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Why didn't the train seat headrest(Economic teahouse)
S to is in urbanization accelerating period of Chinese speaking,From the system/concept/Rectify the attitude,Let the low income group more concern,let"Low consumption"More dignity,Thus bring economic benefits and social benefits,Are immeasurable
recently,A storm on the Internet"Travel artifact"--"Hard-seat treasure",This is the outline and opern frame similar folding and bar,Let the train hard seat passengers can sleep on it.Although medical experts remind,This equipment oppressive sciatica,Should not be used for a long time,But net friend still think,Travel succeeding phase to exist for a long time,"Hard-seat treasure"Prospect is considerable.
The author during the Spring Festival on a plane,Suddenly thought of:The plane on the seat"U"Type with,Can greatly enhance the comfort during long distance travels,Cost is not high also,The train seat is also can be installed similar with it?
indeed,Than by plane,The train especially hard-seat,In many people's opinion belong to"Low consumption",plus"One ticket is hard to find",You can have water to drink/Timely go to the toilet even had the train,It is sufficient for."Travel artifact"Invention itself,The reality is to ridicule and self-mockery.but,For service providers for,Clearly spend very few money can greatly improve consumer experience,But turn a blind eye to/Disdain for,I'm afraid is not only for economic benefit consideration,And mentality of intolerance - use the words of common people,"Look down food dish".
In recent years,As part of the people to get rich,Money and power gradually become some people/Some industry measure people high and low standard,to"High-end enjoy"and"Low consumption","Bill the rich"and"The poor spend",In the service content/Service attitude on entirely different.
This scene you may have seen:
Summer on the bus,We have air conditioning is not open,The driver"retaliation"Complain that the passengers:"Too hot?Rich you dozen!"
Small restaurant/Small hotel,When customers for health conditions put forward the dissatisfaction,The bellboy will blurt out:"This price,Also want how?"
Upscale department stores,Salesman will"warning"Dress simple customer said:"Can't afford don't touch."
What is more,Bus drivers will glean and collect scraps old man get off/Migrant workers were free park security drive……
Or be rich and poor,But one of the other.Provide service to,To do the/Righteousness give attention to two or morethings.Such as,The train was installed on the seat;to"School for children of"Provide high quality teacher;library/Cultural center to open the gate to the migrant workers;"Love supermarket"Commodity price and high quality……Rich man's dignity/9 do not represent a country's progress,Let the low income group in social life get more dignity,Realize equal public services and business services humanization,Is the country's face.
In some developed countries,The society for low-income people much respect.Singapore's JuShiLin dining hall,Every day thousands of refugees/The poor/The unemployed/Entrepreneurs to provide room and board.In the United States/British,Dirty clothes of the homeless,Can drag his whole fortune in the library searching for them to see of book.In Japan,No matter how poor customers look,Many shops the boss will be filled with smile/Considerate service.
In fact,For low-income people attention/to"Low consumption"attention,And not one"pay".Poor man's marginal propensity to consume is higher than high earners,They get more respect,Will release more consumption potential,Powerful stimulate economic growth;At the same time,Also can increase the social integration in feeling,Promote social harmony.
so,Committed to building for"featured"The society and are in urbanization accelerating period as China,From the system/concept/Rectify the attitude,Let the low income group more concern,let"Low consumption"More dignity,Thus bring economic benefits and social benefits,Are immeasurable.
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