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北京时间10月11日19点,瑞典文学院诺贝尔奖评审委员会宣布, 中国作家莫言获得2012年诺贝尔文学奖。 Beijing time on October 11 19 points,Sweden college of liberal arts the Nobel Prize committee announced, Chinese writer, mo yan won the 2012 Nobel Prize for literature.

  中国籍作家在与诺贝尔文学奖108次擦肩而过之后,莫言终于摘取了这一桂冠。诺奖评委会给出的获奖理由称,"将魔幻现实主义与民间故事、历史与当代社会融合在一起"。这位中国作协副主席已成为举世瞩目的焦点,他本人则"狂喜并惶恐"着。 Chinese writer and Nobel Prize for literature in 108 times after passing by,Mo yan finally won the title.The Nobel Prize given reason says,"Will magic realism and folk story/Historical and contemporary society fuses in together".The Chinese one vice President has become the focus of world attention,He himself is"Ecstasy and fear"the.


In Chinese contemporary literary world,Mo yan is undoubtedly ShengMingGan/Artistic feeling particularly rich/acute/Unique a writer.From 1985 published in an Amsterdam brothel[Transparent carrots]So far,Mo yan maintained a strong creative energy,As for more than twenty years stands in Chinese literary field on the evergreen tree,And bear fruits.In this year,He holds the latest film[frog].Mo yan creation inexhaustible power whether in where?This paper from the literature and art psychology/Cultural sociology Angle of view analysis mo yan childhood trauma experience the love and the influence of the creation.


Born in 1955, mo yan,The childhood when left-leaning thoughts run times,Family poverty/Political discrimination,Give him young hearts left a strong love and traumatic experience.MoYanCeng said to,"My childhood was dark,terrorist/Hunger chaperonage I grew up.This is my childhood may become a writer's an important reason!""My writing motivation is not noble.Was originally wants to be famous,Want to come to the front,Want to give parents try to make a good showing,Want to prove my existence is not a fantasy."This can say,Mo yan's novel creation motive,It is based on love and traumatic experience produces the result of driving force.


American writer Thomas Wolfe said:"All serious work after all necessary is an autobiography of nature,And if a man wants to create any a has the true value of the things,And he must use his own life in material and experience."Mo yan himself in the life most important material and experience from his childhood,Mo yan from childhood family/home/national/The love of humanity and traumatic deep experience,Mo yan creation to the very important influence.


一、家庭爱与创伤,奠定莫言的生命基础 a/The family love and trauma,Mo yan's life lay the foundation


Mo yan was born many family members,A grandpa/grandma/father/mother/uncle/aunt/brother/sister……In the population of a lot of families,Mo yan is a neglected children,His childhood to his description is"Looks odd ugly/Like wet the bed/Greediness lazy hands,In the family is the most unprepossessing a member."Even so,Mo yan in childhood is still received love alimentary.In mo yan childhood life,The most profound love experience from his mother.In the years of hunger,Deep love his mother put their own bread province mo yan down to eat,Mo yan is also a deep affection for his mother,Because childhood enjoyed maternal love warm,Have works[Abundant breast fat buttock]birth.Mo yan gave childhood experience of love family,And the man that he came up from the pit in saving,Carry him to the river to wash clean eldest brother;And when his father it by brine rope hit him,He rescued from the rope below the grandpa.Family love is to let the young child mo yan in this complicated world to survive the selfless love,The family's deep love experience,Mo yan laid the basis of life.

  母爱往往是感性的、无条件的,而来自父亲的爱却往往是理性的、有条件的,代表着社会对一个人的要求"你符合我的要求,我才会爱你。"每个父亲都是爱自己的孩子的,然而在那不正常的社会中,生活贫困、政治压迫使莫言的长辈们心情不好,特殊的环境使人变得残酷无情。父亲的冷酷和对他的毒打,带给莫言的是无尽的心灵创伤。 上海作家程德培曾在《被记忆缠绕的世界》中说:"在缺乏抚爱与物质的贫困面前,童年时代的黄金辉光便开始黯然失色。于是,在现实生活中消失的光泽,便在想 象的天地中化为感觉与幻觉的精灵。微光既是对黑暗的心灵抗争,亦是一种补充,童年失去的东西越多,抗争与补充的欲望就越强烈。"也正是苦难、饥寒、悲哀、 不幸乃至亲情和挚爱缺失的创伤体验,促使莫言早熟,让莫言早在童年时代就体味到孤独和寂寞的内涵,导致他过早地进入文学的世界,去倾诉自己的创伤体验。

