During the Spring Festival visitors mo yan lives?"
GuanMoXin with thick shandong mandarin,Enthusiasm to tell of west China city newspaper reporters:"Very much!!Quick answer not to live.Every day I took at least and tourists hundreds of zhang.It is particularly in the fifth day,Most of the time have - people,Mo yan former residence small courtyard were filled with people."
GuanMoXin said:"It is suggested that,Take a proper tickets,Control number.But I shandong kindliness,Absolutely can't accept any tickets.The somebody else tourists like mo yan's works,Just come to visit,I can't forget friendship for profit.Brother mo yan is not at home,The somebody else places to visit,I have to warm reception is introduced,Cannot put on the AIRS."
莫言春节没回家准备两会提案 Mo yan didn't go home to prepare for the Spring Festival two proposals
GuanMoXin of west China city newspaper reporter said:"Many of the tourists think mo yan this Spring Festival will return home for the New Year,I hope to see a mo yan.But just because mo yan was elected to the national political consultative conference (CPPCC),Busy doing investigation/Do proposal.Add Beijing activities too much,He also engaged in literary creation,This year the Spring Festival just didn't go home."GuanMoXin revealed,Many people can't find mo yan had a group photo taken,All said to find two elder brothers to close ZhangYing also line.Because MoYanChang and more like,So he became mo yan of former residence endorsement model.
GuanMoXin then introduce:"Mo yan's former residence for a long time no one lives,Visit people and much and unbearable heavy burden.Individual impatient visitor,Over the collapse of the small courtyard south wall,The fence gaps a cut.Last November,We begin to use a simple maintenance and repair,Repaired the 5 room clearing breakage,Mo yan for childhood and youth used bowl/Bookcase and bags of,Free to visitors."
According to mo yan former residence has become a tourist attraction,Yesterday afternoon,West China metropolis daily reporter attachment to the shandong province gaomi city culture, radio and television news ChuBanJu chief ShaoChunSheng.ShaoChunSheng revealed:"Densified municipal party committee/The municipal people's government to the local culture construction attaches great importance to,He and a lot of gaomi city on behalf of the CPPCC,How to protect the lives and mo yan to mo yan how to build the museum,Do a proposal."The new trends in the
莫言新年发“告示”授权女儿代理版权事务 Mo yan send New Year"notice"Authorized agent daughter copyright affairs
Just after the New Year,Mo yan FaWei bo authorized his daughter tube smile,Agency own with copyright,Say then all foreign cooperation affairs agency by the daughter.MoYanWei bo said,"In view of my busy affairs,Special entrust daughter tube smile foreign representative I with copyright and other all kinds of cooperation,Its foreign made a document signed by the commitment and the per capita be recognized."WCC DuEnHu reporter zhang jie the location is also very hot mo yan museum grade is welcome
Mo yan's after the award,Mo yan home become numerous literature lovers view hot"attractions".During the Spring Festival,Mo yan museum of tourists visit the situation how?Yesterday afternoon,West China metropolis daily reporter relates to mo yan research association secretary general/Mo yan MaoWeiJie museum curator,He told reporters,During the Spring Festival holiday this year,Mo yan museum is also a much more than usual,"During the opening,Every day to consulting/Make an appointment of tourists the phone was ringing,We will extend to the us,The day before the New Year's eve is just closed,Annual grade and opened the door.Because when students during winter vacation,Many college students have to go.There are some primary and middle school students,The parents with a visit."Reporters asked and the contrast of previous years,MaoWeiJie said,"Ago to person is less,General every year winter 22 second or so,Mo yan is the museum closed,In the second year of the seventh and the opening again."
During the Spring Festival,Mo yan is the new museum held cultural activities?MaoWeiJie said,"Basic no.Every day for the reception are busy."As with mo yan has twenty years of friendship friend,MaoWeiJie revealed,"Mo yan because is very busy,New Year's day did not return hometown in shandong province,But I have been through the telephone happy New Year greetings."A flower is not immediately evaluation of spring
As early as in more than three months ago,Mo yan in a west China metropolis daily reporter to meet the media at the meeting,Do not want to cause admits"Mo yan hot",Looking forward to the readers the enthusiasm of the literature,Hope that more readers to read,Hope writer work harder to creation;To attend a seminar in Beijing when,Mo yan said:"The prize is temporary,Everything will be like as passing clouds,Floating in the past."
but,Things do not go according to mo yan hope that.Now heat lasting mo yan is not refundable,Originally the little-known mo yan former residence is now becoming a tourist attraction.Every day there are hundreds of people to visit,Visitors all hope,Even if can't find mo yan,Find two elder brothers to close ZhangYing also line!
In my opinion,Mo yan the,It was still a literary event.literature,Is a pure personal creation.Mo yan the,His personal ability is the concentrated reflection of literature.But in Chinese literary field,Mo yan won the Nobel,Is only case-by-case.so,Hope that through"Mo yan hot",Will the public line of sight drawn to the literature itself,A heat and literature,This is the key.A flower is not spring,Flowers bloom in the spring garden.Hope those drawn MoYanGu radish/Turn MoYanGu the wall can calm calm.West China metropolis daily reporter
The Spring Festival two elder brother is very busy
@ morning boa love comfort:Mo yan former residence,Mo yan received us SEC. Bro,Small courtyard very chic.Local scenery,The north and the south or the difference is very big."
@ garment lily proud:"Mo yan's former residence in meeting house two elder brothers are brush door,To into the visit,Defrost the muddy yard after laid a row of tile on the.Standing in the old house,Many of the scenes in the novel is vivid."
@ lonely watch lighthouse:"MoYanYe?oh,not!Mo yan is he SEC. Bro!"
@ old cat - professional gourd powder:"Yesterday afternoon to mo yan looked at old house,Mo yan SEC. Bro there waiting for us."Small link of former residence radish was pull out light
Mo yan's former residence was built up in 1912,Later overhaul twice.From 1955 to 1976,Mo yan from birth to leave the army,Living here for twenty years.
In 1988,,Mo yan in high-density bought a house,And his wife DuQinLan and only daughter tube smile from the old house emigration.In 1990,,Mo yan's parents also cover the house,This is old curtilage since then idle.But last year October,West China metropolis daily reporters on the scene to see former residence mo yan:Get the Nobel just more than ten days,Mo yan old home court turnip is missing,Small sapling disappeared,The courtyard has been on a bare in the mud.Courts sapling/Radish, etc are pull out light.Some visitors edge tear leaves edge vow:"Let the son also be the light of the star of wisdom,Bless son admitted to Peking University next year."

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