A mother's love is often perceptual/unconditional,And from the father's love often is rational/conditional,Represents the society to a person's requirements"You meet my request,I will love you."Every father is love their children,However, in the abnormal society,Living in poverty/Political oppression make mo yan elders in a bad mood,Special environment makes people become cruel.Father's cold and beaten,Bring mo yan is endless to trauma. Shanghai writer ChengDePei worked in[Is memory winding of the world]said:"In the absence of caress and material before poverty,Childhood golden glow begins to eclipse.so,In real life disappear luster,They want to like the world of illusion into feeling and the elves.Twilight is the heart of darkness struggle,Also is a kind of supplement,Childhood lost the thing,Fight and complement the strong desire."It is also suffering/cold/sorrow/ Unfortunately and affection and love the missing traumatic experience,Prompted mo yan early,Let MoYanZao in childhood is to appreciate loneliness and lonely connotation,Led to his early access to the world of literature,To pour out their traumatic experience.


Thus it can be seen,Mo yan from childhood family love and traumatic experience,Mo yan's life laid the foundation.Mo yan is from the experience of love learned a nutrition,And in the traumatic experience had a spiritual and physical altercation.So difficult living environment,Given his rich life accumulation and mental preparation,And for the creation of the later laid a solid foundation of life.


 二、故乡爱与创伤,成就莫言的创作之源 two/Hometown love and trauma,Achievement of mo yan the source of creation


MoYanCeng said:"A writer is difficult to escape from their own experience,But the most difficult escape is hometown experience.""The writer's hometown is not only refers to the nations parents,But the writer there spent his childhood and youth place.This place has mothers you outpoured blood,This place to bury your ancestors,This place is your"Blood to"."From hometown love and plane injury experience,Achievement of mo yan the source of creation.


Mo yan's hometown in shandong rural,There a piece of fertile land,Heaven and earth and the open,Unique local natural environment/Childhood grazing special experience,Make mo yan and natural be in harmony an organic whole heaven and earth,The achievement mo yan creation inspiration.The story of mo yan novels,Mostly happened in his childhood hometown -- -- densified northeast township.Northeast China township of sorghum ground/Northeast China township of flood/Northeast China township of the dead of winter,Mo yan is endowed with unique psychological experience.Mo yan in the[Dry river]He wrote in his hometown river,in[Transparent carrots]He wrote in his hometown of bridge opening and jute land,in[Red sorghum]He wrote in his hometown endless sorghum ground……The scenery of home in his childhood love and traumatic deep experience,So hometown scenery is also rich spiritual/Charm infinite,Become mo yan's unique"Densified northeast township"wonderland.


Mo yan in the novel in shaping a lot of good/Be full of wit and humour characters:FeiQi grandpa/Mediocre father/Brave tenacious mother……Mo yan novel characters,It is in childhood gives his love and trauma profound experience hometown character modifications.Mo yan have never felt the lack of material or exhaustion of inspiration,As long as the thought of his hometown,His mind those folks will flush to come to,Become the creation of mo yan vivid material and spirit grateful to the source of the surge,Mo yan to the creation of the keep fresh vitality.


Carlos FuEnTeSi said:"Legend is the bridge of transatlantic cable finally laid history and literature".The creation of the mo yan has also been greatly influenced by the influence of the hometown legend.Hometown of demons and ghosts and wonders,Cultivate the mo yan to nature's fear,Affected mo yan experience the world way.in[Straw sandals JiaoZi]and[Born web ancestors]in,Mo yan created some direct writing ghost story,in[Red sorghum family]in,Mo yan the past idealization/Romanticize hometown legend into his own creation.Given mo-yan deep love and traumatic experience hometown memory become mo yan's novel,Inexhaustible source of creation.


Mo yan make a profound love and traumatic experience,In my hometown and his special life experience.Mo yan in childhood often bear the pangs of hunger,Love reading he was compelled to compose the learning,He had as a real farmers in the ground of toil/In the glue river flood detention brake site when coolie experience.Childhood hometown give his,Some are from teachers and family love experience,More from social reproach trauma.Because NanAi hungry belly,MoYanCeng steal to eat the production team of the ground a carrot,He was a poor farmers caught,Was to beat,He then had to in front of more than two hundred people face kneeling on MAO zedong as before QingZui in public.Back to home,He was father beaten……From childhood trauma experience is deeply hometown mo yan of bone marrow,It is because of this deep pain wounds precipitation,Just had become famous make mo yan[Transparent carrots]birth.


Regional natural/Hometown characters/Hometown legend/Childhood experiences……Mo yan from childhood hometown love and traumatic deep experience,Mo yan forms the unique way of thinking/Ideas and spirit,The achievement of mo yan the source of creation.


三、民族爱与创伤,提升莫言的创作高度 three/National love and trauma,The creation of the ascending mo yan height


If the family and home made mo yan the foundations of the life and the source of creation,so,Mo yan childhood experience from national blood love and traumatic experience is true and profound.Mo yan growth in shandong,By the edification of the Confucian culture.Mo yan's hometown density,With thousands of years of civilization accumulation.Born and mo yan village,Is the seed of Christianity spread to the place,Buddhism in high-density,Also has one thousand years of propagation,Two hundred miles from the way of the laoshan fairy/Three hundred miles from home pu song-ling's a fairy fox,For thousands of years and national veins,Mo yan are given to the spirit of the rich nourishing.At the same time,In the national history always dominant Confucian culture on the feudal moral maintenance and of human nature, and suppress also gave him profound traumatic experience,His rebel and pursue always associated with Confucian culture.from[Red sorghum]/[Abundant breast fat buttock]We can see the traditional Confucian culture mo yan the rebel and the spirit of god for wine.Mo yan will national love and traumatic experience into his creation,He walks in between traditional and modern,Side rebel side construction,Constantly breakthrough with the height of creation.


From national history accumulation is also given in the unconscious MoYanAi and traumatic deep experience,Mo yan in the history of childhood hometown,Ever been Germany/The Japanese invaders iron heel the trauma history,From the national trauma experience from generation to generation,Never do not need to think of,But never forget.In 1938,,High-density northeast township in the history of the famous mouth can carry out ambushes and parents-in-law temple tragedy and so on makes a sad tremor of the history of his hearth,Grandpa told by mo yan,Precipitation in the MoYanTong young heart,Rich mo yan's life feeling,National trauma blood surging in the heart of the mo yan,Mo yan sparked the creation of impulse,Mo yan wrote thought[Red sorghum],shape"My grandfather"/"My grandma"Legend experience,The grandparents clank iron character/Thriving vitality/Live on in spirit that gallant moved every one of the reader's mind.


Mo yan I have experienced the era of national trauma,Three years of natural disasters hunger/Cultural revolution torture,In mo yan left heart pain traumatic memory,And the later's aesthetic perception/Artistic conception and art convey have had a profound impact.GuFen depression by/Rough and singing to arouse books,Mo yan's works bearing the weight of the Chinese nation love and plane injury deep memory,From the nation's efforts and traumatic experience in the creation of the mo yan in the reproduction and stage.National love and trauma,Promote the mo yan the height of the creation.


 四、人性爱与创伤,推动莫言走向世界 four/RenXingAi and trauma,Mo yan push towards the world

  北大教授陈晓明曾这样评价莫言:"他是中国文坛超重量级的作家,他的文学才华、创造力、艺术能量在中国文坛上应该说是举足轻重、首屈一指的。"莫言则 表示写人是其唯一的目的,是"用历史的环境来表现人的灵魂、人的情感、人的命运的变化",而"小说只有描写了人性、描写了情感才更丰富,影响更长远"。英 国著名文艺评论家托·斯·艾略特也曾指出:"假如在相当长的一段时间内,外国人对某位作家的倾慕始终不变,这就足以证明这位作家善于在自己写作的书里,把 地区性的东西和普遍性的东西结合在一起。"长长短短的莫言小说已被译成英文、法文、德文、意大利文、韩文、挪威文、日文、希伯来文、荷兰文、西班牙文等多国文字,在全世界拥有众多的读者。只有民族的,才是世界的。莫言通过他的妙笔,把高密东北乡带进了世界文学的版图,形成了独特的创作风格,而对于人性爱与创伤的深刻揭示,正体现了莫言作品的普世意义。

Peking University professor ChenXiaoMing had such evaluation mo yan:"He is a Chinese literary field super heavyweight writer,His literary talent/creativity/Art in Chinese literature in the energy should say is very important/Second to none."MoYanZe said write person is the only purpose,is"Using historical environment to show the soul of man/Human emotion/The change of the destiny of man",and"A novel only describes the human nature/Describes the emotions just more rich,Influence more long-term".The English countries created the famous literary criticism · Eliot was also pointed out:"If for quite a long time,Foreigners to a writer's admire unchanged,This is enough to prove the writer is good at in his writing the book,The regional things and universal things together."Mo yan long short novel has been translated into English/French/German/Italian/Korean/Norway,/Japanese/Hebrew/Dutch/Spanish many words,In the world have many readers.Only national,Is the world.Mo yan through his clever pen,The high-density northeast township into the world literature territory,Formed a unique writing style,For RenXingAi and traumatic deeply reveals,Mo yan is reflected the works of universal significance.


Mo yan childhood was hunger childhood,He was in the village,Every year in the spring, there are dozens of people were starved to death;Childhood he,See much like a puppet of folks/Fierce treacherous village cadres/Foolish pride children cadres……And his childhood arouse swot,In the special s forbidden by his father's description of the love banned;Mo yan would rather be hornet stung,Also to read two elder brother hid in sty tent he relished the book;Mother love mo yan,However be brother elder sister points to a mother's love of upsurge in mo yan is to have more of a mother's love has a deep desire……From childhood the love of humanity and traumatic deep experience,Make mo yan prematurely thinking human eternal theme:Birth and death/Love and injury/lust/sexual/The Oedipus……


The love of humanity and trauma is beyond national and ethnic.Love and traumatic deep experience,Mo yan's works to make both RenXingAi and good praise,But also to human trauma and human evil deep revealed.Mo yan to ideological growth had important influence of Confucianism, Buddhism, Taoism and Christ is all about"love"of,Based on the cultural inheritance of love given mo-yan heart nourish.In mo yan's works,Has a profound human nature to love revealed.in[Red sorghum]in,Mo yan is shaping the feudal slavery oppression,Yet courage to love/Understand the important principle thoroughly the"My grandma"shape,RenXingAi and thriving vitality in works get deep show.in[Abundant breast fat buttock]in,Mo yan shape after suffering sorrow/Life and death torture, but tough survive on the mother's love of cradle numerous children's mother huddling……Mo yan and for human trauma and hideous reveals,Is keen.Mo yan in the[Transparent carrots]in,Write down in childhood reproach trauma,in[Red sorghum]in,Wrote on the history of national trauma……in[Abundant breast fat buttock]Mother in,Destiny is the more:Fertility octylic acid/Soldier bandits/war/Homeless and turbulence/Relatives death……RenXingAi and traumatic deep experience,Make the childhood mo yan is deep insight into human complex,To the human eternal love and hate/Life and death/Good and evil and the theme of the deeply reveals,Make mo yan's works are full of energy and universal value,Make it can cut through time and space,Towards the world.


from[Transparent carrots]/[Red sorghum]/[Grazing family]/[Wine countries]to[Abundant breast fat buttock]/[Sandalwood punishment]/[Heaven young garlic shoot song]/[Forty-one gun]/[Fatigue life and death]/[frog]……Each a great advent of works,All without exception shows mo yan childhood trauma experience love and beyond and sublimation.From home to home,From the national to the world,From personal pain writing/Hometown legend to the grand national/Human narrative,Mo yan in the creation of the breakthrough a height.From childhood family and home love and plane injury experience to construct the MoYanAi hate mixed rich spiritual world,Become the foundation of life, mo yan and the source of creation:From the national love and traumatic deep experience surging in the creation of mo yan,Promote the mo yan the height of the creation;From the love of humanity and traumatic experience,Mo yan is up to the writing of animal show not avoid/Hundred of emotions attitude,Make it works more deeply reveals the edo love and hate/Human joys and sorrows of life and death an eternal theme,Mo yan reflect the unique human feelings.Love and childhood trauma experience show and sublimation,Achievement of the world's mo yan.


